I'm so glad you had the courage to go to a party and enjoy yourself - and learn something of value!
Posts by Mum
A Great Party Last Night.
by Thoughtless inlast night i went to a party with a (worldly) gal yesterday, twas great, but i feel like we are losing intimacy.
i haven't told her about my religion because i am afraid she may judge me or something.
i have a very complicated past and such, and the borg complicates it further.
During Your IN Years If You Had Anointed At Your Hall, What Were They Like?
by LoisLane looking for Superman inthe scoop of humanity at one khall, the anointed ones" were a mixed group.. one bro, h. had been in for eons.
he was df for adultery, back in the day when they would announce your sin openly from the platform to everyone.
he just kept on coming and partaking until he was reinstated.
This topic reminds me of something else from my distant past as an East Tennessee hillbilly. In that part of the country, the specialness came from "being called to preach." Men would have an out-of-the-ordinary experience of some kind and interpret that as having been "called."
My dad told us a story of his youth when he and some of his friends knew a neighbor would be visiting the graveyard. The boys took a tree limb and draped a white sheet over it. They hid, and one or two of them manipulated the sheet and made ghostly sounds. The neighbor man got so scared that he ran home and fainted. His wife said, "My Lord, it looks like Ollie's been called to preach!
My grandfather (a very religious man himself when I knew him, but with a sordid past as a moonshiner) was deriding this worldview one time. He lay on the floor, closed his eyes, and said, "I told the congregation I seen [sic] a bull with one horn, and I knowed [sic] I'd been called to preach."
I'll have to share some of my grandmother's stories of funny things people said in church some time.
The people of whom I speak were uneducated and knew almost nothing of the world outside their mountain enclave.
During Your IN Years If You Had Anointed At Your Hall, What Were They Like?
by LoisLane looking for Superman inthe scoop of humanity at one khall, the anointed ones" were a mixed group.. one bro, h. had been in for eons.
he was df for adultery, back in the day when they would announce your sin openly from the platform to everyone.
he just kept on coming and partaking until he was reinstated.
There was a sweet old brother in the first congregation I attended. I didn't know him well, but he seemed like a kindly soul. After I moved away, one of my (rebellious) JW friends wrote me a letter during the WT study and referred to the anointed gentleman, explaining that he was making his "Cedar Point comment," so the study was just about over. When he died, my mom (not a JW at the time) went to his funeral. She told me that our CO (a very sweet man who died at a young age) began the funeral service by saying, "On [date] a new spirit son was born in heaven, and the attendants at [his nursing home] sand that [his name] had died."
In my next congregation, there was another sweet, elderly anointed brother living in the Veterans' Home. My husband and I always gave him a ride to the meetings. I didn't notice anything strange about him except one time when he told us that the veterans' home was playing kingdom melodies through their Muzak system.
There was another slightly elderly brother who was on a health food kick.
There was one sister from a foreign country who was middle-aged. I didn't know her very well, but she seemed nice and normal. Once my daughter, at about age 5, asked how she was going to get to heaven. I don't remember how we answered that question.
Happy Independence Day, fellow Americans. Happy Canada Day, neighbors to the north.
Last night I attended a baseball game. The Las Vegas 51's played the Fresno Grizzlies. The 51's won! There was a great fireworks show after the game.
This evening, my granddaughter is having family and friends over for a BBQ.
I love living in the real world and enjoying the freedom so many have sacrificed for.
New member!!
by Viva la Vida inthis is my first post even thou ive been lurking for some time.
i was raised in as a jw, and im still in because of my family.
since waking up i found meetings, assemblies and fs stressing and thought writing in here might be therapeutic.
Bienvenidos, Viva! Best wishes for a successful fade.
When I got out, I moved to another state where no one knew me, an no JW was going to recognize me. It would have been much easier if I had not had a child. But, if I had not had a child, I might not have done it. I would look at her and ask myself if I wanted her to have the kind of life I had. The answer was a resounding No! I knew that she was most likely to do what I did.
Taking baby steps is the wise course. Glad you're here, among friends.
I have to take my daughter to the meeting...
by iCeltic inmy daughter is visiting me from the uk and wants me to take her to the meeting, which i will do, but it's f'in killing me :( sat here crying for an hour, how pathetic is that.
the last time i spoke to her about the j dub she nearly had a breakdown.
what to do...
Dropping her off seems like the best solution. However, I didn't think about the possibility of sexual assault (yes, remote, but not impossible). Make sure she goes to the bathroom before going to the meeting so she won't be caught alone in the KH restroom. Also dress her in such a way that she cannot be easily undressed.
Does she know anyone trustworthy at that KH? If so, she should sit with them. Put a little snack in her bag so she has the option of munching something during the boring 2 hours. Tell her she is to give you a full report of everything that happened during the meeting. Pick her up immediately after the meeting is over.
Thomas Jefferson - July 4th
by DNCall injuly 4th is not only the date americans celebrate independence, but it's the date of thomas jefferson's death.. i think it would be appropriate, not only for this day, but for this forum, to share a couple of thoughts contained in the virginia statute for religious freedom, drafted by thomas jefferson in 1777. this statute serves as a precurser to the first amendment of the u.s. constitution.
first regarding the nature of truth: ".
.truth is great, and will prevail if left to herself, that she is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear from the conflict, unless by human interposition disarmed of her natural weapons free argument and debate, errors ceasing to be dangerous when it is permitted freely to contradict them:" (emphasis mine.).
There is a statue of Jefferson in front of a public building (court house?) in Louisville, Kentucky (in Jefferson County). On the base is a quotation that goes something like this: The human mind was created free, and no attempts to control it will ever be effective. (paraphrased)
Does anyone know the actual, full quotatiion? I was very impressed by it, but now can't recall the whole thing.
I'm on the Stage Const. Crew - Here at the Arena right now!!!
by tresdecu inafter lunch i will be the guy nail gunning the plywood letters to the top part of the stage.
so when i get to the word truth, i am going to mutter "bullshit, bullshit, bullshit....etc" the whole time i'm nailing the letters, obviously very quietly to myself.
;-) that way when i am listening to the bs tomorrow, i can smile to myself knowing the letters have been properly christened!
You're very brave to post this whilst in the middle of such "Theocratic activity." Best wishes.
Americans in Prison
by usualusername inat the moment the usa has around 2 million people in prison.. along with that you have some crazy prison sentences.. .
thug shot at police 19 times.
hit an officer on shoulder.. 122 years.. .
The situation is sick. The guy who killed Polly Klaas should have been locked up for good. Others are in for many years because they were carrying around some marijuana.
On the topic of stealing food and Les Miserables, I once worked for an attorney who had a client accused of food stamp fraud. This poor woman was a single parent working for minimum wage and supporting her child as well as her mother, and, somehow, she managed to get "too many" food stamps?! I was appalled!
What is little Caleb doing now?
by Oubliette inin the latest installment in the life of little caleb from the wtbts, we find caleb learning some very important words.
before you answer that, look below at this still from the video at 1:43".
what is it that you think little caleb is doing?
If I were Caleb's mom, my issue with him would be about not retrieving the ball he was playing with before coming inside, but I would only insist that he go retrieve the ball and leave Jehovah out of it. I don't think Jehovah cares that a child wastes his parents' money on toys he doesn't keep track of.
I've noticed that if the adults around a child say "please" and "thank you," the child is likely to say it as well. Dr. Laura says it is beneficial for children to believe in God, but I doubt that she means a god who watches his every move to see if he slips up in some minute detail.