No, i dont. Probably because they cuss all the time.
They act all upper class going out for dinners and so on, but when they home they cant wait to get in to some comfy clothes and put the fucking TV on.
i do.. .
how about you?.
No, i dont. Probably because they cuss all the time.
They act all upper class going out for dinners and so on, but when they home they cant wait to get in to some comfy clothes and put the fucking TV on.
i had to do it- i gave my asleep jw friend a flash drive yesterday with ray's books, info on 607 vs 587, etc.
he knows i have "doubts" and that i've read these books but he has been cool about it and had already said he wouldn't rat me out.. so i figured i would take the next step now and give him the knowledge and see if he looks into it.
this is a lot more tangible evidence and if it fell into the wrong hands they would have plenty of evidence to try and df me but i don't worry any longer, they're only men.. keep your fingers crossed lol....
MOuthy! I honestly was just thinkingof you and wondered where you disappeared to! Your back!
i have a brother, an hour in his present i get a. migraine headache.
i love my brother but he.
talks too much.
One of my good friends years ago was exactly the same, we would hold on simultanious converstations. Two totally different topics at the same time. People looked at us like we were crazy haha.
if god is almighty, would he not have preserve the true church that jesus and the apostles build today?
instead of letting satan and apostates infiltrated the true church,so that its true teaching and the true church perished or was rejected by both jehovah and christ because of apostacy!if the true church survived and is with us today, where do the jehovah s witness organisation stand?.
what terry said.
The pope benedict sixteenth, and all otther popes for the catholic church dates right back to the days of saint peter, whom was the first appointed pope by Jesus Christ.
hi everyone, first i just want to say if it wasn't this forum, i'd be baptized!
i haven't managed to successfully end my studies with a zealous jw.
she uses everything against me to brainwash me into believing i need the org.
Jesus warns of the watchtower and people alike.
The disciples said to him, "Teacher, when are these things going to take place?"
Please note that in Matthew Chapter 24, he tells of things in these last days is a response to his disciples.
Also note how many times he emphasizes the most over all the things he says, the most important one was that "Do not be misled"
He says it several times! he really emphasizes this.
AndJesus even goes on to give an illustration/analogy about being misled, and those cliaming to be him or to have him.
Jesus says " Do not be misled! For people will say Look! There is Jesus, or there! The christ is here or there. For youwill KNOW it is I, Just as you know lightning is in the sky"
So if you are unsure Jesus is not with the Watchtower, then obviously he is not there since you will just KNOW it when he arrives.
Think about the million other things which contradict the watchtowers teaching.
My other favorite is -
The disciples said to Jesus how do we guard oursleves from false prophets? how do we know it is false and not from God?
And Jesus Quite simply replies, "If what they prophesy does not occur, then you will know it did not come from my father who is in the heavens"
I would now point out to you the watchtower has predicted the end several times but to no array, Although they will deny this saying they never did predict the end, they definetly did, its in old watchtowers if you can get hold of them etc.
Hell, some of the JDubs may even admit it and call it new light! Just tell them this short story.
jaycee dugard was held in captivity for 18 years by philip garrido and his accomplice, wife nancy - a jw!
lots of video evidence and interviews in this candid documentary.. if you're late reading this and want to see it, it'll be repeated on more4 on sunday the 28th..
omg what an absolutley disgusting story.
I hope they both get locked for many many many many years and have instant karma.
A taste of their own medicne, if you will.
i am not a jw nor have i ever been one, but i joined this forum because a close firend of mine is.. we met and became good friends in the senior year of high school, and i didn't know what it meant to be a jw at the time, all i knew was that they were another christian denomination so i let it slide.. .
it was only after sometime after graduation that i began to really take my faith seriousely, and in the process i decided to do some research on watchtower beliefs, and i was actually scared for her.
now i knew enough by now that if i tried to confornt her on this issue, that would be the last i heard of her so i tried as best i could to not "blaspheme".
Well you will get all sorts of advice on this topic mate.
But here is MY two cents:
Get in touch with her properly either by phone or email explaining nothing about religion, and talking only about your freindship.
You must understand that to a Jehovahs Witness, especially a zealous JW who has gone to pioneer school to become a regular pioneer, that friendships are conditional, although they will deny it if you ever did put it to them. (and Dont)
A worldly person is someone to a JW is someone who is friends with the devil and does not know God. Only Jehovahs Witnesses Know God.
its all BS. Jesus dwells in each of us if you would just accept him, although people on this board have much more different perspectives, this is just my personal beilef.
My advice to you friend, is to re establish a connection with her, if she really is a close friend and you really want to be in touch with her, and when you have made your bond again, do not bring up any religious talks on your part or hers.
Tell her you will not tell her about your religion and you would appreciate if she didn't tell you about hers, you just want to remain freinds because she was the closest a friend you ever had and dont want to lose her.
Then slowly, sometime in the future there are subtle ways of dropping hints to her that will stay in her mind and get her thinking. Stick around here long enough to learn from some very wise people in this false faith.
Many of the people here were ex elders 50 years + etc.
I myself only studied for a year, i was a mere indocrtination student, but know enough about it to be destroyed at armageddon.......! lol
Good day
PS, for the love of God! Do not tell her ANYTHING about you researching online about her religion at this stage, leave that until later. She will drop you so quickly she may think you are the devil himself.
after reading a post from another one of these crazy people who claim to be god, or at least to communicate with god for the benefit of others i thought i would make a thread about some of these crazy people in this crazy old world we live in.
you can find that post i am referring to here.. here are a few videos of some of the craziest things i have ever seen to do with cults and cult leaders.. try to watch all of the first video and see the craziness in this guys eyes.
he doesnt even blink.
After reading a post from another one of these crazy people who claim to be God, or at least to communicate with God for the benefit of others i thought i would make a thread about some of these crazy people in this crazy old world we live in. You can find that post i am referring to here.
Here are a few videos of some of the craziest things i have ever seen to do with Cults and Cult leaders.
Try to watch all of the first video and see the craziness in this guys eyes. he doesnt even blink. Well, i think for the whole seven minutes he must have blinked about 4 times. Maybe someone can count, i cant.
i saw god {jehovah},after& like moses,i saw jesus,jesus & god coming soon visit my website & know how can i saw god and jesus, god's message,miracles, about me, i am the eye witness how god is.
i am from chennai, india.keep in touch..know god's message.
....moses simon.g.
Before God does anything on the the earth he reveals it to me and in turn I am supposed to inform the people.
God revealed the following incidents to me before they occured on the earth.
i laughed so hard at this. Does this guy really beileve going to an ex JW site people are going to listen to him?????
Some of us still beileve the bible, and what about when jesus warns of people like him, jesus warns us of false prophets etc such as the watchtower.
I think he is in way over his head here.
hi everyone, first i just want to say if it wasn't this forum, i'd be baptized!
i haven't managed to successfully end my studies with a zealous jw.
she uses everything against me to brainwash me into believing i need the org.
any more update there rox? how u feeling? any more contact? you have a lot of supporters here, stick around