Staelins was the type of elder who could really speak charismatically. He was also a major egotist. His son 'J' is/was a real estate agent in Wisconsin...he appears to be somewhat influeneced by his father's personality. His son 'E' married a woman who was somewhat older than he, a pioneer sister from a huge family. Don't know what happened to his daughter 'P'. He had younger children also, one who died falling off a bicycle. His wife 'D' was sweet, but totally and completely controlled by her husband. He wouldn't let her dye her hair, wear makeup or do anything w/o his permission.
He once gave a talk at a congregation in the area where he insinuated women who were not menstruating were like animals in heat...that went over like a lead balloon and he started losing his thunder and people started to question his rationality. He really denigerating women.
His apostacy from the WTBTS seems to give credence to their thought that apostates are egotists who try to get men to follow them, he was an egotist and I cannot feel that his defection is a victory for any of us who have left the org.