I have been following some of your postings, and my heart goes out to you...KEEP ROARING!
the asbury park press called yesterday and interviewed my husband.
i am glad the local paper here finally did the story.
they got it off the ap wire.
I have been following some of your postings, and my heart goes out to you...KEEP ROARING!
i received this original email from [email protected] in regards to post i had made on the jw discussion forum on .
hello mpatrick , ya know alot of the things that you quote i question are still in the truth , i am sorry if i affend you.
im 26 from new jersey and where are the true witnesses .
She should be afraid, afterall I am an evil "apostate".....LOL
I think it is funny how JWs like to stereotype every unbeliever as evil or vindictive and full of hatred and then wonder why we stereotype them as Watchtower dubs.
i received this original email from [email protected] in regards to post i had made on the jw discussion forum on .
hello mpatrick , ya know alot of the things that you quote i question are still in the truth , i am sorry if i affend you.
im 26 from new jersey and where are the true witnesses .
Thank you Yerusalyim...I appreciate it! Try to resend it to [email protected], that is the address she posted on Beliefnet.
I am sure she will probably be changing that address too, after a few emails.
i received this original email from [email protected] in regards to post i had made on the jw discussion forum on .
hello mpatrick , ya know alot of the things that you quote i question are still in the truth , i am sorry if i affend you.
im 26 from new jersey and where are the true witnesses .
I just tried to reply to her emails, and it said that username was no longer available. So, I sent it to the [email protected] address and it went through fine. This is what I wrote...
I don't want to sound harsh here, but I get tired of self-righteous JWs trying to tell me how I feel and that I never really knew the "truth". I don't equate the Watchtower with God, Jesus or the truth. I was raised a JW since I was 4 or 5 years old. I was a "good" JW, I followed all the man-made rules and laws, got baptized at an early age, and went on to pioneer and marry another JW (I even remained a virgin till marriage).
I did not leave the Organization because I was bitter or upset with anyone. So, please don't try to tell me what I did and did not do, nor how I believed. I have never been disfellowshipped or disassociated. I am not an immoral person, nor do I live an immoral life. I do not believe JWs are God's sole Organization and I do not believe that their teachings are consistent with the Bible. I believe they misinterpret scriptures and mislead millions and doom the entire earth to a horrific death (much like Sept.11) which in turn makes me believe that they are grossly unloving to mankind.
By your emails, it illustrates just how unloving many JWs are (not all, I know some very loving ones). If people don't believe the same as you, you doom them to an eternal death, you even did that to me when you don't know a thing about me.
Like I said, I am just tired of self-righteous types, like yourself, that email me and try to lay on some Watchtower guilt trip. Your accusations and unloving mannerisms just assure me even more that God would never be a part of a people that act in such a cruel way. I think you are the angry one here, at least by the way you write. I, on the other hand, don't live by your man-made religion, nor do I live by their rules. So, they don't really apply to me.
Good day,
This person posted her email address all over the other board for people to contact her, so please do. Maybe then, she will quit sending me so many emails! I have had this happen before, and it really got to me this time.
i received this original email from [email protected] in regards to post i had made on the jw discussion forum on .
hello mpatrick , ya know alot of the things that you quote i question are still in the truth , i am sorry if i affend you.
im 26 from new jersey and where are the true witnesses .
I woke up to six new emails from this person, each paragraph was a seperate email...
oh the point about me not being baptized you made a dedication to jehovah , i havent yet and you should know what the bible says on that. if you were a real witness before because it doesnt seem like you even know anything.
and this is how i know you were never a witness. go by watchtower teachings. we are supposed to follow what the bible teaches. who studied with you who ever it was screwed you up. any no im not perfect that's why i left when i did because i didnt want to be a hypocrite. well im trying to base my life now on bible standards and by the way im not baptized and i was raised in the truth and you are and i seem to have more of an appreciation for jehovah. you keep bringing up the watchtower. not once have you brought up god or jesus, and by the way i was bed ridden for two years because of the life style i choose and i knew what i was supposed to be doing but i changed as hard as it was and a lover of money im not every one likes it and that was one of the choices you have not had one positive thing to say yet because you are on the defensive and you know where that comes from take it up with jehovah i tried, learned my lesson.....
hey buddie i told you i was gone for seven years. it never left me but i did get myself out in the world . and oh yeh. i was with girls to i did some pretty wrong out rageous things so dont try to spite me. but anyway. im trying and that's the point . women are supposed to love me. where the bible does it say that your not
oh and alot has changed in the ministry you know some things have changed, or new literature is updated you know how that works .. did you know when my grandma was little there was a christmas tree in the watctower and tract society. but do you know why its not now. because jesus wasnt born in dec. you know that it clearly says it in everyones bible not just jw's and noone has the power to brain wash me . only the week are led astray and brain washed i go by what can be proven prayer and fact.
did you know that the meanining of apostate is someone who tells lies about a religion, who tries to start there own people to follow them that is pretty evil. that 's what the word apostate means, i hope you dont call your self that.
no i didnt mean any of that in a non loveing manner i was telling you my experiance i guess you were blinded by all the other things . i know that im not brainwashed because if i dont see it i dont believe it so it's not about what people say and by the way your what a couple of years older than me. so if jehovah doesnt exist who do you pray to . you can open your own bible just like everyone else in religion period , sorry for sending you positive words of encouragement your anger is self explanatory because you dont know me either and i was just trying to remind you of just how loveing and forgiving jehovah is. that's not being a hypocrite. sorry for concern that is something that you have to dwell on for yourself. and believe me i get shunned by different ones alot of times because of gossip so dont act like your the only victim.. the only one i need to please is god. but i do think it's sad that you are trying to convince others for your own hatred that is wrong. but im sorry that you feel the way you do. since your not that much older than me , ive been taught the same things that you were unless you were in a congregation that was corrupt some of those do slip through the cracks. im sorry that i made it sound negative i was just trying to help and understand your anger. there i go getting in trouble again for trying to be a good person.
Not sure if you are aware but it is considered poor netiquette to post private correspondence on a public message board. Is it really necessary to post her email address and webpage here?I didn't ask to correspond with this person, she got my email from my user profile on this other discussion board. So, no, I don't have any problem with posting our correspondence here. As regards her email address, she posted it all over the other discussion board (actually she posted [email protected])and the webpage is public on AOL.
i received this original email from [email protected] in regards to post i had made on the jw discussion forum on .
hello mpatrick , ya know alot of the things that you quote i question are still in the truth , i am sorry if i affend you.
im 26 from new jersey and where are the true witnesses .
I just checked out this person's homepage on AOL Decided to send a nice reply....
I just read your homepage and saw your Hobbies & Interests
"i love dancing, eating , going out and meeting people, love god and money, oh and men tooo"
Seems you are one of the many JW hypocrites of money and men, doesn't that go against Watchtower teachings?
I think you only contacted me because you thought I was a man, sorry but I am a happily married mother of three...go find a victim of your lucid ways elsewhere. This "apostate" is enjoying a cult-free life without hypocrites like yourself.
i received this original email from [email protected] in regards to post i had made on the jw discussion forum on .
hello mpatrick , ya know alot of the things that you quote i question are still in the truth , i am sorry if i affend you.
im 26 from new jersey and where are the true witnesses .
I guess this person has a lot to say, because I just received another...
also you are not telling the truth and i dont believe that you were ever a baptized brother. (well, this individual got one thing right...I was never a brother) if you were you would know better than to put your own live at risk , im sorry hope you change your ways , but i cant write you anymore seems like you really have anger , someone hurt you and now you want to do it your way i cant associate with an appostate , false religion is going down areyou going with it.
i received this original email from [email protected] in regards to post i had made on the jw discussion forum on .
hello mpatrick , ya know alot of the things that you quote i question are still in the truth , i am sorry if i affend you.
im 26 from new jersey and where are the true witnesses .
Wow, more email from this person...
no one ever claimed that god dwelled within this organization and if you read your bible , or anyother bible you will know that these prophesys are not false. this is really sad. it doesnt sound like you were ever a true witness because whatever you were taught you are way off from what is really taught in jehovahs organization.
i received this original email from [email protected] in regards to post i had made on the jw discussion forum on .
hello mpatrick , ya know alot of the things that you quote i question are still in the truth , i am sorry if i affend you.
im 26 from new jersey and where are the true witnesses .
I received this original email from [email protected] in regards to post I had made on the JW Discussion forum on
hello mpatrick , ya know alot of the things that you quote i question are still in the truth , i am sorry if i affend you. im 26 from new jersey and where are the true witnesses . i fell away for about seven years i was an unbaptized pubisher born in the truth that had gotten stumbled by some fellow christians but i was youn g but still loved jehovah some how i was swiped up by the world and now im back trying to work my way to baptizm i know that this is the truth ive seen how jehovah can operate and i hope you still have that same zeal and love when you were baptized.
My response was:
Thank you for your concern, but I choose to see the world beyond the Watchtower walls. I see corruption and dishonesty within their walls and I choose to be no part of an Organization that claims to be God's sole channel, yet lies, false prophesies and misinterprets the scriptures. I choose to follow God rather than man and I have never been able to find a single scripture that speaks of an "organization" that God dwells within. God gives us freewill to choose, and I choose to believe in the holy spirit that he pores out to me. If you are happy with following the JWs manmade religion, please do so. I have no intention of forcing my views upon others, just to tell the truth about the Organization and let ones make their own personal choice. Good day.
Here was the loving response I received back:
oh yeh i figured you were an apostate. ya know whether this matters to you or not yeh there are elders, family members and other baptized christians who have stumbled me many times, and i left the truth for years because of it. ya know if you spent more time reading the bible and developeing more of your own relationship with jehovah and more of an updated version on jesus , you would change your mind , i cry when i see people who were forced to be baptized because they never get an understanding of what jehovah is really about. im not gonna give you that everyday witness excuse that people arent perfect because these hypocrites that you speak of know what they should be doing and arent , and believe me i have stories. my father is a ministerial servant who drinks hard doesnt live up to family responsibilities. but ya know what i had gotten so far out in the world that i almost died and it took a while for me to feel like jehovah was hearing me but ya know after a while it took a long while but im getting better now. and i as an adult now have a better understanding of what he wants from me . it says nowhere in the bible that the elders have to know all our bizz and this and that . but you do know what is right and you know that it's not right to be defacing jehovah and his people , it will be worse for you, you know i had to stop being a baby and crying this brother did this and did that . but you know discourageing other people from the true knowledge of jehovah is god. even worldly people know what his name is , i am totally upset by this , and ya know when i was 16 i was ready for baptizm really they told me no, that hindered me along with other things but i am an adult now and i went straight to jehovah about these things. you know that you shouldnt be doing this . seems like the truth was never able to reach your heart. i cant read hearts but jehovah does. be like jesus , suck it up , be bold and humble for jehovah , you will make him happy who cares about everyone else. i still go well now and there are still the same people who give me cocky looks , gossip and no we are not perfect but while your sitting home not taking in the accurate knowledge those hypocrites are still getting the vital info to change. pray to jehovah dont let anyone hinder you , i live with one and if i give up and let him hinder me , i will end up loseing my life. you are not the only angry person , pray about these unjust things look how jesus was prosecuted , who are we not to undergo prosecution by our own brothers and sisters. we are mere dust. it is to close to the end for you to turn this way . why lose someone who could be a fine brother and fine example.stay updated on the info. the info is sorry for you that you use this way , you are not spiteing anyone but yourself .. im doing it all alone, and i dont feel like i have much support but i am seeking it, and i am attending meetings , and i pray pray pray, and read read read. the bible from beginning to end is vital.
i sent it to kent.
the only thing that kept me going was the thought of what my suicide would do to my children for the rest of their lives.
i finally got the courage to seek help for that depression, and im fine now.. alanf and gedanken (two of my good friends) helped me out, and i am most grateful for that.
Thank you for taking the time to post your life story, I have always enjoyed reading your post!
By the way, d'art asked about you. You might want to drop a line and let her know what you have been up to, I am sure she would love to hear from you.
I have really enjoyed meeting a few of the posters on this board at a recent get-together, and you are right, they are some of the greatest people I have ever met. I hope to continue to meet new ones in the Cincinnati area in the future. Hopefully, we will be getting something together again real soon!
I'm glad you stuck it out for your children and for all those here that appreciate your post!
Thank you!