All gay people are not the same. They, too, are individuals. What other people, heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, or whatever, do in their private lives (as long as it is not harmful to anyone) is their business. If you have some primordial need to feel animosity, it would be a good idea to transfer that to pedophiles who actually prey on children. The sex lives and sexual preferences of adults are their own business, not ours.
There used to be a television show in the U.S. called Northern Esposure. It was set in Alaska, hence the name. But I digress. On a particular episode of that show, they were grappling with the "issue" of homosexuality. One of the characters wisely stated something to the effect that "if you look at it rationally, we (heterosexuals) are the ones riding a motorcycle without a helmet down life's highway at a high rate of speed." The planet is overpopulated, a problem to which gays do not contribute. Many gays adopt children who need a home as well.
My cousin, now deceased, was gay. I, to my eternal regret, converted him to the JW cult. He was disfellowshipped. When I had to get away from my JW husband, he was the one who gave me a place to come to. I got to know his friends. I had more fun with those gay guys than anyone else ever! One of the most fun times was on Hallowe'en in 1979 when a gay friend took me to a gay bar and we all watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Hilarity reigned!
Blondie is right: you should expand your circle of friends to include all sorts. Once you learn to think of others as fellow human beings without labels, you're off and running.
Best wishes,