Most in my congregation were Janitors, window cleaners, I would say about 60%, the other 40% had good jobs.
JoinedPosts by Lapuce
I know very few JW window washers and cleaners
by MC RubberMallet inmaybe these occupations are quoted to make a point, but it loses meaning when maybe 1% of brothers i know actually has these as jobs..
Health - has anyone else suffered long lasting health effects from years with the Borg?
by Chariklo indoes anyone else feel or know that jehovah's witnesses damaged their health?.
i know many have emerged with depression, and i'm very relieved that i am not one of them.. but, being the age i am, (a large tribe of grandchildren) i was nonetheless pressured to go out door to door in steep countryside often in bad weather, and because i was doing my best to keep up that ended in an injury which has proved to be long lasting.. and that's not counting the stress-induced consequences...i won't cite them all here, but physical.
a few days in hospital and a summer spent on compulsory almost complete rest can all be laid at the watchtower's door.the trauma of actually extricating oneself from the borg is not stopped when one has finally written that letter that disassociates oneself from them.
Yes, cost me my marriage, major depression, many months off work due to not being functional, caused me to be suicidal, was sent in a psychiatric ward for 2 stays of about a month each, that was 9 years ago, I'm better now, but still have a hard time with social iteractions with people. It really ruined my life, I am starting to be better now as I finally met someone who I can have a relationship ans knows how to cope with me.
WHAT ARE YOUR MOST VIVID, ODD, or FUNNY Memories of Conventions and Assemblies of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Balaamsass inshare with us memories of the bizarre, funny, strange, what you hated, what you miss...we all have them.
(question..why the big to do between terms- convention and assembly .
Well I used to work at assemblies and conventions in the security department standing in some corner or sitting on a seat watching the brothers and sisters so that all went well, and I used to work midnights at that time, so I used to fall all the time asleep, so I can imagine the brothers and sisters seeing me doing my guarding duties sleeping. It was a good way to make those assembies, special days etc pass faster, then sitting with my dub wife which always woke me up while I snoozed. So I always managed to find a spot where I had duty and not be near her to be waken up!
Being a JW is like betting on a horse race-
by moshe inyou can win almost everytime, if you have insider information!
that is what the wt all but promises- you can cheat death and live forever in a paradise earth!
but you need inside information to win that race-- and you can only get it from the governing body - the meat in due season, is the equivalent to the horse race insider tip- it's like a sure bet folks!!.
Yes they always made us run in circles all the time with a carrot hung on a stick. I'm so happy that I am not part of this race where no one ever wins.
BTW, just 9 days until the end of the world...
by Satanus injust, so you know.
are you keeping on the watch?
i know i am;).
Won't be the first time that it will be cancelled, due to no lack of interest.
Did You Have A Lot Of Meetings With The Elders?
by minimus inwe're you always in the back room with the elders?.
I was in a couple of them, and the elders came to my house a few times then I was DF'ed.
Anyone get divorced because of differing beliefs?
by NiceDream inlately my husband has been miserable, but isn't talking.
he is really upset that he is "stuck with me" now that he knows i question my beliefs.
i thought we could explore the bible together and i hoped he would come to the same conclusion as me, but he won't do that.
Yes, in my case after I had left the organization, my ex accused me of cheating on her which wasn't true and the elders belived her as she was still a dub and I wasn't, so it made it easy for her to get rid of my since I did not share the same belifes as her. It was hard as we had 2 boys that were not young, I would have stayed with her even If I did't not want to be a witness anymore, I guess she didn't
did anyone ever catch a jw kid doing something he shouldnt ?
by looloo ini was walking down my street one day while being a"study " and heard some kids on bikes coming up behind me using every swear word there is aiming it at eachother , but not in anger , i turned round and was really shocked to see it wasthe two sons of an elder who lived near me ,and one of these boys was considered a "fine example " to other young ones .
because i felt "trapped " by the jws (my kids would die if i didnt stay with them !
) i moaned to my pioneer friend about not seeing the point of being a jw if the kids are just the same as "worldly" kids who they are not supposed to mix with and look down on.
I caught twice an elder's son smoking, and he was never sanctioned, like elder kids are protected.
To what degree due you think "Internet killed the "Jehovah's Witness" radio star."
by Witness 007 ini remember getting my first crapy computer for $200 bucks and clicking on the internet for the first time....i said to myself: "i may just look up my jehovah's witness brothers on minds watching the watchtower hmmm .
so the nails in my faith coffin began to be hammered in rip.
so how big an influence was the net in your leaving?.
For me it was really the Internet, I tried to reason with my dub wife at the time, but she stayed in and eventially I was DF! That was in the early 2000's, now I heard recently that my ex isn't a dub anymore...? I will try to find out from my son as she has full custody.
I saw some jws in the ministry today
by doublelife ini was leaving for lunch break from an acting workshop i took today.
about three blocks down i saw a jw sister standing by her van.
at first at thought maybe she's not a jw.
Saw two brothers last weekend, in my neigbourhood. They acted as they did not see me... as I am DF. How nice to sleep in on weekends!