JoinedTopics Started by GiftsinMen
What does your baptism mean to you now?
by GiftsinMen ini was baptised on 1st sept 1990, 25years ago today.
it is still a date with deep meaning for me.
i never dedicated my life to serving any man or any organisation, this was my choice - as a grown adult - to serve my god through jesus christ.
Books by Former Witnesses
by GiftsinMen ini am interested in reading books published by former jws which detail personal experiences of their time with the organisation.
i know of coc, exiting the jw cult, mamas club, 30yrs a wt slave, and told ones were written by otwo, punk and terry.
i'd like to spend some time making my way through them so titles, authors and links would be really useful.
My Book, 'Gifts in Men', by Patricia F.Sadio
by GiftsinMen inanother member on here announced the publication of my new book "gifts in men, a heavier responsibility" a couple of months ago and some of you asked who i was as to my authenticity and motives.
i have had an amazing reaction to my book even from jws who know me and my story but were still shocked at the details.
i was not raised a jw, not disfellowshipped nor disassociated and loved being a regular pioneer, serving in uk and ireland.