Skien, Norway - that's where Kent Steinhaug lives, or did live the last time we heard from him.
Posts by Mum
God's name and the New Testament a new argument
by slimboyfat inan interesting recent article on the divine name in early christianity.. the author is surely a witness apologist.
a friend of furuli perhaps?.
search google for the pdf of:.
A day when I just about lost it
by Terry ini never wrote about the event i'm about to describe when it happened.
when you are upset you can't write about anything objectively.
you are subsumed by the emotion.. brain: off.. .
Typical . . . Your friend's wife might be called upon to tell her story at the next assembly.
When I was still on the inside, I remember reading an experience of a JW wife and mother of numerous children. The "worldly" husband and father abused all of them. They sometimes had to sleep in the barn to get away from his abuse.
The upshot of the whole thing was that after 20 or so years of this unrelenting abuse, the sperm donor / husband became "interested in the truth."
It does not matter that he ruined the lives of his wife and children. What mattered was that the criminal "saw the light" (no disrespect to Hank Williams) at last.
What horsesh*t!
Another New Member
by lriddle80 ini have been out of the "truth" for about 13 years, but 9 of those years i was someone who was out but thinking i would probably go back at some point...out but not all the way out mentally.
my family are still active members and i am a little bit shunned, not invited to family get togethers, that sort of thing.
i was one of those people that left and then did drugs and partied for a while.
Hello, lriddle.
I exited in 1979. For two years, I was not mentally free. Then I had a meeting with the elders. The behavior and tactics of those contemptible lowlife men convinced me that no god of any consequence or any sense of good, fairness and justice would ever get near those b**tards.
Welcome to freedom.
Twelve foot high Jehovah's Witnesses
by RayPublisher inconan o'brian doing a funny skit about jws:.
Shepherding call
by lostinthought inso, on sunday i left the meeting and was sitting in my car putting my keys in the ignition, an elder pulled on my door handal and opened up.
i rolled my eyes, this man is annoying...anyway he asked if i was going to be around wednesday.
i told him i should be.
by newdawnfades ini am a long time lurker who has finally decided to post.
i am still in along with my wife, kids and extended family.
i am in my 40s and was raised in the org.
I received a vision today!
by Terry ini was peddling my bike along the trinity river in fort worth on busy university drive close to botanic gardens when i spotted.
a holy vision from jehovah!
i thought i would share it with you.. .
Jehovah's Witnesses Shunning at it's very best! SHOCKING Jw.Org
by BlindersOff1 infound this on youtube fyi.
Re: 2013 annual meeting
by pixel inremember, you read it here first!.
dear brothers: .
we are pleased to announce that arrangements are being made for all baptized and unbaptized publishers who read and write english, along with their minor children, to be invited to locations where they can hear the 2013 annual meeting program that will be presented on saturday, .
Caleb is back! in The Case of the Almost Stolen Lollipop
by sd-7 ini just happened to wander past my stepdaughter as she was watching some jw videos this morning before school, and i noticed a 'lesson 4' video, about not stealing.
hopefully it's youtube'd already and someone will post a link, i can't do it at the moment.. the plot is simple.
caleb's in the grocery store, and his mom just tells him [off-camera] 'no candy today.