Had a laugh this morning Xyl1, This was funny....
PS: can't wait to read the rest...
Had a laugh this morning Xyl1, This was funny....
PS: can't wait to read the rest...
what are you doing for halloween?
since leaving the jw's, has anyone gone out to halloween parties?
do you dress up in a costume?
I guess I'll give my kids the first halloween ever ....
for instance: .
car - guys look for a car that will attract women.
so they can have sex.
Well I guess thats why we buy these pirate satalite cards to get all thay sex without paying for it.
for instance: .
car - guys look for a car that will attract women.
so they can have sex.
Sex, yes I always think about it, thats now thats why I now a minivan, birds, and I cook well, I know one thing that will turn us off for sex is the watchtower, now we don't want to think about that
part i: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58849/1.ashx .
part ii: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58890/1.ashx .
part iii: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58975/1.ashx .
Great story Brian, it shed tears to my eyes....
2003/2004 special assembly day report.
theme: serving jehovah with a complete heart.
brief note: no new light this year, but a couple of new changes i have not seen before.
Really doesn't change I see, its all the same bullsh*t that there was and always is...
repost from norm--
ai had the opportunity today to go over this thread with a jw and they almost passed out , for this is what a number of them in their hall were discussing this pass sunday- the shear number of friends who are suffering from depression-
so i thought for the newer ones here it would be good to take a look at how the happiest folks on earth are not as happy as they claim to be
Wow I felt the same way as you did, I really hate that fake love thanks for your point of view Shamus.
i wonder if he's allowed to wear a short sleeve shirt.
doctors have grown a new penis on a russian boy's arm after he lost his old one in a bizarre accident.
At least he won't get the zipper caught in it
since we have all these new canadian posters, just wondering which part of canada you are from.
Hey Razorblade, yes november, I'll try to make it as I always have quite a flexible shedual, so I could finally meet some of you, it would be a great occasion as I have relatives there I havn't seen in some time (they are not dubs!)
Well I did that and I got the following: www.netd.ca/Arts/Lapuce.html interesting no??? I never new google was so interesting and when I typed my real name I got some the page of some engineer from Belgium which builds concrete stuctures in Bangladesh What is this world coming to