JoinedTopics Started by Cinciguy74
Went to the DC with my wife.... WHY OH WHY???
by Cinciguy74 inso, in a tit for tat agreement with my wife to do something i wanted to do, i agreed to go with my wife for saturday and sunday to the district convention.. for most of the day, i simply read other things, paying little attention to what was going on.
my wife could care less if i am paying attention, more that i am there to wrangle little ones who are being distruptive so she can listen.. but one of the things i did catch, was that they highlighted "four satanic teachings".. one of which was that "you need a higher education to succeed in this world".
so higher education is now satanic??
How long until we see a "Sunday School" program?
by Cinciguy74 inso we are seeing wt videos aimed at children, a feature for children in the watchtower aimed at young children, just how long until we start seeing some form of a sunday school for young children?.
i know in the past it has been ridiculed by the wts, but the reality is that it is a better method for teaching children than sitting in the kh where they can't sit still for more than 5 minutes anyway..
Putting words into the mouth of God and Christ
by Cinciguy74 inso, as some of you are aware, i have been doing a lot of research.
i recently came across the july 1, 1943 watchtower article "righteous requirements" and have simply been amazed that the society did not simply say "we require that pioneers have this many hours.
" that would seem like a simple thing to do, or say.
"Dropping In" at the local coffee shop on Saturday mornings
by Cinciguy74 ini have to admit, i have made it a bit of a habit in the last few weeks to find myself in the local starbucks right about the time that i know the service groups will be stopping for a "quick" break, which usually goes on for about 30 minutes.. as i am not da or df, i make a note to say good morning to them and show them how nice and relaxed i am sitting, slowly enjoying my coffee.
i even make a point to invite them to sit down with me, knowing that it will eat up a bit more of their time.
never a "theocratic" discussion, only about local happenings usually, talking about workouts (i am normally in gym clothes since i was either at the gym or going to the gym after coffee), or just discussing plans for the weekend.
Learning to pray again
by Cinciguy74 inso, one of the things that is catching me off guard is that i have forgotten how to pray.. as a jw we were all told to pray, but when we really look at it, the prayers are just as structured and mind numbing as those of the catholic church reciting the rosary.
what caught my attention was stephen at act 7:59 where he calls on jesus (not jehovah) to receive him.
he prayed to jesus.. yet, as a jw, the prayers you always here begin like this: "jehovah god, our loving heavenly father..." and end in "in jesus name, amen".
Meddlers in other peoples affairs....
by Cinciguy74 inso, i was reading through this weeks watchtower study, since i was curious from another thread talking about it an apostasty.
i came across this statement in paragraph 15 and about spit out my coffee.. <quote>"meddlers in other peoples affairs.
it is not our right to tell othershow to run their personal affairs.
What WOULD happen?
by Cinciguy74 inwe all know that the wts has many times in the past changed their current stance on "scriptural" issues, changing the rules as they were.
but what would be the effect if something major, but not completely counter, to their teachings were to change?
for instance, the blood issue would send many straight to the doors since someone would scream about blood guilt (and anyone with sense would see it).