i have the first edition of the Family secrets video ready.
this edition is a LOW quality video of the show that aired in canada 2 weeks ago.
you can down load the video by RIGHT clicking HERE and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:
change the file name to save to : familysecrets. wmv
after your download is complete, locate the file and play it in a media player of your choosing.
i am working on higher quality editions, but i will need someone who can host a few hundred meg file for viewing these types.
if you can host such files, please email me at [email protected] and we can work out the details.
i may not be finished with the high quality video's until tommorow, as Gwen and i are going to a fund raiser for the New England Institute for Religious Research, where Steven Hassan will be speaking. i also hope to have audio of that available as well.
if you have any problems with the download please post it here. as well as any other comments.
thank you.