I would change all the kingdumb halls into taverns and no more 7 -11 , but happy hours instead With of course the 2 for 1!!!
as a hypothetical thought exercise, if say you had absolute power and carte blanche to change anything you wanted in the org and its teachings and policies, and no one at brooklyn would challenge your changes, what would you immediately change?
I would change all the kingdumb halls into taverns and no more 7 -11 , but happy hours instead With of course the 2 for 1!!!
*lol* i found these on some jw's website...*lol* he had the font and background color white so you couldn't really see them...*lol* straight from the horse's mouth no less..
you might be a jw if.... if you feel that death is more important than birth
if you have constant pain in your right shoulder and can't unclasp your right hand; you probably have bookbagitis, a disease unique to jw's
I liked the one about the door section at home depot, not that explains those funny urgues I had???
well i have redone the maps.
it was helpful to have them separated before while i was trying to make them all.
but now i think it is easier to have them separated.. ballistic has done an amazing job with the map of the uk you can find it at.
Very nice Lady Lee, you did a terrific job there we appreciate it all
after i left the "troof" the first thing i did was run out and get a tattoo.now ,some 18 years later i still dont regret it.i even have gotten a couple of new ones in the past couple of years......i mean not that i am covered in them,but i think if a women has them ,there is nothing wrong with that has long as they are not all over everywhere.ie...neck,face or lower arms......... i just think it is sexy on a man..( a few....not on the same areas as the women ..ie..face and neck as well.
) but for a women to have them all over her is not attractive....i think for a women to have a couple in a suddle place..( like for your partner to see or find.lol) is sexy as well...this girl in our town, has them covering her face and arms.i just think she looks scary......(i do also think that they must be done professionally and kept realistic.
)...i know your not to judge a book by its cover but, this girl wonders why, parents will not let children to her house to play with her child?
Yes got one and a big one indeed on my left leg....
I really rebelled as you see, especially at the inscription and the stone well it represents the WTS.
comments you will not hear at the 10-26-03 wt study
wt quotes will be in
he wrote: "whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well spoken of, whatever virtue there is and whatever praiseworthy thing there is, continue considering these things.
Never thought of it that way, well put Pistoff, I agree with you about Jesus talling and accusing the Pharisees, when we do that today about the WT we tend to get DF'ed, yet arn't we supposed to follow Jesus's steps???
comments you will not hear at the 10-26-03 wt study
wt quotes will be in
he wrote: "whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well spoken of, whatever virtue there is and whatever praiseworthy thing there is, continue considering these things.
I really love your comments on those book studies blondie, I read those articles than read your summery of them, then when my ex starts talking about something about the WT I tell her comments on the ones you say, she hates it soo much...
Keep em comming...
i make no apologies for going on about the 80's again, its just that i've been having another nostalgia music session again.....you know dig out all your favourite tracks type thing..... i nominate........ duran duran union of the snake.
i reserve the right to change this though, with out warning......
Ok true most of my songs were depressive, its still was less thean in the borg with all those depressing kingdom songs.
Also liked Anne Clark
And I did see a Depeche Mode concert in Montreal in the early 90's
i make no apologies for going on about the 80's again, its just that i've been having another nostalgia music session again.....you know dig out all your favourite tracks type thing..... i nominate........ duran duran union of the snake.
i reserve the right to change this though, with out warning......
Oh yes I forgot, Information Society - Whats on your mind
Front 242 - Welcome to Paradise (this one has good dub lyrics a must to listen!)
Yup Aishai, I'm still very nostalgic about the 80's...
lol, .
i had the oddest dream last last night.
some ways it was a nightmare and funny too.. i went to a book study(screams .
Shera go and repent!!! You are getting to be a weak christian, now go with us to the elders meeting in the back and do a graphical description to us and let us know if the undies you saw where like ours...
Oh boy I really don't want to know how some of the elders in my old cong. look in their undies.
hi folks,.
i am new to this forum, as of today, but i see that there is already someone here called happy man.
i'd have chosen a different nick if i'd known.
Welcome HappyMan and may you find many friends and good times here...