Again thanks for all of your support and kind words. It means a lot to me. Being kicked out of my own house at 18 forced me to grow up fast. I am making traveling the world one of my favorite pastimes. I was in France this past summer, and I am going to visit my family in Germany for the Christmas markets in December. I have been to Turkey and am planning a visit to Egypt in 2018. Escaping the JDub cult has opened my eyes to see how freaking big the world is! Get out and live!
Hi wingcommander I know exactly how you feel. I have been sexually active since I was very young. Umm, are we allowed to discuss this here? IDC but around the time I got baptized I had a phase when I was feeling guilty for masturbating and having sex and it made me stop and repress my sexuality. I almost went insane. I think I lasted about 2 weeks before I had to find release. I literally could not go without it. I told my mother that I want to seek professional help without telling her the real reason and that I wanted to speak with a psychologist but she would not let me because she said the psychologist will "try to take me away from Jehovah." I did not push the issue but I am sure that if I went to a psychologist they would have told me to get out of this cult. So mother was right.
I know from reading the comments that some of you are still not ok with my bisexuality and thats ok with me. I get it. But maybe someday you will understand that I am not harming anybody and that being bi is a part of who I am. I do not go out seeking love with strangers in bars if that is what you are thinking. I actually have a steady boyfriend right now who is fine with me exploring my sexuality with another girl if that comes up. Again I do not go out around town looking for sex with random girls. Usually it is among a group of friends, someone I already know that I hook up with. My last tryst was with a friend I grew up with in school, and was while she and I both had boyfriends. It happened so naturally. The attraction was overwhelming and we had a tension building up since high school but neither of us acted on it because I would shy away because I was still a JDub at the time. Like I said it was the judicial committee that helped to shape my decision and finally explore that aspect of my sexuality that was repressed.
Whatevers. I am free! Best of luck to U as well!