JoinedTopics Started by mooncrytal69
I attended the meeting tonight.....
by silentlambs ini went to the meeting tonight to check out things in the local congregation.
this spiritual paradise is showing a few cracks.
when i arrived about ten minutes before the meeting started, i felt like a ghost.
Are Pedophiles Knocking At Your Door?
by silentlambs inthe following are ads to place in your local paper to help get the word out regarding molestation issues within the watchtower organization.
we ask that you do not add any further information other than what is listed here as we wish the message to be uniform.. any suggestions can be sent to info@silentlambs and will be considered.
1.. are pedophiles knocking on your door?.
by mooncrytal69 inheres an idea stay away from our children.
you have no right to inpose your religon on our children(cult)excuse me to go into peoples back yards and think you can preach to our children we will not stand for it it shows no respect to anyone and thier believes word to the wise keep it in the halls and out out of the malls