Had a laugh this morning Xyl1, This was funny....
PS: can't wait to read the rest...
what are you doing for halloween?
since leaving the jw's, has anyone gone out to halloween parties?
do you dress up in a costume?
for instance: .
car - guys look for a car that will attract women.
so they can have sex.
for instance: .
car - guys look for a car that will attract women.
so they can have sex.
part i: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58849/1.ashx .
part ii: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58890/1.ashx .
part iii: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58975/1.ashx .
2003/2004 special assembly day report.
theme: serving jehovah with a complete heart.
brief note: no new light this year, but a couple of new changes i have not seen before.
repost from norm--
ai had the opportunity today to go over this thread with a jw and they almost passed out , for this is what a number of them in their hall were discussing this pass sunday- the shear number of friends who are suffering from depression-
so i thought for the newer ones here it would be good to take a look at how the happiest folks on earth are not as happy as they claim to be
i wonder if he's allowed to wear a short sleeve shirt.
doctors have grown a new penis on a russian boy's arm after he lost his old one in a bizarre accident.
since we have all these new canadian posters, just wondering which part of canada you are from.
Well I did that and I got the following: www.netd.ca/Arts/Lapuce.html interesting no??? I never new google was so interesting and when I typed my real name I got some the page of some engineer from Belgium which builds concrete stuctures in Bangladesh What is this world coming to