Hi Cedars. Thanks for presenting your observations. I have a couple of questions for you. Do you believe the Society had Jehovah's backing sometime before 1975? Do you believe they are playing the part of the evil slave now?
I've been in the organization all my life. I've seen a number of friends leave the faith in some sort of fading fashion. I continue to stay because it gives me structure and hope. I feel Jehovah and Jesus are still watching over earth's affairs.
There is one major element missing from the organization now. It's the constant flow of new light they used to have in the past, such as the content in the Photo Drama of Creation as seen in the Scenario book. It was all highly speculative but it was very cool none the less. The excitement level has fizzled out with modern publications. They just seem to be recycling old topics, but I still enjoy the NatGeo style Awakes. When we received last years convention invitations everyone was so excited about the question mark on the toes of the statue, even the elders. It was kind of a buzz-kill when they announced what it meant at the convention. It was so-so new/old light.
If the society is looking for doctrinal changes in the future, to reactivate new zeal, I've got a few up my sleeve that would blow their pants off. Old publications of the society have driven me on this quest, along with my out-of-box thinking mentality. I wish we could express ourselves freely just as Charles R. did back in the day without fear. I don't mention my ideas to anyone because they would bring up the "voice of strangers" card I believe. I just don't want to lose my structure and friends right now.
Is reproof always expected if you bring up something new? Is it a form of presumptuousness?