Thanks guys for the words of wisdom and links for study.
Funny you mention the society as a sort of institutionalized experience. A witness friend of mine who toured bethel a number of years ago told me he enjoyed seeing the organization at work but could not see himself there because of it being fashioned after an institution. He is still a happy witness but wants to be one under his own roof.
Never had the chance to read The Finished Mystery online. I always wanted to do that. I would prefer skimming over the material before looking at Alfred's summary. I don't want to be biased yet.
A race of servants, sounds like the teaching the Mormons used to have before it was deemed evil. The older white generation (in their 90s) still refer to African Americans as colored. Its hard to train an old dog new tricks.
What are the three scriptures pertaining to new light you mentioned? I forgot them.
It know it can be frustrating when new light reveals a misunderstood bible passage, such as the generation issue. Recently I read an article in the WT that said the opposite of one that was published in the 70's. I was kind of angry because I liked the writer's concept from the 70's.
I believe Jehovah is still with the organization but I think he is not controlling every affair. I believe the holy spirit only acts when the extra ordinary calls for it. As seen from this board it looks like holy spirit has no part in appointing MS and Elders. The holy spirit wrote the qualifications in the bible so it would seem the holy spirit in essence appoints them because they are following the written word. There was a situation once where I observed a Memorial evening fiasco for two congregations were the caretaker forgot to open the rented facility. The two congregations had to squeeze together at the Hall for a super late Memorial observance. Holy spirit did not motivate the caretaker to get off his butt. God has bigger fish to fry in the universe. I think I experienced it once in my life. The experience could have been a coincidence but it was a million to one shot.
Israel and Judah sinned against God many times but he still kept up with them because he staked claim on their family line. That could be true today. The leadership can make God happy one day and mad the other because it has happened before. God can bring discipline on his chosen organization if they are not doing as he pleases. If the society goes into a decline as you mentioned it could make the leaders feel as if Jehovah removed his blessing from them. They might repent and try to figure out why they caused so many to turn away in the developed countries. It might be said that it lacks luster.
I wouldn't be here if I didn't have an open mind. I think my mind opened up about 15 years ago when I started to ponder on things in the bible the society had no comment on. There was an Oct. 15, 2011 Watchtower (study edition) 'questions from readers' on that subject. They said they wouldn't have the answers to these questions but said we should let the bible answer for itself. It has in many cases.
The life in the org has definitely shaped my thinking. I can't imagine what I'd be like if I was never exposed to it from childhood. I do have some regrets with social development due to restricted associations.
I hope the ship isn't really sinking. If it is, I hope God comes to the rescue at the right time and brings everything out in the open.
I don't think it will be as a house of cards. It has some good foundation pieces in place. They just need some solid beams added to it.