Thanks for the bump Valis! You are always so supportive!
And thanks again to Zev and Mouthy for making this thread possible.
i have the first edition of the family secrets video ready.. .
this edition is a low quality video of the show that aired in canada 2 weeks ago.. .
you can down load the video by right clicking here and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:.
Thanks for the bump Valis! You are always so supportive!
And thanks again to Zev and Mouthy for making this thread possible.
i have the first edition of the family secrets video ready.. .
this edition is a low quality video of the show that aired in canada 2 weeks ago.. .
you can down load the video by right clicking here and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:.
Just thought I'd remind any of you in New York this coming weekend, I'll be flying in to show the film Father's Touch and give a's the info..
A NIGHT TO HEAL - pass the word around and around?
Saturday, May 1, 2004
The French Institute
Florence/Tinker Halls
55 E. 59th Street
( B/w Park & Madison Ave )
Silent Auction begins at 5:00pm
Performances begin at 7:30pm
Matthew Corozine Studio w/ ?Black Sheep?
Donald D?Haene, Author of ?Father?s Touch?
Jazz Recording Artist, Lenora Zenzalai Helm
Marina Franklin - Comedian
Artichoke Dance Company
Cindy Gratz w/ award her winning dance, ?After Images?
And so much MORE!
Art from new artists in NYC
Innovative and Creative and AFFORDABLE Jewelry
One night at a high end hotel stay in NYC
Skin Care Consultation including 6 individual treatments
Day at the Spa? and much more
Refreshments provided at Auction
Advanced TICKET purchase is $20
French Institute Box Office
55 E 59th St. b/w Park & Madison
Tel: (212) 355-6160
TO MAKE A DONATION, please make checks payable to ARIA
1562 First Avenue, #338
New York , NY 10028
*All net proceeds go to support the Mt. Sinai SAVI Program
i have the first edition of the family secrets video ready.. .
this edition is a low quality video of the show that aired in canada 2 weeks ago.. .
you can down load the video by right clicking here and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:.
i have the first edition of the family secrets video ready.. .
this edition is a low quality video of the show that aired in canada 2 weeks ago.. .
you can down load the video by right clicking here and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:.
Thank you all for keeping this thread alive and for the positive feedback.
Every day people stop me wherever I am: store, street, mall and tell me they saw the Family Secrets show and how wonderful it was. Often this involves an elderly woman grabbing my arm and telling me how special I am. Hey, I could get used to this!
First off, in the funny department, this letter writer below is the daughter of the original arresting officer of my father in '81...what one person who lives in the country had to do to see this documentary! Original Message ----- From: K To: [email protected] Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:37 AM Subject: documentary I'm SO sorry Donald, I meant to talk about the show ! Lets start by saying I'm no "techno wizard". Our vcr died about a yr. ago, and we never replaced it. So in prep. for the Show I went out and bought a new one. Hooked it up and it didn't work, 2hrs. to show time. Went and borrowed my mother-in-laws, (you have no idea the sacrifice that was for me!). My husband couldn't get it to record. so I called my Dad to get him to tape it, he diconected his before he went to Florida, but couldn't hooki have the first edition of the family secrets video ready.. .
this edition is a low quality video of the show that aired in canada 2 weeks ago.. .
you can down load the video by right clicking here and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:.
Thank you Blondie for the positive feedback. Mouthy wrote me and was generous enough to order my book because of the show! Now that's support!
I think the documentary is unbelievably positive considering the hell we lived through-none of us live with hate in our heart...I mean, can you imagine?-my sister, brother and I are all ex-communicated in one way or another but we think that is ridiculous (I mean Ronny was baptized before the Elders found out about the abuse and sent us home with our abuser-within 3 years he was disfellowshipped! How crazy is that? He needed therapy not shunning!). We were nuts when we were baptized anyway-none of us had any therapy of any kind before we were baptized. We did what we thought we should do (ie. going to meetings, service, baptism etc) to feel better. None of us felt better though, although it did give us temporary escape. Eventually we all had to face our demons.
I think this documentary will do much good by showing no matter how others try to drag you down, you can believe in yourself and realize that what others think of you is not more important than what you think of yourself.
We had to start over many times with no one to show us the way. If we can do it so can so many others.
Just today two strangers walked up to me and said how much the documentary meant to them.
I thank all of you for your support!
i have the first edition of the family secrets video ready.. .
this edition is a low quality video of the show that aired in canada 2 weeks ago.. .
you can down load the video by right clicking here and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:.
Thanks I have to try it! thanks for your efforts! I have had an unbelievably positive response from viewers across Canada. It is night and day different that other stories on sexual abuse and religion and I think that is because it is a documentary, in verite style.
A stranger in the elevator yesterday just told me, "Saw your story on tv. Very tastefully done. You had a difficult life."
I said, "Yes, and in telling it, I just hope I can help other victims out there. Not enough has changed in 20 years!"
"Indeed. You are right."
i sent that off to zev on the 13th of april.
for him to show you all.
i sent it airmail over $8.00.. but zev has not received it yet.
Hi Mouthy, thanks for your efforts! I have had an unbelievably positive response from viewers across Canada. It is night and day different that other stories on sexual abuse and religion and I think that is because it is a documentary, in verite style.
A stranger in the elevator yesterday just told me, "Saw your story on tv. Very tastefully done. You had a difficult life."
I said, "Yes, and in telling it, I just hope I can help other victims out there. Not enough has changed in 20 years!"
"Indeed. You are right."
the second edition of father's touch will soon be out.
i'm very happy with the new publisher.
their mission is help prevent child abuse.
Hi Bryan
Thanks for your post/questions and interest in my memoir. My book is paperback. Expected Release Date - Mid to late May, 2004. Like I said, this publisher has reasonably priced the 2nd edition and the bonus for those who pre-order is a free e-book - $9.95 value!
LTI Publishing is accepting pre-orders for Father's Touch (Second Edition)
Special introductory pre-order offer includes a FREE interactive e-book. A $9.95 value!
the second edition of father's touch will soon be out.
i'm very happy with the new publisher.
their mission is help prevent child abuse.
Thank you very much for the support the way, I just noticed my original thread missed one's supposed to state: Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia
thanks again!
the second edition of father's touch will soon be out.
i'm very happy with the new publisher.
their mission is help prevent child abuse.
The Second Edition of Father's Touch will soon be out. I'm very happy with the new publisher. Their mission is help prevent child abuse. There are changes in my memoir and it has a new three page forward by a world-famous expert on male sexual abuse, Mike Lew: Here's a few excerpts you may find interesting: Father?s Touch does not ignore the larger picture. The book makes it clear that the issue of incestuous abuse is not confined to the immediate family. The author describes in detail widespread denial of the problem (and often active opposition to dealing with it) on the part of the wider community: extended family, friends, neighbors, churches, schools, police, and legal system. This understanding is especially timely in light of recent revelations of widespread sexual child abuse by clergy and within religious communities (and other institutions)?including recent disclosures involving Jehovah?s Witnesses in Australia. The reader is shown how absolute authority (religious, familial, or institutional) fosters isolation and vulnerability to victimization. Donald demonstrates the ways that messages?misinformation and lies?are delivered. He shows us how silence and distrust are installed by abusers and reinforced by others. more info: Excerpt from forward to Father's Touch (Second Edition)
". . . As you read this book you will come to know and admire many facets of Donald D'Haene. You will meet Donald as an innocent - a boy victim. And you will accompany him on his heroic journey to being the victor he is today. From its lyrical beginning through to the end, Father's Touch is the definition of "painfully honest". This is a work of rare power.
Mike Lew,
Victims No Longer
and Leaping upon the Mountains