Stopped watching since Jennifer got the boot...she was my favourite...LaToya will probably win but she doesn't move me. She is consistently good though. I note arrogance in her attitude at times but that might work for. I think she was glad Jennifer was Gone With the Wind, as she really was her only competition! But hey, that's only what I think...we all have different opinions! And there's nothing wrong with that!
JoinedPosts by morrisamb
American Idol again
by Mulan inanyone have any thoughts on american idol lately.. i was really dismayed when they voted jennifer off two weeks ago.
it looks like she will still have a career though.. john stevens is just so nice but he needs voice lessons, as paula suggested for him.. who do you think will win?.
at this point, i think it's between diana and latoya.
Family Sercrets VIDEO HERE
by zev ini have the first edition of the family secrets video ready.. .
this edition is a low quality video of the show that aired in canada 2 weeks ago.. .
you can down load the video by right clicking here and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:.
Ps. thanks Big Tex
By the way, things are progressing with my latest development..'course, you guys will be the first to know if things pan out!
Family Sercrets VIDEO HERE
by zev ini have the first edition of the family secrets video ready.. .
this edition is a low quality video of the show that aired in canada 2 weeks ago.. .
you can down load the video by right clicking here and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:.
Mouthy, tell "Laurie" yes, believe in God, but I get a "busy signal"
and Blondie, thanks for your support and your active work! There is strength in numbers!
Family Sercrets VIDEO HERE
by zev ini have the first edition of the family secrets video ready.. .
this edition is a low quality video of the show that aired in canada 2 weeks ago.. .
you can down load the video by right clicking here and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:.
Thanks home from New York late last night! What a weekend and's some letters I rec'd and my response:
Donald, thank you for your
movie and want to share with you now what an amazing and wonderful film it
is. The integrity and wit with which you depicted your story is beautiful.
THi donald, I saw you speak and your short film at the ARIA event this weekend in NYC and it was just wonderful! I'm a fellow survivor and am inspired by you- can't wait to read the book! - sWell, I went to the benifit in NY, yesterday for ARIA at which Donald DeHeane spoke, and I must say I thank him for doing so, the courage he showed by standing up on that stage and recounting some of his story was a great site. I could tell how much he was struggling with his emotions when the ending brought him to tears.
Donald, you continue to speak out for the benifit of others even when it is hard for you and for that I thank you.
To be honest the benifit was a lot better than I thought it would be, I thought I would have been bored out of my mine, the only reason I went was to hear Donald speak but it turned out to be a good night. They even had a comic who was great.
Thank you Donald, it was a pleasure to be in your presence even if I did not meet you.J, thank you so much for your kind words...just got back from New York (flew back to Detroit, drove from detroit to London, Canada)
Gee, I wish I could have met you! I purposely made myself visable in the lobby hoping those who thought they might make it to the event might introduce themselves. You see, you who were there know what I look like, but you are all invisable to me...that is a good thing for those who want to remain annonymous and god, don't we know that is most male victims (something I talked about in my speech!)
I'm so glad you made the effort to come out J and thank you too for your kind words. I thought the event was amazing-as you say, way better than I had hoped for. The comic was excellent.
This event just underscored once again something for me...Here little old me from Hobokin Canada goes all the way to New York to put a male face to male sexual abuse. On the plane back I thought about it, and I was the only male who IDENTIFIED himself as a male victim in the show...yes, there were actors portraying male victims and there were many females who openly talked about their experiences (in many different art forms) but we males have to bond publicly in order to help the silent legions out there.
But I do know there were many male survivors in the audience. I discussed with the organizers ways to reach out to even more survivors at next year's event. One thing we want to do is sponsor tickets for survivors who cannot afford to attend. This way those who need the support the most will benefit no matter what their financial circumstances.
I'm writing a play version of my story with a co-writer and ARIA will be acting out a portion of the play next year.
Anyone interested in volunteering time/talent/whatever-you name it, contact Gina Kim at [email protected]
For more information, visit -
Family Sercrets VIDEO HERE
by zev ini have the first edition of the family secrets video ready.. .
this edition is a low quality video of the show that aired in canada 2 weeks ago.. .
you can down load the video by right clicking here and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:.
Well, within hours I'm off to New York. The group for A Night to Heal 2004 has put me up at the University Club, where Hilary Clinton stays...can't wear jeans, must wear a jacket at all times...holy, that is so not me! Almost reminds me of my Witness days.
Wish me luck. I'm not going to mention the Clintons in my speech, but I am going to mention Howard Dean..Leave it to a Canadian boy to stir things up! LOL
Family Sercrets VIDEO HERE
by zev ini have the first edition of the family secrets video ready.. .
this edition is a low quality video of the show that aired in canada 2 weeks ago.. .
you can down load the video by right clicking here and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:.
Let's put it this way, Blondie. Me young: Toby McGuire, how he looked in the before part of Spiderman...before he worked out...pale, invisable. I think me older: Kevin Spacey would be excellent!
We can dream can't we!
Thanks for the encouragement about New York. It would be great to see you but there will be other times!
Family Sercrets VIDEO HERE
by zev ini have the first edition of the family secrets video ready.. .
this edition is a low quality video of the show that aired in canada 2 weeks ago.. .
you can down load the video by right clicking here and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:.
just in case some people missed this link I'm bumping it myself...but also, wanted to tell you that some great stuff is in the works...(to not jinx it) all I can say is that my story might be seen by a lot more people!
Family Sercrets VIDEO HERE
by zev ini have the first edition of the family secrets video ready.. .
this edition is a low quality video of the show that aired in canada 2 weeks ago.. .
you can down load the video by right clicking here and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:.
This just in :
Family Secrets won a Gold Medal for documentary series at World fest Houston Festival Yea!!!!
Family Sercrets VIDEO HERE
by zev ini have the first edition of the family secrets video ready.. .
this edition is a low quality video of the show that aired in canada 2 weeks ago.. .
you can down load the video by right clicking here and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:.
Blondie, thanks for the support! Going nuts preparing for New York!
Mouthy and Big Tex, she didn't say who abused her but I guessed it was an uncle or a cousin of her parents. It definitely was not her father. What was not surprising is that family members still hang out with the jerk..that's what happened to us..I have pictures of my father partying with his relatives - ones who said they cared so much about us. What a load of crap. The truth is it was worse 'cause it was a family member. People poo pooed it from day one.
That's a toughie to get over, let me tell ya. People talking to me about doing coffee with my rapist...They just don't get it. One of the reasons I wrote the book. I got sick of explaining everything, anything. Now I'm free for life..I just go, READ THE BOOK!
And Mouthy, Daniel wrote a booklet-that's what I quote from in my book-it was just 36 pages or so, self-published malarcky! Most of it was scriptures from his born-again crap!
Back to Alison, lord is that woman wonderful! This is what I want- victims to be proud of who they are...they have wonderful qualities that have been enhanced by their surviving horrific experiences.
We need to change the way victims are viewed. It's the fricken molesters who have to explain themselves. Unfortunately few make them!
Family Sercrets VIDEO HERE
by zev ini have the first edition of the family secrets video ready.. .
this edition is a low quality video of the show that aired in canada 2 weeks ago.. .
you can down load the video by right clicking here and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:.
Did any of you see Alison Arngrim (the brat on Little House on the Prairie) on Larry king live tonight. She's went public with the fact she was sexually abused from ages 6-9 by a relative.
It was fascinating..She was brilliant. She said people treat victims of family sexual abuse different *(read: less seriously) then when a stranger abuses a child...For those of you who read my book, you know how true that is!