I definitely am not aware of all of the things you are referring to. If constructive inroads have made appreciable advances then I would like to know of them. Has any of these efforts touched the lives of the troubled JW's or the untroubled, for that matter, to convince them to bolt for the door. Where's the evidence?
For many years I and a JW freind of mine have discussed our separate religions. The one thing he could never provide for his interpretive arguments was evidence outside of the the Bible. Considering the unique interpretation the WTS makes of the Bible I felt, as any apologist would, that meaningful evidence was fair to ask for. The only thing he could ever do is quote what someone else said who agreed at least in part, with him, about the subject we were discussing. Hard evidence for things like The New World Translation, taking liberty to inject Jehovahs name in their New Testament ( as some other translaters have also clearly done) he could never supply except to say others have done the same thing and certain commentaries of the Bible equate various Old Testament passages with New Testament verses. Therefore eventhough none of the extant Greek manuscripts have the (YHWH....not to mention Jehovah) Justification as far as he was concerned was (1) If other Bibles did the same thing( even though not recognized by any real school of traditional or current scholarship) & (2) We as JW's are the only ones who really know what the Bible says and we don't need any outside evidence. His holy spirit tells us ( meaning of course the general governing body etc.). & (3) some one some place at some time said it was in the New Testament originally but removed by apostates( which I would have considered if there was one scintilla of documentation in support of such a claim).
SO, up until recently, when I began to understand more fully the corrupt nature of the society, we argued doctinal differences which seemed to be from a mutual application of certain scholarly standards. I was totally mistaken because of his deception. It didn't occur to me that there were things he was leaving out of our discussions ( over a twenty year period) Which would have changed the entire tenor of are discussions, if indeed there ever would have been any. As it turned out, ever issue ultimately is so narrowly defined by the JW's using their criteria. Nothing else can be considered because that would be entering into territory "Tabooed" by the WTS.
The point of all this rambling is I'm a person who needs evidence for heresay comments. Especially since I was deceived by several JW's, being all mutual freinds through work. I also have a vindictiveness about me which I know is a flaw in my character. My problem with that is, however, I kind of enjoy getting even. I also get a sence of satisfaction by pointing out certain peoples failings when it's dealing with, what I consider to be very serious life encompassing issues which are detremental to all of our well beings. This blood transfusion business is a case in point not to mention the shild abuse proliferation. Parents who can deny there under aged children accepted medical practices during life threatening situations is abhorrent to me. Adults who would prefer to live but are persuaded in the most controling manner the there salvation would be in absolute jeopardy if they should decide at the last minute to save there life as recommended by a competant doctors advice.
The road is rocky where many of these issues are concerned and that is why dedicated intellegent people need to get involved. This cannot be a finatical fringe group like those few who use deadly force to promote there equally misguided ideas and sulutions. A clearly defined movement which is more, much more than a handing out of anti literature at one of the Kingdom halls or some JW convention. Workable techniques which have genuine results need to be developed
I am not or ever was one of you. You and the other escapees are or should be the accountable ones in helping others to escape and build a wrecking ball sufficient enough to help bring down this spiritually poisonous & deadly organism.
QUANTUM>>>>>yes, when I walk into a room people notice. when I speak people listen. They don't always agree nor do I demand them to.