Topics Started by miner
About the Money...
by miner incan someone please explain to me how in the world the 'publishing revenue' is calculated?
is this based on sales/contibutions for magazines?
now for the really naive there any kind of reporting offered for annual expenses/expenditures.....
U.N. Question
by miner incan someone tell me if there is a clear statement, preferably from the u.n., that shows the watchtower's dishonesty in this matter?
not long ago, i was discussing the u.n. situation with a jw friend.
he decided to call the wt legal department in this country.
Trinity quote....who remembers?
by miner ini'm hoping someone here can help me out.
i am involved in an on-going study with a jehovah's witness and our current topic of discussion is whether or not trinity is a biblical doctrine.
i seem to vaguely remember a wt quote where if people study the bible alone, they end up believing this trinity idea....did i dream this one up?
Letter to all Branches------A Fake?
by miner inmany of you are no doubt familiar with the nov.1, 2001 "letter to all branches" putting forth the the library card defense.
(the letter can be seen at: ) i gave a copy of the letter to a jehovah's witness friend of mine who took it to one of his elders.
the elder said the letter is a fake because: (1) it is not written on official wt letterhead and (2) watchtower does not send such correspondence via the (eeeevil) internet.
What about the money
by miner ini read not long ago that the wts rakes in some big bucks every year from sales of printed materials.
can someone please help me understand who pays for their materials.
in the country where i live, it seems they distribute their literature free of charge.
Newbie WT Abbreviations
by miner ini have a meeting with jw friends on friday and want to share some of the wt quotes concerning the un.
i have several good ones, but the sources are unclear to me.
dp 297-303 17. jv 192-3 14. sh 370 16. re 209-10. will someone please help me decipher these?
Oct 1, 1995 Watchtower and UN
by miner ini'm having trouble finding the quote from the above-referenced article.
can someone point me in the right direction?
Bart Simpson anyone?
by miner ina few months ago, i heard about the organization putting out some specific guidelines for what was considered to be appropriate entertainment for the r&f.
i seem to remember the simpsons being a big no-no.
is anyone familiar with this?
2000---the end?
by miner ini recently heard something about a 1989 prediction that armageddon would be all over by 2000. apparently this was printed in one of the wt's and the wording was changed to something a little less specific in the yearbook.
can someone help me out with the details on this?
Where to find old WatchTowers?
by miner indoes anyone know where to find a source for old watchtower magazines (20-25 years)?