........... bappy hirthday.............. frum Las Vegassssss!!!
Posts by Mum
Today is my birthday
by Gojira_101 inwell so far it is a fantastic day!
i know my grandma isn't going to call me like she does every year to say she is happy i was born.
you know the jw form of wishing someone a happy birthday.
Do You Care About "The Royal Baby"?
by minimus ini don't get it.
(and i don't care about america's "royalty" either)..
I care about all babies, but most of all for my 6-month-old great granddaughter. I feel for the royal baby because he cannot have a normal childhood. I stated in another post that I want him to be able to do things like play tag with his friends, climb trees and eat crabapples, look for 4-leaf clovers, hike in the woods and eat wild berries - things I got to do which I treasure.
Did Anyone Apply To Go To Bethel, And Not Be Accepted?
by LoisLane looking for Superman inthe brother i loved, married someone else.
at the ripe old age of 20, i thought my life was over.
if i was catholic, i probably would have joined a nunnery.
Congratulations to all who were rejected for Bethel servitude.
WARNING: You might be normal, or intelligent, or attractive!
Happy Birthday, Randy. Thanks for all you do.
Go out there and do whatever is the most fun for you, and there are no rules except don't do anything to get arrested.
I'm not psychic, but I believe it will be a girl. Maybe that's wishful thinking on my part. The fact is, it will be a baby, hopefully healthy and happy, like any other baby, but born into unimaginable circumstances. I envy and pity it at the same time. I hope it will be able to go play in the woods and get dirty like I did, get poison ivy and eat wild berries and look for 4-leaf clovers, play tag with other kids, and all things I consider "normal" for kids to do.
I went to a Lutheran church last week
by barry inwe were on holidays and while my sister in law took my son to her church the catholic church i felt i would prefer my regular church the anglican one.
when we arrived to the site of the church we realised it was a lutherine church.
i decided to go there anyway.
The Catholic Church believes the bread and wine actually become the blood and body of Christ. It's called transubstatiation. I don't know about the Lutherans on this issue.
The Lutherans were at the forefront of the Reformation because Martin Luther posted his 95 (correct #?) theses on the door of the church at Witenberg. Apparently, they did not change the church liturgy or ritual in any significant way.
Getting ready to pull up stakes again--have to sign off at the end of the month.
by humbled ini'm starting to pack.
gotta get out of here by the end of the month.
i'll loose the internet.. it's stange to pop in and pop out of the lives of others' like this.
Sorry to lose you, humbled. I've been without internet for long stretches, too, because of financial constraints. I used to live in the country like you do, but I was a child and had no idea that there might have been things I was missing out on. Your farm must be very remote if you can't get internet there.
Wishing you the best and looking forward to your return,
Magotan's Story
by magotan inhi all, i've posted here in crisis a few weeks ago.
i recently have finally taken the time to write out my entire story.
i knew i had to come out to my parents and family about everything, my sexuality, and my issues with the jehovah's witnesses.
Christopher Morley said that the only success is to live your life as you choose to live it. Go do it!
"If you're dumb, you gotta be tough." Thanks for that, ctrwtf. That's the wisest statement I've heard in a while.
My sympathies to all convention attendees,
I really need some help to get out of this religion
by doughnutkitty inhi, i've been lurking on this site for quite a while after recently having doubts about the "truth".
i've read a lot of posts about problems with the doctrines, mind control, the beliefs, brainwashing that jehovah's witnesses and their literature, as well as their history.
now only being a sixteen year old born in who isn't baptized or unbaptized, i've come to find all this information incredibly overwhelming.
Hi, Doughnutkitty. Welcome to the forum. We look forward to getting your "progress notes" as you fade slowly.
I have been out since 1979. A book that helped me immensely was Dr. Wayne Dyer's Your Erroneous Zones. Dr. Dyer helps you deal with negative emotions and shows the benefits of thinking for yourself and not being manipulated by others.
Someone else recommended Crisis of Conscience, and I want to reiterate that because Ray Franz gives good insight into how the orginization works from the inside. It's pretty shocking and eye-opening at times.
Gary and Heather Botting wrote a book called The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses in which they compare the JW organization to the government policies in George Orwell's book 1984. I recommend that you read both of these books.
You might need to keep these books at school or at a friend's house while you're still living with your parents. That is fine.
Talk to your school guidance counselor and explain the mind control techniques you have been subjected to. He or she can help you deprogram yourself. When you get to college, there may be free psychological counseling for students. Take advantage of that help as well.
You might want to take some vocational interest tests, such as Strong's Interest Inventory and the Meyers-Briggs Type Inventory as well as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. These can be administered by a psychologist. Sometimes local community colleges administer these tests for free or for a very small fee. Knowing yourself is very beneficial. I am especially fond of the Meyers-Briggs. I am an INTP / INFP, i.e., a thinker-idealist. I have read about the other types and from the ESFP's and ISFJ's, I have learned to not take things so seriously and to be better organized. Learn everything about yourself, and change what you don't like.
Best wishes.