Linux hosting is best.
I am wondering if a court can make a webhost disclose WHOIS details. Trying to pay the webhost anonymously would also be rather impossible.
hi guys, i want to setup a unique ex-jw/cult site, and i am wondering how you run this site without getting sued?
last thing i want is to have the stress of a court case that the jw volunteer-lawyers likely will win.
i'd like to keep a rather low profile.
Linux hosting is best.
I am wondering if a court can make a webhost disclose WHOIS details. Trying to pay the webhost anonymously would also be rather impossible.
it was a woman from our old congo.
we have our 9 foot christmas tree in the window.
the blinds were closed, but we have one of those windows above a window, so if she was looking she saw it.. .
The local bros will likely knock the door tomorrow again, like they often do, and remind me of the meeting
can anyone compile a list of as many as possible past and present co/do's from the uk?
Just wondering if COs/DOs ever read this?
michelle rodriguez used to be a jehovah's witness.
i am just wondering if we can make a list of famous people that used to be jws, i.e.
Michelle RodrÃguez used to be a Jehovah's Witness
I am just wondering if we can make a list of famous people that used to be JWs, i.e. famous apostates.
(Not people such as Lindsay Davenport that supposedly are Jehovah's Witnesses - but those that left.)
i have been having an awful week/month/year/life and i just feel like i can not move forward anymore... is like life is passing me by and i am just observing from the side lines.... i am so tired, i just want to sleep and never wake up..... has anyone felt like this?
i tried therapy (twice) an it did not work, i tried volunteering and surrounding myself with other people and things to do, and it works until i have to come home, then that feeling of emptiness returns.... .
i am so tired... i do not know what else to do.... .
Re: still thinking - sorry, I haven't logged on here for a while - felt too depressed to face all this - appreciate the hugs
Re: Free! " i need human interaction.... like i said i feel like life is passing me by"
That's pretty much how I feel - I want some kind of meaning to my life; I lost that when pioneering and pursuing the Kingdom became really empty, though it always sort of had been, because I kept wondering what would be the purpose of life once we get into the new world.
I don't know what life is about, but I feel like I'm wasting whatever short bit of it I have left. I just want to be settled down with a nice girl and some kids, like I see most people my age are doing - and, no, it's not simply that I want some fun in bed, though I admit I feel pathetic to be middle-aged and never even done anything such as taken a girl to the cinema (rather frowned upon in congs I've been; that dark cinema room is temptation!) - but really, I just would like the company, even just for some other guys to hang around with and at the least talk to, like I see on programs such as Friends, or Big Bang Theory - though maybe life isn't really like that.
Some brothers are a bit friendly, but it's always so influenced by Bible stuff; the local bros are just out knocking doors or avoiding me for my worldliness. Potential list of friends is rather narrowed down by the requirement they are to be JWs or that I just duno any worldly people anyway or understand them, and well, when you have such a small group, it just takes a few cliques to form, or some judgementalness, and finding someone similar to hit it off with, well, unlikely - not much happens socially amongst brothers here anyway - maybe it's different in the USA.
End up watching way too much TV (and usually, alone!!), going for walks (alone!!), studying books/websites/etc. to make up for not having completed my education (because I was convinced to be a pioneer), or just working (alone!!) when I should be hanging out with people - it's not healthy - I really feel like I'm in a prison and there is a whole world out there I can't get to.
i know it's sometimes hard to pinpoint causes of things when there could be several potential causes.
i am wondering if anyone here knows anyone (or maybe you yourself) who has had a nervous breakdown directly or indirectly because of being associated with the jehovah's witnesses.
i am not on the verge yet, i don't feel like, but then again maybe these things just snap in a person.
JW stress caused me to try to kill myself many times.
i was just thinking of something this morning.
when presented with the possibility that the witnesses could be wrong, the typical response is 'where else is there to go?
' in short, 'if not us, who?
Fair point extractor - it's all because the Org says so
hi guys, i want to setup a unique ex-jw/cult site, and i am wondering how you run this site without getting sued?
last thing i want is to have the stress of a court case that the jw volunteer-lawyers likely will win.
i'd like to keep a rather low profile.
Hi guys, I want to setup a unique ex-JW/cult site, and I am wondering how you run this site without getting sued? Last thing I want is to have the stress of a court case that the JW volunteer-lawyers likely will win. I'd like to keep a rather low profile. Do you use anonymous hosting? You are welcome to PM me
chronic fatigue syndrone, m e, yuppie flu.
i dont know if anyone else has noticed the alarming number of jws who claim to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrone,i mean hear in cornwall there tend to be several sufferers in every congregation,outside the jws out of the many people i know i dont know anyone,although there are obviosly many outside the jws who suffer this illness,percentage wise it seems that jws have a much,much larger occorance of the illness.. for example my brother in law has not worked and been living on invalidity benefits for more than 10 years since his mid twenties,his brother is also in the same boat, an m.e sufferer.. i wonder if anyone has looked into this a bit more?
I'm male - supposedly 2/3ds of sufferers of female, supposedly due to the emotional make-up meaning stress is harder to cope with - but well, I'm male and I have it - anyway, everyone has their limits, emotionally, physically, mentally - and they will break if under enough pressure, like you can kick a car door and it won't dent, but drive a truck into it, and well, it will.
chronic fatigue syndrone, m e, yuppie flu.
i dont know if anyone else has noticed the alarming number of jws who claim to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrone,i mean hear in cornwall there tend to be several sufferers in every congregation,outside the jws out of the many people i know i dont know anyone,although there are obviosly many outside the jws who suffer this illness,percentage wise it seems that jws have a much,much larger occorance of the illness.. for example my brother in law has not worked and been living on invalidity benefits for more than 10 years since his mid twenties,his brother is also in the same boat, an m.e sufferer.. i wonder if anyone has looked into this a bit more?
Despite the fact that the stress of being a JW made me ill, I'm getting visits from family and elders who are desperate to get me to another meeting and to do more ministry, etc., as this will make me well. Just going into the Kingdom Hall gives me so many bad memories, and having to listen to the scaremongering and pessism from the platform, while thinking how I seem to be wasting my life.
I really would like to have a family, some kids to bring up, but I'm nearing middle-age and have never even been intimate with a girl, well, never really known any, other than few friendly pioneer sisters, but I can't get into a relationship with a 'sister'; it'd trap me into the faith, be pressure. I don't know anyone outside, and if I left, well, I'd loose all I know - it's lonely enough as it is, though this isn't really want keeps me in.
I so want to just walk out of this nightmare, but I think my family would find it too traumatic, thinking I have been turned over to Satan to die at Armageddon. They've already faced incredible stresses, mostly due to 'persecution' and 'machinations of Satan'. Our 'turning the other cheek' makes us easy targets, and well, that results in trouble. I'm so ill from this, but they'd have me stay, and they blatantly really mean so well in doing so; they so love me. This is so messed-up! I sometimes get suicidal; but when I skip meetings, my health isn't so bad.
It's just brushed off as depression, which is linked to a lack of spiritual activity. They all just think being mentally unwell, I look at spiritual things wrongly, which means they treat me like a fruitcake. I just need to pray and preach more!! It's blatantly obvious what makes me ill; the doctors and nurses keep saying something is giving me incredible stress - I'm just going to let them know.