i was discussing with an elder today, and as usual the conversation drifted towards apostates and their line of reasoning, he angrily looked into my eyes with the scriptures in his hand and told me:.
(1) that apostates are destructive peddlers who shut the door of everlasting life on people as they are very sure they have no portion in there.
he quoted matt 23:13- 13 woe to you, scribes and pharisees, hypocrites!
our dc coming up this weekend, i hated them and the only thing that kept me going ,was the reward of booze at the end of each day.my then wife,zelous judgemental pioneer, you know the type,not only droned on about my drinking, but about everyones drinking, a real barrel of laughs not.
anyway, one year we went to another dc, in newcastle, all seemed to be going well, until lunch.we went over to a hotel for lunch,i ordered my fresh orange and food, a few minutes later, the local jw,s arrived for lunch, they had all pr-ordered drinks,alcoholic drinks, and not one drink but many !!!
they were buisy getting boozed up for the afternoon session,way to go, i was about to join them, when my wife told me " dont even think about it ", anyway she was outraged, but there they were ,with thier little convention badges, men and women, young and old, getting merry, they dont even do that here in scotland, !!!.
a thought occurred to me as i read a couple of posts asking about policy questions.
many who leave jw's seem curious and surprised that someone can be disfellowshipped or get in trouble and yet another fellow jw does the same thing and nothing happens to them?.
today i uploaded a new article highlighting the method of choice by watchtowers current governing body for dealing with problematic details haunting its doctrines.
moving forward the current governing body will expand on this theme.