Another new book: Jehovah's Witnesses - AN EXPOSE, written by a former elder and retired veteran United Airlines pilot

by AndersonsInfo 98 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AndersonsInfo

    A Comprehensive New Book:

    Jehovah's Witnesses -

    "The Good... The Bad... The Deceptive...

    And Worse! AN EXPOSE"

    Authored by: Captain Jim Staelens, Sr., UAL Retired

    Resident of Jamestown, Tennessee since 2010

    Written especially for:

    Persons curious about Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs)...

    Former Witnesses (for whatever reason)...

    • Active Witnesses (with serious reservations)...

    • Anyone thinking of studying with JWs...

    Groups fed up with JWs' condemnation of them

    Pointed questions for the next JW who calls...

    This book is a whistle-blower on the Watchtower/Witness/Hierarchy's (W/W/H's) outrageous conduct, teachings and policies. Staelens notes, "It discusses deceptive methods used by the W/W/H to abuse adults and children, spiritually, emotionally, even financially." This expose provides suggestions to avoid its snare, or how to escape its capture, if one has already gotten involved.

    This illuminating guide is meant to reveal to the public the truth about the W/W/H while weaving-in in intriguing personal experiences from nearly 50 years of flying as a pilot. Staelens says, "It highlights the fact that the W/W/H, (not rank-and-file-), has over its 140 year history, published numerous errors and more false prophecies, about the end of the world, than any other person or group in history; yet it has consistently refused to take responsibility for its harmful actions, false prophecies and other wrongs."

    Staelens' goal has been to create the most complete and thoroughly documented work of its time, with proofs from Witness literature, in which the W/W/H condemns itself. His book, while striving to give fair attention to the good in the organization, thoroughly exposes the hierarchy's deception, hypocrisy, lying and denial, which has been foisted on him, his family and millions of other hapless believers. His book has been inspired by a lifetime of experiences and participation, unwittingly, in its deception. He has held every position of responsibility in Witness congregations and because of his experiences has felt compelled to write this expose.

    ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Staelens' unique perspective, as a retired veteran airline captain, contains information from airline procedures, accidents, tragedies and events that readers will find both riveting and very relevant to this expose. A free download of "A Brief Glimpse" is available

    This book is available to purchase from: - Search bar: 9781482647808 or

    ($ 19.95)


    I was born in Saginaw, Michigan, in 1941.

    I started learning to fly airplanes in 1961, was hired by United Airlines in 1966 and retired as a captain in 1991. With nearly fifty years of flying experience, I have logged over ten thousand hours and five million miles, have handled several life-threatening emergencies and survived one plane crash.

    During the past sixty years, I have read the entire Bible through numerous times, and I have studied many different translations with the assistance of Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, Greek-English as well as Hebrew-Chaldee lexicons, and Greek-English interlinear translations.

    From 1957 until 2006, I served in every position of responsibility in congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses and also helped teach several schools for congregation elders and others. I served on judicial committees, was the assembly overseer for circuit assemblies, and was the program overseer for a district convention. I have lectured to tens of thousands of people at many large Witness district conventions; I am very well qualified for and feel impelled to write this expose, especially for people such as the following:

    • Persons curious about Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs)

    Former Witnesses (for whatever reason)

    • Active Witnesses (with serious reservations)

    • Groups fed-up with JWs' condemnation of them

    • Anyone thinking of studying with Jehovah's Witnesses

    Pointed questions for the next time a JW calls at your door.

    When I finally discerned the bad... deceptive... and worse... with respect to the W/W/H, how did I deal with it? How did I manage to get, and keep those blinders off? The answers may help and surprise you!

    Jim Staelens Sr.

    Captain UAL Retired

    More information and photos can be viwed:

    You don't need to download material, just open the document.

  • Oubliette

    "I started learning to fly airplanes in 1961, was hired by United Airlines in 1966 and retired as a captain in 1991. With nearly fifty years of flying experience, ..." - Captain Jim Staelens, Sr., UAL Retired

    Um, 1991 - 1961 = 30, not "nearly fifty."

    The author's credibility just dropped precipitously. Maybe it's the wind shear.

    Perhaps he continued to fly privately after he retired from United Airlines in 1991, but he does not say that, and the wording of his text implies he was done in '91.

    If people REALLY want to make a difference, they absolutely gotta' avoid these rookie errors. Didn't anybody proofread this copy before it was published???

    I went and checked out the guy's website. Hopefully he has some good things to say, but his presentation is sadly really "Amateur Hour" stuff. It really detracts from his content.

    One thing the WTBTS really gets right is PRESENTATION. They are so damn slick and polished it's frightening. We live in a society (the world, not the WT) that prizes FORM over CONTENT. So anyone that wants to write an exposé has got to at least have a minimum level of professionalism in their presentation if they even HOPE to get a listening ear from anyone currently "still-in."

    So many ex-JW rants are really counter-productive because of their lame presentation. They only reinforce the WT's description of apostates.

    Of course us "mentally diseased apostates" will overlook these shortcomings and give it a chance, but that's just preaching to the choir, as it were.

    Please, please, please. If you are even THINKING about self-publishing a book about your JW/ex-JW experience, get a trusted and qualified friend to proofread it first and give you some constructive criticism. Then take it.

  • VM44

    "...I started learning to fly airplanes in 1961..."

    I think the author's "almost fifty" years of flying experience started from when he first learned to fly in 1961.

    To get to the number of 50 years, he certainly would have to continued to fly after the year he retired.

    1961 + 50 = 2011.

    The book looks interesting, and I would like to know what he has to say.

  • Oubliette

    VM44: I think the author's counted his "almost fifty" years of flying experience from when he started to learn to fly in 1961. (2013-1961 = 52)

    Well I think you're probably right, but we're both just guessing. Aren't we?

    The point is this: What the author SAYS is probably NOT what he MEANT. This is what's knows as BAD WRITING.

    No piece of writing is perfect, but when someone commits such bone-head mistakes right out of the gate--and in a promotional piece at that--it suggests that the entire work is going to be rife with such pitfalls of prose.

    Who wants to read a book and spend the whole time trying to figure out what the author meant when he himself isn't capable of saying it clearly!

  • Oubliette

    VM44, no fair editing your post after I already commented on yours!



  • RayPublisher

    I think it's great to have another voice in the chorus...An accomplished pilot and man who was a high ranking JW elder tells us his experiences and what he has learned coming out of the WT cult.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    There is no conflict in these numbers. He states he was with Unitel until 1991, but he has 50 years flying experience. Most airline pilots learned to fly well before they are hired with an airline, and continue to fly for many years afterwards, either professionally or in general aviation. Many of them will be instructors and flight examiners. So the author, if he first learned to fly in 1961 at age 20 or so, would now be about 74 years old. It is not uncommon at all for a 70+ to still have his medical and license and be active in aviation.

  • PaintedToeNail

    I had the extreme displeasure of personally knowing this odious man 30 years ago. It would've been difficult to find a more inflated ego than his. He kept his wife and daughter under his thumb-I'm surprised he didn't force them to wear burqa's. He once said if his daughter, "P", didn't wear a belt on her pants, it meant she was 'loose'...nor was she to ride in a car with her brothers, because worldly people might see her and think she was immoral, being with a boy...what a whack job.

  • Oubliette

    PaintedToeNail, your personal experience with the author confirms what I suspected after perusing the " six page preview" on his website. You've saved me $15.96 + S&H and the time it would take to wade through Captain Jim Staelens' 348 page tribute to his high-flying ego. Thanks for the heads up!

    dropoffyourkeylee, I see you read the first sentence of my post, but apparently not the rest of it. Thanks for arguing my point (and supplying additional details of speculation and conjecture) while still managing to miss it.

    " Everybody does have a book in them , but in most cases that's where it should stay ." - Christopher Hitchens

  • slimboyfat

    It does strike one as odd that his being a captain features so prominently. What has that got to do with writing a book about JWs?


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