Thank you, BU2B. The truth is out there!
Posts by Mum
Link to the WT library of things that you wont find on the WT Library
by BU2B ini just discovered a site today that has scans of most of the magazines/publications ever published by the wt bible and tract.
it is not an "apostate site" it just has the material and no commentary.
those of us trying to wake up jws may find this useful as we can show old quotes and publications without sending out red flags.. we are supposed to be proud of our spiritual heritge right??.
NEW BOE LETTER - It just got exponentially harder to "fade"
by sir82 inhere is the text of the letter:.
february 2, 2014. .
your brothers,.
All of these recommended "shepherding calls" may be seen by the GB as a way to force the hand of faders, i.e., to force them to write DA letters so the harassment will stop. They know faders don't want to play by their rules, so they're going to give those faders some incentive. It's best to move out of the area if you can.
The kindness of (worldly) strangers
by moley inyesterday i went surfing, when i had finished and got changed i tried to start my car, no joy.
there were about 12 cars in the car park and the occupants of 8 of the cars all tried to help out at some point as they could see i was having difficulties, one guy even drove to a garage 5 miles away to get me a coffee i didn't even ask for as it was a freezing cold day and a couple of them let me sit in their cars to warm up while i waited for the rac.
contrast this to a time when i was in and my car wouldn't start (different car lol) in a kh car park and all i got was snarky comments, or advice in passing but no one stopped to help out.. i know who i prefer, has anyone else been helped by the evil worldly's while ignored by the loving jw's.
I got "in trouble" with my elder husband twice for babysitting. Once I watched a sister's toddler so she could take her other preschooler to the dentist. Wrong! If she wasn't going out in service, I was not to babysit ever. The other occasion was when I babysat for our Bible study/student. I can't remember why. Anyway, her husband later complained about my husband's attitude.
After some time, I realized that I was not considered an adult, capable of deciding for myself when or how to be helpful. I also came to realize that I had been a better person before becoming a JW. The die was cast.
...What do you Do,when People Ask You for Spare Change?...
by OUTLAW in.. .........................some people are truly in need..some are not... a man passing by on his 10 speed bike,asked me for $2.00 for a cup of coffee... .................................................."uhhh,no"... ............another asked me for spare change outside a super market... ......................................i said i didn`t have any... he say`s "how about a credit card?!"!!...
.. ....................what do you do,when people ask you for spare change?...
..... .. ..........................................whats the most outrageous thing...`ve been asked forby a stranger?...
In Las Vegas I see beggars every time I go out. I keep cheese & crackers (the kind wrapped in cellophane) in my car to give them. I might give them a dollar or some change as well. I did see one beggar (from a parking lot) stop on the sidewalk, open his wallet and count his money. He was loaded!
I can't allow a few impostors keep me from helping someone who appears to be in dire need. A lot of them have really bad teeth, I've noticed.
Some years ago, Barbara Walters said it could save your life or well-being to give handouts. I keep that in mind, too.
PRINCE: The Jehovah's Witness Hypocrisy
by Perversion of a truth injust saw this... definately worth a few laughs.
There's a video on Youtube about an appearance of Prince on The View, a chat show mostly for women. On that Youtube clip, Sherri Shepard, allegedly a JW apostate, greets Prince enthusiastically and tells him how she has been "in love" with him for a long time. Prince does not spurn her or refuse to speak to her, although he does not show the same enthusiasm for her that she shows for him. He passed up a good opportunity to show American TV viewers what a horse's ass any JW is supposed to be when in the presence of "apostates."
Advice on children
by Apostating inmy ex-wife got married in december last year.
so our visting arrangement with my children has changed.
there was a misunderstanding in our visiting arrangment, we agreed on that they would spend the weekends (once in two weeks) with me they would stay until sunday.
As stated by someone else, your time with your children is YOURS. I would find out what the kids like to do for enjoyment and do various activities with them to crowd out "KH tine." You could let them take turns deciding what to do during their visit. The kids will remember how you made them FEEL, not so much what you said. If you want happy, well-adjusted children, you need to provide an atmosphere that fosters self-esteem and the ability to make appropriate choices, NOT the blind obedience of the WT.
You might want to talk to their teachers and other adults in their lives and explain the situation. You might also want to talk to a child development person about how to combat the blind obedience notion they are learning and the right strategies to teach them not to hurt or condemn others because they're not JW's.
Good luck!
talked to wt. conductor about sundays study
by nowwhat? ini said i was concerned that they painted hezekiah as this champion of righteousness and how the article omitted when he paid tribute to assaria by looting the temple when he got scared.
and apparently he had an alliance with egypt, a pagan nation.
he said i was getting boged down with other references and missing the point.
Warren Jeffs also teaches blind obedience to his FLDS patsies. It has resulted in child abuse, young men being thrown out/DF'd from the religiion so there are more teenage girls for the old men to "marry," endless anguish for women and girls, and, finally something good, a prison sentence for Warren Jeffs, "the Prophet." I have been watching some TV shows about people trying to escape that cult. My daughter turned to me the other evening and said, "See, Mom, you could have chosen an even worse cult."
Teaching obedience, particularly blind obedience, leaves people without the ability to make appropriate choices, without the ability to judge the greater good, co-dependent and weak. My motto is, "Enter into the joy of having no master."
So what is the Society doing with all that $$$?
by QuestioningEverything ini read article after article about the billions the gb rakes in from fleecing the sheep but i've never heard anyone explain what happens to the money.. i mean is it in a swiss account?
are the gb living in private mansions?
where does the $ go?.
It's in the Governing Body's Discretionary Fund. i.e., it's there to "meet their needs," wishes, dreams and desires. It gives them the privilege of patting themselves on the back while most of the world starves or barely scrapes by.
For the many who remember "just2laws," he had a massive heart attack last night...
by AndersonsInfo inand died at home in panama city beach, florida.
steve imhof, a bethelite in the 1970s and former very active elder who became a very vocal wt critic starting in 2002, was 65 years old when he died.
he was father to three children and two grandchildren.
Steve and Joy were at the Silentlambs march in Brooklyn in 2002. I met and talked with them there. They were so sweet! I'm so sorry to hear that Steve is gone. Life just isn't fair. Neither is death.
trying to convince my wife not to confess...
by wafflesandpancakes induring our engagement, we fooled around and touch each other down there.
it's not a "tap" but definitely is not "stimulation".
i tried to convince my wife, who, after 5 years of marriage, strangely felt guilty all the sudden, that its not do called porneia.
"Jehovah" already knows. Does he need some underling to mess up your wife's mind over something that happened so long ago that it should be forgotten? Being human and doing what humans do is not a big deal. Play the "headship" card, and tell your wife there is no need to give them a stick to beat her with.