And to top it all off ! Even though some states do not have a law where the clergy are required to report all crimes, all states have a law that parents are to report all such crimes. If that the case then why were these victims not reporting. Gee you don`t think there elders told them not to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DUH GET A GRIP JW`S
Posts by mmetz
Dateline discussed openly in our congregation
by TheMatrix inyesterday, the presiding overseer (elder h) read the letter from the christian congregation of jehovahs witnesses (us branch) regarding their policy on child abuse.
all scriptures were also looked up and read.. elder h is a very prepared brother.
he is a gilead graduate and served as a missionary for about 7 years in kenya before coming home because of illness.
Dateline to RE-AIR on MSNBC!!!!!!
by silentlambs ini have just received word the dateline program will re-air this weekend on msnbc.
msnbc is a news program along the format of cnn, dateline has a contract through nbc and when they have an exceptional program msnbc runs it again.
the program will is called dateline weekend edition which airs 2-3 times over the weekend.
Well this should make them even more vicious than after last dateline. I have been brutally attacked by my JW family so much as they tried to make me a child molester. It did not pan out there accusations towards me but in the long run it hurt me and will hurt me for the rest of my life as there is a record of my being investigated for child molesting. I woulod never even think of such doings but I had pushed my JW mother to watch that show and after she did this is what happened to me. I guess the show really hit some dubs in the craw hey ? I hope it hits them somemore again this weekend. LET THE TRUTH BE KNOWN. I also want to while I am here, is too thank Bill Bowen for his remarkable bravery and thoughtfulness towards all those victims of the borgs misdeeds. And I thank you Bill from the bottom of my heart.......
Dateline Comments by JW's
by Jang infor those who may feel discourage by comments by jws about the program ... don't despair ..... think back!.
how did you respond publicly when you saw negative information when you were in the borg?
how did you respond privately to yourself when you saw it .
Well here I am back once again. After Dateline this week I could not wait to see what everyone had to say. I was wondering has anyone noticed a change in the dubs attitude ? I was never baptised but was a unbaptised publisher at one time and was pionering you know doing the borg thing like the rest of the robots but I recieved a click in my head that made me step back and really check to see if this really was the true religion. And there were certain circumstances that had arose that I thought to be out of place for a true Christian. And the fact that my folks are JW`s and since finding out the real truth "Jesus Christ" I have devoted most of my time in learning and spreading the things I learned with my JW mother. It has been a battle and sometimes down right war. Well now since Dateline we had another one of these fits and they seem to have become very violent in there behaviour. Has anyone else noticed this change ? Do you think Dateline hit a craw in there guts ? Oh yes they have. My parents and a brother who is studding to be a witness has attack me in the worse way, they made a call to my local police department and accused me of molesting my niece. WOW I was totally blown away. Well it did not stop there when there claim was made it did not pan out in there favor as my niece denied of any such doings. Now they have tried to dig even deeper in my past to see if they can put me behind bars. In the last 4 days I have been investigated for 3 different things and certainly not molesting children one of them. Now they are trying to attack me in other means. Is this what the JW`s consider true Christianity ? Boy someone needs to slap some people up the side of the head and wake them up. C`mon you JW`s are you not intelligent enough to see the light at the end of the hall or are you going to continue to walk in the dark ? GET A GRIP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Buggin Out !
by mmetz ini would like to say to all who care, i am leaving this thread for good.
the bible talks about the unbeliever and those are the true apostates.
even though there are many here who truly love the lord as i do and have shared and taught an awful lot of helpful information to help me fight the battle against false religion, i thank you and pray for each of you.
please let me set this straight I am not a JW nor have I ever been a JW nor will I ever be a JW. It came close at one time but I backed out of it after finding freeminds online. But there are some here who are indeed out right evil and my conscience tells me to stay away. simple as that.
Buggin Out !
by mmetz ini would like to say to all who care, i am leaving this thread for good.
the bible talks about the unbeliever and those are the true apostates.
even though there are many here who truly love the lord as i do and have shared and taught an awful lot of helpful information to help me fight the battle against false religion, i thank you and pray for each of you.
I would like to say to all who care, I am leaving this thread for good. The bible talks about the unbeliever and those are the true Apostates. Even though there are many here who truly Love the LORD as I do and have shared and taught an awful lot of helpful information to help me fight the battle against false religion, I thank you and pray for each of you. But to those here who do not Love the Lord know Gods teaches us to stay away from the them who defy the LORD. So for me this means I need to stay away from here.......
PET OWNERS! New BAN from the Watchtower?!
by Focus in[for the full articles that were posted here, please now see:.
thank you, brothers (sisters even)].
Well now Gee was not humans also created perfect as the cat was and did not man after sin become evil and beastly ? So what now ? Are the Jw`s going to commit terrorism upon all those who are not with them ? GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have a cat and she is a hell of a lot more perfect than I, I never seen her commit adultry, or use foul language, or even as the matter of fact hurt another animal. And infact I have committed all those sins myself...These people are just plain getting sick...........
"No aid to those who ban the flag"/WI...
by gumby inno federal aid will be given to organizations that ban the flag.. will this be the next legal battle for the org?
I thought all religions excepted Federal Funding from the Government ? And if the WT says they don`t except those funds because of who they teach they are, then I guess they shouldn`t be excepting Welfare or Social Security too.........
"No aid to those who ban the flag"/WI...
by gumby inno federal aid will be given to organizations that ban the flag.. will this be the next legal battle for the org?
It was stated today on CNN that they are Congress is pushing to pass a law that any organisation`s or groups that require there followers to fear flag waving will not be allowed to gain federal funding.
Next the governing body will tell there followers that it is a conscience matter. -
The elusive Brother Some.
by Norm inthe elusive brother some and the watchtower society.. in brooklyn , they have for years been bothered by a shady and very mystical brother.
they usually call him some.
we receive constant reassurances from the watchtower that what is printed in the literature is the truth.
I really do appreciate the fine work Norm, But there is one thing that bothers me the most. I noticed that after you posted your message there were some comments made that really turned me off. This is it. Everyone here makes a claim to be a Christian and I have noticed that not just here but in the past with my experience with the JW`s, they make there claim to be Christian but the foulness that comes from there mouths defiles the teachings of Jesus. We as Christians are to teach,act and love the same as Jesus did, and those of you who make the Christian claim need to go back and read your bible. Jesus loved those who were meek,poor and sinners, those were the ones that Christ taught and not the rich and head strong. Now this site is a christian site where we can all share in Gods teachings and it should be kept spiritually clean and not with your words of hate or discuss. Those of you who make statements that are derogatory or hateful, how can you possibly say you are a christian ? You cannot because Jesus would of never talked to anyone like some of those who oppose what others want to share. I believe we are all here to share in Gods love and Jesus teachings. So I say to you your rudeness towards others comments here are disgusting and I know that Jesus would feel the same.....
Hi Tanya
My name is Merrill. I am a newbie here in a fashion. I have been reading these forums for about 2 or 3 years but for the first time made my place here. To be perfectly honest I have enjoyed every single comment made here either it good,bad,ugly,disapointed or whatever because I do believe in the right to choose and the right to an oppinion. The most important and first thing I could suggest to you is to first get a different bible than the one they gave you because then you can and will get a perfect understanding of Gods word as it is true and I have spent many hours investigating there bible and have found it to be mis construed. Alot of the topics here discussed can be found in the bible and you should use your scriptures to make sure of all things and that they are correct and true before you put faith into anything. You and I are considered newbies but really all those here are my friends and I believe we are all moved with the spirit to be here. So you and I can be friends and you can freely talk to me about anything at anytime. Gods spirit be with you always.