JoinedPosts by subtlevirtue
proof of monism
by subtlevirtue inthe one thing is an autoimmune, autodidact, sentient, that is self-interested, self-sufficient, and omnibenevolent, making it an all-teacher, that is omniscient, and all-wise, as well as omnipotent and eternal.
The one thing is an autoimmune, autodidact, sentient, that is self-interested, self-sufficient, and omnibenevolent, making it an all-teacher, that is omniscient, and all-wise, as well as omnipotent and eternal.
How Fear is Weaponized
by Sea Breeze infear is used by politicians, marketeers, social scientists, military psy-ops tacticians and just about anyone who wants to manipulate or destabilize another.
to illustrate, look at this 1964 political ad by pres.
johnson against barry goldwater:.
some animals do not die!
I think it is our generation that will live for ever
Warning Distressing Footage Relates to Genesis 19, Sodom & Gomorrah
by Slidin Fast inthis week's meeting stresses god's justice and righteousness in destroying the "wicked" people of the above cities.
we are told how patient and just big j was in this matter.
finally with a regretful shake of his head, he dispenses justice .. gen 19:24 then jehovah made it rain sulfur and fire on sodʹom and go·morʹrah—it came from jehovah, from the heavens.+ 25 so he overthrew these cities, yes, the entire district, including all the inhabitants of the cities and the plants of the ground.+.
waton, are you saying the wt gave that interpretation?
King David's Three Choices
by Jehalapeno ineditor's note: found this on reddit...thought the meat of the post would be a good post for discussion here as well.. consider the three choices god forced upon david for taking a census.
these three choices were forced on king david, not for murdering people, not for raping women, not for lying, stealing, or any crime we can think of in our modern world that is repugnant, but simply for taking a census or in other words, counting people.. for counting people, jehovah forced a decision on david that involved the lives of thousands upon thousands of innocent people.. the choices all dealt with the “way” jehovah would kill thousands of unsuspecting loyal worshipers.. 1 chronicles 21.
“these are the choices the lord has given you.
it seems that worshipping the God of the bible {baptism, amen, communion} involves things similar to oaths and is more then a yes or no. Therefore it is under the jurisdiction of ?Azazel? (who supposedly invented worship or god status which would mean it is inherently under his jurisdiction); this is why I do not confer god status or worship YHWH. If one considers what YHWH has done (global destruction through flood, annihilation of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, killing all the first born of Egypt, and genocide of almost all the tribes of Canaan) does he not seems morally repugnant. LOVE??? I suppose that would have been an upgrade but all Christians were like their master put under special possession of angels and if that failed were killed or handed to demons