onlyastory: Welcome to the forum! Everyone on this forum has had extensive experience with JW's in one way or another. We can assure that there are MANY unwritten rules that you won't learn about until you have been baptized and become an insider. Don't be shocked by anything you see or hear at the Kingdom Hall. You are being judged every minute.
Posts by Mum
I want to grow my hair back out!
by onlyastory ina few months prior to baptism i had shoulder length hair which i loved and had wanted ever since i was a child.
i remember sitting with an elder during a bible study and asking him point blank if i 'had' to cut my hair.
whilst the answer was given slightly awkwardly the answer was a no, "there are no rules that say you have to cut your hair".
Most aggravating religious group
by keith85 inlook i don't care what you believe, i really don't.
just leave me out of it.
if i were interested in your beliefs i would pursue them, but trying to force your literature and views onto people is just rude.
If you don't want to be bothered by JW's, put a sign on your door that says, "Jehovah's Witnesses: I am an apostate. Good bye." The "A" word is a real turnoff to them. Almost every person on this forum is a JW "apostate," i.e., a former JW. We are now awake and thinking for ourselves.
Please feel free to vent here any time you like. We all do. Welcome!
Weekend Warning - Family May be after You Come Sunday, be ready.
by LostGeneration inthe wt this weekend:.
help those who have become inactive.. jesus said that there is joy in.
heaven when just one lost sheep is.
Thanks, LG. Fortunately, I don't live near any JW's I knew in the past. I, too, have a more meaningful, happy and FREE life. Why did I ever believe I didn't want to think for myself?
I can't believe how sexist the Borg is!!!
by quellycatface injust letting off a bit more steam.
why can't sisters look after the library or the sound.
what makes the brothers so damned special???.
All of this contemplation about the "place" of women makes me wonder why it is overwhelmingly women who support the churches. There would be mostly emty churches without the women who attend and do all of the dirty work while men hold "important meetings" and such.
French Club in Las Vegas
by Mum ini learned of a french club in las vegas.
they posted on facebook that they were meeting this morning at a french pastry shop/cafe.
i have never attended one of their meetings, so i decided to go meet them at the cafe.. it was great!
NVR2L8: I'm going to PM you my phone number. Call me when you get into town. Are you quebecois?
I know that the Paris used to teach some French to its new employees, and later started to de-emphasize the French. My son-in-law works at the Paris as a bartender.
French Club in Las Vegas
by Mum ini learned of a french club in las vegas.
they posted on facebook that they were meeting this morning at a french pastry shop/cafe.
i have never attended one of their meetings, so i decided to go meet them at the cafe.. it was great!
I learned of a French Club in Las Vegas. They posted on Facebook that they were meeting this morning at a French pastry shop/café. I have never attended one of their meetings, so I decided to go meet them at the café.
It was great! Some of them are French or Swiss immigrants. Others are American francophiles such as I. The pastries looked wonderful! I only had one, but could have eaten the whole display in the case!
I have lived in Las Vegas only a year and only know three people here outside my family. This is going to be a good way to meet some people and build a network of friends and acquaintances.
Facebook conversation with my never-a-JW cousin
by Mum inrecently my sister posted on facebook a list of bible verses/scriptures for different situations in life.
my reply was "have you gotten religious?
" i have never known my sister to be religious in her entire life.
Recently my sister posted on Facebook a list of Bible verses/scriptures for different situations in life. My reply was "Have you gotten religious?" I have never known my sister to be religious in her entire life. My sister did not reply at all, but two of my cousins did. The first cousin posted, "Mum, that sounds awful!" and she dropped it. Then I posted that I am no longer religious, that unlike most people, the older I get the less religious I become.
Then the cousin told me I might need to see a doctor !? She told me that my paternal grandfather was rolling over in his grave, praying for me. As both of my grandfathers were country preachers, I said that then the other grandfather probably was doing the same (tongue-in-cheek). After a few more back-and-forth tirades in which she told me, among other things, that I probably should have remained a JW, I told her that I was living an authentic, honest life, not pretending to be something I wasn't. She replied with something like "This conversation has ended! Good bye!" I replied, "I love you, B. Bye . . ."
So, I lost a "worldly" cousin (who, btw, killed her ex-husband, allegedly in self-defense) because of my lack of faith.
After the exchange, I addressed my sister in a post. I asked if she had hired our two cousins to be her "heavies," and that I had asked a simple, straightforward question and had been expecting a simple answer.
My sister still has not replied.
How does the WT keep peoples interest?
by LogCon in" the secret of good writing is to say an old thing in a new way or a new thing in an old way.".
richard harding davis.
Are you saying their writing is good? It's on an elementary school level. They prey on the ignorant, uninformed and disenfranchised.
Part Two: The non Bethel alternative.
by Giordano inafter i had graduated high school in the early 1960s i decided to make a commitment to pioneer.
for my mother even pioneering was not good enough.......... her first choice was bethel.
pioneering in my home area.....boring.
Thanks for sharing.
Thoughts on going back, am I the only one that feels this way?
by excaliber inhello everyone, i know you have heard this topic before and your probably thinking.
...not again lol.. but i was wondering if anyone has thought of going back for the same reasons as myself, i don't think its the truth but i searched and my conclusion is that other religions don't have the truth, they are all wrong in my opinion.
if there is no other religion to go too, why leave were i was born and raised.
Living a lie is not in your best interest.
Do you have some "worldly" friends or co-workers you admire? Talk to them. Take some vocational interest tests at your local community college to see what kind of career you'd be suited for. Join some clubs. Do some volunteer work.
There are infinite possibilities outside the Watchtower. Reach out for them, build a good life, and report back to us.