Great post LDH!! I enjoy hearing all of the Bethel stories.
BTW, it just about breaks my heart everytime I see your pic-you look so much like my best friend in the org. - she no longer speaks to me much anymore since I have 'apostate thinking'.
listening to all of new boy's stories of the bethelites has reminded me of one of my own..... when i was about 17 (reg.
)our phone rang in the middle of the night.
Great post LDH!! I enjoy hearing all of the Bethel stories.
BTW, it just about breaks my heart everytime I see your pic-you look so much like my best friend in the org. - she no longer speaks to me much anymore since I have 'apostate thinking'.
here are some interesting pages i scanned out of the .
1908 book "the divine plan of ages".
the file sizes as low as possible so it may take a .
Other quotes from the same WT article:
"On one occasion, Banchetti was discussing Russell's writings with a man named J. Campbell Wall. In answer to Wall's criticisms, Banchetti said :"I am certain that if you read Russell's six volumes, you would experience a vigorous and deep joy, and you would thank me with emotion. I do not parade doctrine; but I read those books eleven years ago, and I thank God every day for putting before me such light and such consolation by means of a work that is entirely and solidly founded on the Holy Scriptures.""
Then the article ends with this last paragraph:
"Every year, thousands listen to the Kingdom message as brought to their homes by Jehovah's Witnesses. Open-minded people everywhere who thirst for Bible truths are responding to Jesus' invitation: "Come be my follower."
here are some interesting pages i scanned out of the .
1908 book "the divine plan of ages".
the file sizes as low as possible so it may take a .
The April 15,2002 Watchtower article titled "Two Pastors Who Appreciated Russell's Writings" talks about how esteemed The Divine Plan of the Ages was by these particular two pastors. I'll quote part of the article which disgusted me when I read it. I don't understand the purpose of this article, why would the Society write this article when they know the majority of what Russell taught is 'old light'
Here's the quote:
"In 1891, Charles Taze Russell, who did outstanding work among true Christian worshipers of Jehovah, visited Europe for the first time. According to some reports, during a stopover in Pinerolo, Italy, Russell met Professor Daniele Rivoire, a former pastor of a religious group called the Waldenses...In 1903, Rivoire translated Russell's book The Divine Plan of the Ages into Italian and had it printed at his own expense...In the book's forward, Rivoire wrote: "We place this first Italian edition under the Lord's protection. May he bless it so that, in spite of its imperfections, it may contribute to magnify his most holy name and encourage his Italian-speaking children to greater devotion. May the hearts of all those who, by reading this book, appreciate the depth of riches, wisdom, and knowledge of God's plan and love, be grateful to God himself, by whose grace publication of this work has been made possible."
"...Another Waldensian pastor who esteemed Russell's publications was Giuseppe Banchetti...The authorized Italian edition of Russell's Divine Plan of the Ages was published in 1905. Bachetti wrote an enthusiastic review of the book..."For us", wrote Banchetti, Russell's book "is the most illuminated and sure guide that any Christian may find to undertake a profitable and blessed study of Holy Scripture...As soon as I read it, it seemed as though scales fell from my eyes, that the way to God was straighter and easier. Even apparent contradictions for the most part disappeared. Doctrines once difficult appeared simple and perfectly acceptable. Things hitherto incomprehensible became clear. The admirable plan of the world's salvation in Christ appeared before me with such awesome simplicity as to induce me to exclaim with the Apostle: O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!"
If what these two pastors said was true, Watchtower Society, why do you no longer publish Russell's book?
i have been reading all the stuff i see on this place for a while.
i am a jehovahs witness in good standing in my congregation.
i just need to come on in here and ask for a little advice from anyone who might know what i am feeling.
She is on the outside looking in and can see the religion for what it is. You on the other hand, well you said it yourself, its all you have ever known.
Do some more research to prove to yourself whether it is actually the "truth" or whether your girlfriend is right about it being a cult. I was a JW all of my life and so were many here. My husband who has also left the religion, was a third generation JW.
It sounds like its not you personally but the religion she wants nothing to do with. But she probably feels that in order to be with you she has to accept the religion.
Edited to add--welcome to the board and feel free to ask any additional questions!!
i am 36 yr old female originally from toronto ontario canada.
was raised jw till i was about 14. has anyone else had this happen in their hall?
the mom's (thank god never mine!
When my son was little we received all sorts of unsolicited advice on discipline at the meetings. He was very active-nothing held his attention for long. One meeting an older sister sat behind us and after the meeting suggested we start bringing a wooden spoon. What alot of nerve she had, I proceeded to tell her that I thought we were doing just fine with our son without a wooden spoon. I should have told her that if my son was so distracting to her to sit up front instead of the very back row.
in the past weeks, i have been throwing away my 32 year library of books.
the feeling of freeing myself from the weight of the lies contained within the pages was my objective.
i have always been afraid of letting them go just in case it was the "truth.
I keep my collection of Studies in the Scriptures books on a shelf in our home. (The rest of my JW literature is boxed up.) They are a constant reminder of why I will never allow myself to belong to another cult. Also, just in case any of my JW family wants to do any light reading while visiting... those books are full of JW 'old light'.
does anyone know what jw's have against girl scouts?
my mother would never buy girl scout cookies and i was always taught to feel that joining the girl or boy scouts would be wrong but never knew why.. my daughter wants to join and i want to know what i can expect to hear from my jw family.
Hey, thanks for the link Kist! It helped alot.
I see they do encourage patriotism.
Guess the family will just have to get over it.
Oh well, if the WTBTS can be a NGO in association with the UN then I see nothing wrong with my daughter being a girl scout.
does anyone know what jw's have against girl scouts?
my mother would never buy girl scout cookies and i was always taught to feel that joining the girl or boy scouts would be wrong but never knew why.. my daughter wants to join and i want to know what i can expect to hear from my jw family.
Yes I know the fam. will gasp at us allowing our daughter to be in the company of such "horrible" "worldly" association.
But I thought maybe it was something more than just the association thing.
Beck, the buying of g.s. cookies was a definite no-no for us. And I know of others who would not buy them.
I think it will be a good experience for my daughter. I know though that sooner or later it will get back to the family.
So bb, are you saying g.s. & b.s. were started by a church or religion?
does anyone know what jw's have against girl scouts?
my mother would never buy girl scout cookies and i was always taught to feel that joining the girl or boy scouts would be wrong but never knew why.. my daughter wants to join and i want to know what i can expect to hear from my jw family.
Does anyone know what JW's have against Girl Scouts? My mother would never buy girl scout cookies and I was always taught to feel that joining the girl or boy scouts would be wrong but never knew why.
My daughter wants to join and I want to know what I can expect to hear from my JW family.
i have never written anything off.
even when i have been aware that certain things that i spend money on are for work.. but thats it!
this was the last year i do that.. i would like to know from those of you who know, around what percentage can i recover from a business expense of about $7000?.
Patriot,Just to add to Amazing's comments If you are not self-employed, employee business expenses can be deducted on Sch A. Expenses such as: education that is employment related, licenses, medical exams required by your employer, travel related to work,etc
These deductions are limited: you can claim the amount of expenses that is more than 2% of your Adjusted gross income.
Depreciation on computers and cell phones can be taken-you have to figure the percentage that you actually use them for work.