Stuck-thanks for the nice update on you and your healthy baby and happy niece.
JoinedPosts by PaintedToeNail
Not disfellowshipped, not shunned by JWs, but my Bro's Family? That's a whole different story...
by stuckinlimbo inso my niece was disfellowshipped about 18 months ago for having a worldly boyfriend who was obviously staying over at her place on a regular basis.
they now have a house together an are going strong.
her boyfriend is a nice guy.
I was the weird kid in the class....
by punkofnice in.......because i was raised a jw and not allowed to do anything like birthday parties and the like.. i was ridiculed because i was dragged around on the 'ministry'(tm) and my class mates saw and laughed.. i wasn't allowed to go into school morning assembly even though it wasn't religious...just in i used to get beat up in the cloak room.. i tried to fit in but had too many guilt trips.. i now loathe the god concept and the gb!.
School + Witness Kid = mental anguish
Sandy Hook Massacre - Solutions
by tootired2care in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><![endif].
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Portcullis type entrances to schools, no windows on doors, bulletproof glass in classroom windows. Attack-Sniff-Guard dogs. Dogs can be intimidating, even if you have guns. Americans will never give up their guns, so school officials will have to out think sociopaths with guns.
by Tameria2001 inhello, its been a long time since i was an active member to this forum.
life had gotten busy, and i had forgotten my old log in information.
it was 11 years, and 3 computers ago when i had made my original account here.
Tameria-Nice to hear from you! Welcome back. I'm jealous that you got out with your husband, but very happy for you.
Hi, newbie here
by casio ini've lurked on this site for about 18 months and read with interest.
nice to be able to see that there are others who have similar feelings to me.
i'm still in but feel a bit of a phoney given the way i think about things.
Hello from the northern Appalachian area!
Need Some Tough Love & Help
by Simon Morley innot sure how to approach this but here wife discovered a porn site on the computer tonight.
yes, i was going to them, and i was foolish to think i could never get caught.
i have been visiting them for some years, not a daily problems, but occasionaly every month or so - still a problem wethere its once or a hundred times.
Maybe you could step down from being an elder. Tell her she is right, you have been a hypocrite, and you will rectify the situation by immediately stepping down. This may enable you to fade away with far less stress.
I agree with mrsjones, it isn't your daughter's business. If your wife insists on telling your daughter, your wife might be shocked that it doesn't bother her as much as it bothers Mrs. Morley. Your daughter is of a more modern generation and might be enjoying porn of her own.
Whatever happens, I wish you the best.
What rumors have you heard about yourself since leaving?
by donny ingood morning all,.
i have had the opportunity over the last couple of years to speak with a couple of jw's who had either attended the same congregation i did or were married to someone who to the same one.
for the record, i disassociated myself in 1992 due to being followed around by an elder or two who had heard that i had ray franz's "crisis of conscience" in my possession.
That I am spiritually weak, and 'wanted' a brother (who was the one who started this rumor) because my hubby works out of town. This brother knew I wanted him because I have 'bedroom' eyes. He told this to his wife at the time from whom he was seperated from. He told her could've 'had' me anytime he wanted me. This was particularly annoying because I had told my family several years ago that I found this particular brother to be an especially controlling, and arrogant bastard, and that he treated his wife like crap. They know my true feeling about this jerk, but other people don't.
The 'bedroom eyes' thing was totally crap, because my older brother gets that from women all the time. It runs in my family. This may also be the reason that I've always attracted odd men (maybe it is just that are more likely to act on impulse than more normal men), i.e.: as a teenager, I was serenaded for three hours, while captive on a Greyhound bus, by a guy named Lester. He sang very raunchy and bawd songs for the entire duration, he was known as 'Lester the molester' in the very large high school I attended at the time. I had purposely sat right behind the bus driver to avoid being singled out by anyone odd, but it didn't work. Another time at Disney World, a girlfriend and I got on a ride that went into a dark area, we were sitting opposite each other on seperate seats, two guys we had never seen before jumped into our car just before the ride took off, as soon as we were in the dark, the guy on my side started to try to feel me up. I had to fight off a complete stranger on a ride at Disney World. While waiting on a bus bench, in the freezing Minnesota winter, a guy traveling on another bus going the opposite way, saw me, got off his bus, came over to where I was sitting with another girlfriend on the bench and sat down right next to me, he started grabbing my leg, I kept moving over until my friend said 'I'm going to fall of the bench', I finally got off the bench and stood. At the KH in Minnesota, I was stalked by an old Norwegian brother, which was very creepy. The elders finally told him he would be DF'd if he didn't stop. Just two or three years ago a guy at Target asked me if I've ever 'buttF'd' anyone, and that he would like to 'do' I attract weirdos. I could go on about me and strange me. No, I don't dress provocatively, it's just that I bring out the weirdos...just like this 'brother' who is a legend in his own mind. Yet another one for my weirdo file.
3/15/12 WT: Health Problems Causing You To Become Spiritually Weak? Then You Are Wicked.
by yourmomma in
check out the first study article in the march 15th study edition.
it seems they are now stating that if you allow health problems to cause you to miss meetings or become inactive then you are wicked because you refuse to "get up" from being stumbled.
We used to have an elderly man in our congregation that every sister was forced to help with meals and house cleaning. It irked me, they could have easily organized 'meals on wheels' to come, and there were no brothers offering to clean his dirty house. This old brother was not in anyway home bound, he drove all over the place and flew to different places. There were other old people that were in need too, but they weren't cared for like he was. Did I mention that he was annointed? Finally, other old people started asking for services from people in the congregation, and the elders decided to check on getting socal services for them and the annointed brother too.
This old brother did have kids and other close relatives in the family that were JW's, I thought and still do think, that the family members should help out long before the congregation does. Many of the sisters who were coerced into helping worked full time, pioneered or were struggling single moms.
Fading in another country
by sillygirl2013 inthis is my first topic here, i'm a bit nervous and hope no police-y jw elder/ms is trolling this site looking for faders.
paranoia i hope, not anything close to reality :-).
so i've been away from my country for a year now, working in this fantastic country in europe.
silly-Welcome! I like the fake letterhead, and address idea. Maybe someone here has the standard request wording written down somewhere too, that way it would sound official. Have a great time in Europe!
Will 2013 be the Year of Justice for Child Sex Abuse Victims - both Jehovah Witness and non Jehovah Witness survivors in the states of Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York?
by Sol Reform in" now, virtually every religious organization has had to deal with this issue in some form.
and those with theological beliefs that require them to keep scandal from seeping outside the organization, like the roman catholic church, the orthodox jews, the jehovah's witnesses, and the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints, have had pronounced problems.".