Focus, toooooooo true!
Ya nailed um, da BASTARDS!
click on this line to read the b.b.c.
panorama expose on the spiritual paradise for pedophiles - the watchtower society!
hit the nail on the head from the howling and gnashing of teeth it has produced from amongst the jehovah's witless drones, who have email-bombed the b.b.c.
Focus, toooooooo true!
Ya nailed um, da BASTARDS!
Whats the latest in the blood-card scam, new-light?
this may be aleady known, but for those that don't know: .
the watchtower society owns stock in company called rand cam engine corporation, a division of reg technologies.
this company makes components for smart bombs and the like.
<If the shares were gifted to them and they cannot sell them what are they supposed to do?>
Keep the $$$ & be HYPOCRITES like they always do!
well brother ted jaracz.
i have never seen such fumbling from so called 'mouthpieces' of god, and so public too.. and our presiding overseer from scotland didn't do too well either did he?
although he had probably been warned not to get involved before the panorama team got there.
Scourge, welcome!
The G.B. can do & say anything they want, most of the followers are BLIND-LEMMINGS!
top story
09 may 2002 letter to bbc panorama
why christian parents can feel secure in their congregation worship
Watchtowers Policy on Child Molestation = DUCK & COVER!
As far as that goes, their policy on everything.
what qualifies jehovah's witnesses to call themselves christians?.
unlike other "bible-based" religions who believe in the divine nature of jesus;.
the watchtower bible and tract society claims that jesus christ is the savior .
They can say anything they want, the drones can't hear.
sitting this evening with friends chilling out as you do, most of them anti-global capitalists and coca cola came up into the conversation.. you know, we couldn't come up with anything that essentially this giant corporation was doing or has done that might affect adversely other people elsewhere.
all they produce is one bloody great drink that everyone loves.. anyone else heard of or have something on this corporation?.
here's cheers to coke!!.
Yeah, I can !
What the heck is Coke anyway, refined sugar, phony coloring & preservatives etc, floating in some CO2.
Its POSIN in a bottle!
hay e-man,.
wot be going over dere?.
i may come to visit.
When will the USA wake up?
in bibleexaminer's thread (letter read tonight) the question was asked what else we'd like to see from the society, assuming their instructions to canada legal to direct all callers to the police turns out to be correct.. i'd like to see unambiguous declarations in upcoming watchtowers--a public admission of guilt, and clear instructions to the r&f regarding contacting the authorities, so no future crackpot elders could pressure them into silence.
in an effort to help out the boys in writing, i've written the first few paragraphs and questions for them:.
___ 15, 2002 watchtower.
Governing Body Responce:
"Why should we give a FLYIN RATS ASS, were old & we have everything we need provided for us pro-bono, so piss-off!"
when questioning the rate of sucides among jw's & how the #'s compare to the general population , i believe these things are of worthy to note:.
the "high wire act".
the whole demeanor of the rank& file jw is bred from a impossibly awkward & fabricated persona.
carepet, I'll give you a break because you are new, but just keep reading with an open mind & do your research!