<-- Bows down to Farkel
Oh wait...is that worshipping a false god?
i rarely receive any negative e-mail, but i did receive a rather interesting e-mail within the last 48 hours.. .
then that person told me that a ms who was allegedly "on the fringes" was guided by him/her to this board and happened to see me use a rather colorful, but made-up metaphor, namely "dipf***.
" the dub was horrified and scared away never to return because of that and also because of what he saw on some other debate another well-known poster was engaged with.
<-- Bows down to Farkel
Oh wait...is that worshipping a false god?
my husband and i sent our letters in to the elders and a few others in the congregation, stating we have walked away.
can't stand hypocrites.
they want to meet him in the parking lot after work.
Parking lot?! What the hell is that about?! Things are definitely getting weirder over there.
i'm kind of burnt out from being pissed off at jws.
tonight, while talking to a friend who left at the same time i did (several years ago), we both spoke of our apathy towards the whole anti-witness movement.
recently i helped in several anti-jw actions, and i thought i made a difference, although it was a pittens compared to others who have come before.
I haven't tried to "get my family out," so to speak. I know it'll never happen. I don't think they would believe me if I told them what I have learned, and they'd certainly never look at an "APOSTATE" site like this one. *rolls eyes*
I haven't been out that long, and I'm still trying to overcome the guilt feelings I have because of leaving, and the worries about "what if they're right" yada yada yada. I don't know if you all felt the same way after leaving or not. But it's very difficult for me to get over.
I am writing my experiences down, not that I'm going to publish or anything. Writing it all down...the abuse by my father and mother, my husband, and my experiences as a JW. That helps me more than anything. I don't think anyone that I knew in the past would listen to me anyway. The shunning is total and effective.
lets take a closer look at how the watchtower thinks on this matter and how they justify there views!.
I never thought of that before. The public forum...before onlookers...so why do they think that secret meetings where they judge the lives of others are appropriate?
on the net you see many talk about 1975 and how it affected so many.
obviously, some left the organization when nothing happened in 1975. were you personally affected by 1975?
has the fixing of dates been a major reason for your disappointment with the witnesses?
My parents were baptised in 1975, and didn't see why I needed to go to school (my birthday is in Oct., but the school was going to allow me to start kindergarten at 4 because I already knew how to read) because "Armageddon will be here very soon."
My 10 year high school reunion was this summer.
armaggedon - jehovahs witness speculations
o.k, so we all know that j.w's all have their own ideas on what exactly armaggedon is going to be like.
here are a few of the ideas i have heard from loyal dubs: .
I was of the first garden variety...the go to the KH and stay safe believer. I knew I would have to insist on bringing my dog, no matter what the elders said. How ridiculous is that?
everybody has their own timetable when it comes to leaving the organization.
some due to family and friends continue indefinetly.
others, when they see all the lies of the "truth", leave right away.
Let's see....
I was pretty much raised in "the truth." My parents were baptised when I was 2. I was baptised in 1987, when I was 13. I was privately reproved 4 or 5 times, I think...all for dating "worldly" or "inappropriate" people, and the sort of things you do when dating. (Not actual "sex") Finally df'd nearly a year and a half ago, for sexual immorality (living with my "worldly" boyfriend), which I readily admitted and proudly said I would continue doing.
I had doubts for a while, but never voiced them (wait on Jehovah, we couldn't possibly understand), but finally had enough when the elders ignored my accusations of rape by my husband (they probably didn't think it was possible) because there weren't 2 witnesses (well DUH! he's hardly going to do it in front of someone else), and they said my father who sexually abused me and lied about it for 20+ years could stay an elder.
Never been happier. So I was in the org for about 26 years.
each victim of sexual abuse must make a lot of individual choices in their life.
to remain silent or to disclose.
to pursue charges or not.
Personally, I didn't. I couldn't be bothered. It would be too much of a hassle for me.
the issue of consent .
the issue of whether a person has consented to a particular action is a core part of our social relationships whether they be personal or group interactions.
to participate in any social relationship a person must on some level consent to that participation.
When I was a kid, it was sort of a competition to see who would get baptised the youngest. I remember one really stuck-up, know-it-all, bratty girl who got baptised at 9 or 10. She got held up as such a fantastic example, so much better than us idiots who got baptised at 13. She was a complete bitch, and probably still is.
a little poem i wrote.
my first attempt at breaking into verse, albeit i've written about it previously in prose...left alone, abandoned when only threewhy me?
why me?my first memoryof mum leaving meit wouldn't have lasted as a memoryif it didn't happen repeatedlyyou see i thought no one loved mei was only three when my mum first left metoo busy was sheon her ministry with gleeno time for me they found mewet, it was raining you seealone, just mein this vast seaof humanitythey laughed, tee-heeoh silly mei should've known better, who me?i was only three when my mum first left meit is my first memoryhow can this be?it happened repeatedly he beat meshe watched, happilytwenty minutes late from school, "you silly b..""i'll teach you" said heas he beat me repeatedlyi lost count after threeand went to bed without tea"why?
I'm so sorry. I understand.