for shame. placing magazines that are 9 months old??
"it's still valuable spiritual food."
"the truth doesn't have a shelf-life."
"someone once got the Truth from a magazine several years old."
"the magazines never go out-of-date."
yes, they do. that's why they have a date at the top. working with publishers who had no qualms about using old, ratty magazines from last year or worse were so embarassing. by the way, the society actually discourages this. its just not mentioned very often and the notion that old magazines are just as valuable as new ones prevails at the congregational level.
the 'Waiting' article was certainly one of the odder cover series in recent memory. how much can you say about the topic of waiting? theres actually a box of tips, including: 'bring something to read' and 'plan your schedule so you dont have to wait as long' and many others. real ground-breaking stuff. one of those cover articles that no publisher with any measure of self-respect would actually try to FEATURE. the awake becomes the featured article by default. that happens more often of late it seems, or worse even, neither is a presentable subject.