Tim Hortons and Dunkin Dougnuts would go bankrupt!!!
JoinedPosts by Lapuce
What if caffeine was banned for JWs?
by undercover ina post about caffeine and coffee in the "what if the wts banned alcohol" thread jogged my memory.... back in the 70s sometime (i can't remember if it was pre-75 or post-75) a rumor started circulating around our area that at the next convention the wts was going to add caffeine and caffeine products (coffee, coke, etc) to the list of banned substances (tobacco, blood).
of course, it never happened, but for a couple of months the rumors were hot and heavy.
the rumors were easily believed by a lot of the dubs because of the "up" effects caffeine can give you and besides, the mormons banned it, there had to be a reason.
What Bothers You The Most About Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus infor me, i think it's their hypocrisy.
they lead (the vast majority) a double life.
and ultimately they look down on anyone not a jw yet they won't even wn up to it.
Lack of love, and arogance, as if they are the only ones save and all others will die, even babies and childern.
About half the DF's go back? Really?
by AuldSoul inj.r. brown said about half the df's go back.
i know some who went back and promptly faded, some who went back and were "bt" jws (barely there), a few who went back and quickly got df'd again usually before they even got privileges back.. but the one that takes the cake (in my opinion) is the former po of my parent's congregation who had been giving dc parts for years getting disfellowshipped a couple of months after giving the rousing talk, "abhor what is wicked, cling to what is good.
" only after his reinstatement did i discover that was his third df.
It may be true that 50 percent of j-dubs 'return to their vomit' but I think most do so with the intention of fading away while regaining the 'freedom' to see their family and friends again.
I did that and after I was re-instated I just went to the memorial and poof, I became an instant fader, it was only to keep some friends, and make the wife happy, but I never go to those meetings and field service anymore. I celebrate parties at work, birthdays etc... but without letting the nosy elders know, and the wife doesn't squeel on me
How did you feel the first few meetings you missed?
by Mysterious infor those of you that regularly went and never stayed home sick, etc.
how did it feel when you first started staying home from meetings?
was it weird watching shows on tv you always missed, or not having to worry about rushing dinner to make it on time.
Strange abit, but I have more time now as to do important things in life....Those meetings where always a waste of time as I had to put everything else on the backburner.
Pictures...Of Our New Home
by Legolas inhere is a few pics of our home...they are not very good though ...lol...i don't have any pictures up yet, most of my plants are setting on my table (still), some stuff is still out in the moving van and our grass is not in and garage is not built (the cut lumber in our yard is going to be milled and used for our deck and garage)!
here's our back yard ...but since we faced the home inwards..i guess it's our front yard!..lol.
Very nice house... love the view!
How many of you still have friends in the org?
by Nellie ina good friend of mine moved away 10 years ago.
needless to say, we lost touch over the years, but our family always spoke of them warmly and with with great affection.. last week, their daughter looked my son up on my-space and we reconnected.
they've left the organization, basically got fed up with the hypocrasy of the membership.
No friends thee at all they will backstab you and tell all that you said at the BOE right away
Your Gift/Talent (or similar)
by KW13 in.
i have a reasonable singing voice .
i find that i am really good with technology, i learn that stuff quickly.
Ok the link is on its way Lilycurly....
Is cooking on the barbecue and having a beer considered a talent...?
My Wife's reaction to the Revelation Book news
by under_believer inso, i told my wife about the july km news that we'd be studying the revelation book again.
"good," she said.
There are other types of climax that I rather experiance then the revelation one
Confession time...
by cyberdyne systems 101 inthought it might be good to confess the things we did knowingly while in the borg.
i'll go first with a taster: i once used a contribution from the public that i got from 'placing' a magazine, and used it to fund buying another magazine (top shelf) .
cs 101
Used it at Tim Horton's for coffee and Bagel. More then once
I can't believe they still include crap like this on the CDROM
by XBEHERE in*** yy chap.
5 p. 39 par.
9 masturbation and homosexuality ***.
So if you go out with a brother in field service it means you're gay because you could be tempted to have homosexual acts with him, it could go on for ever... I've seen kindergarden kids more intelligent then that