i personally beileve this is after you die.
Posts by dm6
Isaiah 33:24
by N.drew indoes no one else think that scripture "no resident will say i am sick".
refers to jehovah?
no resident will say "jehovah is sick".
Awakes left at work....
by charlie brown jr. inthe awake about music was left behind and ended up at the break station... and one of the girls working was reading it and burst out laughing..... are these people serious listen what it says.... after listening to heavy metal music i abused alcohol and started using drugs......... they can't really believe that?
she asked laughing.......
lol ...
Chariklo, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with watching ants for fun..........absolutely nothing............
Dislexics of JWN Unite!
by highdose ini'm sure i can't be the only one here whose happily deslecic?
after all this talk of puncuation and spelling i feel we of the delesac glory should stand together.. against a world of sneering nerdy anorak types.
in short the types that end up being accountants and maths/ english teachers.
Are Jehovahs Witnesses a Cult?
by mankkeli inthis is an excerpt from the 1994 watchtower, february 15. in the entire article, the watchtower tries to debunk any claim of their cultism.
see how they go about it.. " would it be accurate to refer to jehovahs witnesses as a religious group with radical views and practices that clash with what is accepted as normal social behavior?
are jehovahs witnesses a cult?.
2 Food questions,,, one for chefs, one for southern cooks
by talesin in1. can i make a roue using half-and-half butter w/ olive oil?
i know they have similar properties.. .
2. i love my swiss chard and beet greens.
lol thanks! Yes there is a masterchef here in NZ, and funnily enough my cousin in austrailia is judging the last episode!
He's called Martin Benn and has recently opened his new hotel in OZ called sepia, he got chef of the year too!
Oh how i envyy him! in a good way of course.
2 Food questions,,, one for chefs, one for southern cooks
by talesin in1. can i make a roue using half-and-half butter w/ olive oil?
i know they have similar properties.. .
2. i love my swiss chard and beet greens.
lol broken promises. I dont think i could muster up the courage to have my face on tv!
But here is some of my work
My study teacher just text me.....do I ignore it, or give her a great one liner?
by Pams girl inshes a nice girl.
nothing against her personally.
she hasnt been in touch for monthes, havent seen her for monthes.. is something happening that she needs my bum on a seat for?.
It sounded very sincere, as well as Firm but in a nice way. You clearly were good friends with her. but im sure she will get the message that you are done with it. In the long run you have done yourself a MASSIVE favour by sending this text.
Dont worry about anxiety too much, its natural to feel that im sure. just keep re assuring yourself that you have done the right thing because you HAVE.
Well done to you !
Awakes left at work....
by charlie brown jr. inthe awake about music was left behind and ended up at the break station... and one of the girls working was reading it and burst out laughing..... are these people serious listen what it says.... after listening to heavy metal music i abused alcohol and started using drugs......... they can't really believe that?
she asked laughing.......
Gallant watches ants for fun.
by sizemik incountry's not to everybody's taste.
others secretly like some of it, but daren't admit it.
i'm not a fan .
by sizemik incountry's not to everybody's taste.
others secretly like some of it, but daren't admit it.
i'm not a fan .