I'm gobsmacked! The dancers did not look like they were having fun. They were trying to be perfect and stay in perfect lock step. Any deviation from the rehearsed moves probably would have ended in a trip to the room in back. However, I am glad they got to learn some dance moves so that when they wake up, they can go dancing in the '50's and know what to do.
Posts by Mum
Detroit Style Ballroom Dancing
by KateWild intrying to make rcs less of a snorefest.
not exactly award winning either, but worth a laugh.
kate xx.
HOLY HELL!!! These people are freaking watchtarded!!!
by DATA-DOG ini just got done with the first day of the rc!
freaking delusion!!
propaganda films a go-go!!
I recall attending a convention after my exit. I went for my daughter's sake. I wasn't entirely "un-brainwashed" at the time, and had to accept the possibility that my child might choose to be a JW when she grew up.
As I sat there, I listened to nothing but fearmongering. The speaker was making it clear that there was no safe place outside "Jehovah's organization." I had made myself impervious to the manipulative tactics and sat there amazed that I had once listened to this kind of nonsense and taken it seriously!
Eventually, there was a JC meeting. I took a tranquilizer before going. It was going to be me versus four MEN! My soon-to-be ex-husband at the time was in attendance, too. The meeting had been called at his insistence. The focus of the meeting was to get me to confess (I was reminded of Orwell's 1984) to adultery so that my ex could marry his hateful JW "girlfriend." I'm very proud that I remained calm as I sat there thinking how lucky I was to live in a time when they couldn't just take me outside and tiue me to a tree and set me alight, because I felt certain that was just what they would have done if they thought they could get away with it.
That JC meeting was the straw that broke the camel's back. After that, I was free. I totally understood that they could not be from God anymore than Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin! I went to my friend's place of employment and celebrated! I've never looked back for a second.
Grateful to be free,
Heads Up: If you are an older JW, WT has no further use for you!
by AndDontCallMeShirley inwt is retiring district overseers, has sent older jws serving at bethel packing despite years of faithful service, and as of june 1, 2014, has announced that any elder that has reached 80 years of age is no longer valued or wanted as a cobe.
in wt land it would appear that older people have little or no value, and wt sees no reason to use them in any meaningful capacity.
i wonder how this makes older ones feel after devoting their lives to wt's interests while shelving their own hopes and dreams?.
Having a "use" for other human beings sounds like slavery. In fact, JW's proudly tout themselves as "slaves." The old folks may be lucky in that sense. However, they need not count on their "loving brothers and sisters" if they're infirm or sickly. I am old, but I have "entered into the joy" of having no master.l
International conventions - Seattle
by Lynnie injust found out from my jw mom that the congregations located in the suburbs north of seattle.
will be renting buses to shuttle people back and forth to the international convention at husky.
Lois, I think facilities in undesirable parts of a city can be rented for a lot less money than more desirable venues. They may be out to "witness" to the poor, uneducated, vulnerable people who live there. I think it most likely that the grimy pounds and pence are their chief motivation for anything they do.
1963 was my first assembly, and my first trip to New York City. I was a 16-year-old hillbilly girl who had never been anywhere. I was so excited. I actually had a 6-year-old boy hang around me as if he had a crush. There was also another boy who sat with me and was very sweet - and good-looking. Those were the days. But, of course, as time went on, things changed - a LOT!
by Finallyfree12 inmight be a dumb question but who cares.... is there only one gb or is there one in each country?.
Hey, snowbird! Welcome back. ADCMS is very astute, isnt't he?
What is the current Net worth of the Watchtower Society?
by Scott77 inas of june 01,2014, please what do you think in term of us dollars, is the current net worth of the watchtower society?.
Scott77: AndDon'tCallMeShirley was being funny when he said they'er worth nothing. They're certainly worth nothing to me or you. They're also worth nothing to their deluded followers.
Could you get disfellowshipped for simply asking questions?
by LogCon inif so, what would be some examples?.
only questions that show a higher degree of thought and intelligence please..
The Thought Police have power in JW land. Beware of any manifestation of thought!
"Good Christians, like slaves and soldiers, ask no questions." - Rev. Jerry Falwell (The Rev. Falwell would have made a great JW elder, no?)
Are you talking about just one time, this year, or about an annual observance? What would we do?
I hope this is the right place for this...
by moSIS inplease don't attack me if this is the wrong place!
i know that i definitely shouldn't be on this website, but i am to embarassed to ask anyone at my hall!
everyone would be so nice, but i just feel like i should know the answers already.
My daughter just reminded me of something: My granddaughter was not brought up as a JW. However, once when she visited her still-a-JW grandpa (my first husband), he took her to the book study. She was about 7 years old at the time. Afterwards, my daughter asked her what she thought of it. Her simple reply was, "They're insane!"
Out of the mouths of babes! Of course, she was not love bombed or otherwise manipulated as a potential convert might be. She was just there as the grandchild of one of their own.
Are you complicit if you stay in?
by mrhhome ini am going to throw down the gaunlet.
those who know the truth but stay in anyways are complicit in actions of the jehovah witness organization.
while i am sympathetic to the very difficult choices that they have to make, their unwillingness to confront the jw enables the organization.. some of you may remember my story.
Being a JW is comparable to being in prison. Are you complicit if you don't try to escape? It's not an easy situation. It took me years to finally face facts and get out. Be patient with those folks on the inside. You don't know what they're going through.