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Posts by Mum
Rebuilding my life
by ILoveTTATT ini am building my support network... and i suggest that before you exit the wts, you do so too!!
i am so glad that i have found old high school friends, and i added dozens of them, and within minutes we were talking again!!
i am so glad that people still remember me even though i have not seen some in 10 years!!
can anyone decipher cora's comment on the aawa video?
by friendaroonie ini have asked several people what she says as th e second person to talk in th e v ery first aawa video.
it sounds to me like "they tear off armours from us.
" or they tear of arms for us.
ablebodiedman: Are you ok? None of the drivel you posted has anything to do with losing family members because of the WT's cruel shunning policy.
What Congregation should you attend?
by Quarterback incan someone, please, help me in finding this?.
i remember in a kingdom ministry, written quite some time, ago.. it mentioned that it was upto the individual family to determine what congregation they would attend, based on their own circumstances.
they wouldn't be subjected to determined boundaries.. does anyone remember that one, and where it exists?.
I know a JW lady who turned down living in a beautiful home in a beautiful setting because she wanted to go to a different congregation. So sad!
Excuse needed to get out of talk
by noonehome ini work with the school overseer so he'll be with me all day before the being 'sick' isn't an option.
this really isn't like me to weasel my way out of something....but i've been ridiculously depressed lately and honestly i just don't have it in me to do anything let alone put a talk together.
everytime i do one it takes allot out of me and let's just say the well is pretty dry.
Can you call in sick to work that day? Only if you have paid time off should you do this. Then call your SO at work and tell him you can't be at the meeting because of diarrhea, stress, and/or whatever other illness might sound credible. As others have suggested, ask to be removed from TMS, at least for the time being.
Stay home, have a few drinks (if you drink), read something funny, watch a funny movie, relax and let it all go. Make yourself laugh because laughter is very healthy.
Good luck with whatever you decide.
I'm new here...
by Demokan ini'm 15, and i'm an unbaptized publisher... so i've been what you call "lurking" here for the past few weeks and i have some questions.
i hear you guys constantly mentioning ttatt so where can i go to learn more about this (links please)?
also i've already told my mom that i don't believe in the governing body and she is making me do even more!
Hi, Demokan. Welcome to the forum. You're moving pretty fast, so I recommend you slow down and consider every step carefully.
First, read the books and go to the web sites recommended by the other posters. Also take their advice about not getting on drugs, alcohol or other harmful substances or habits that could ruin your future. It's also very important to take school seriously, study hard and get into college. If anyone is trying to pressure you into getting baptized, tell them you're not ready and that Jesus, the perfect man, waited until he was 30.
I appreciate that you want to help your family. However, we all have to make our own choices ain life and accept the consequences. If they want to be JW's, it's because they get something out of it, albeit something the rest of humanity does not understand. By restricting reading material and communication with others, along with reinforcing their authority at every turn the Governing Body have most witnesses afraid to even consider thinking outside their little box.
You might talk with your counselor at school and ask for a referral for counseling. That episode with the pills scares me a bit. You're not suicidal, are you? A book that really helped me when I was waking up was Dr. Wayne Dyer's Your Erroneous Zones. This book helps you deal with negative emotions, such as guilt and anger, which most exiting JW's have to deal with.
While you're still at home with your parents, go along with the program. Make some friends at school who are serious about their studies and will be a support for you later on in life when you leave home.
Take baby steps, one at a time. Don't call unfavorable attention to yourself. Best wishes for a happy future. Keep checking in with us.
How would YOU explain cognitive disonance to a Jehovahs Witness on your doorstep
by smiddy inseriously , in plain simple language that the most thick headed jw would understand.. and what examples would you use.. smiddy.
Last night I watched a TV show called "My Bleeped-up Brain." It dealt with superstition and magic. A lady, by sleight of hand, appeared to turn $1.00 bills into $100.00 bills. A chess board which looked like colors of the squares were contrasting actually had squares of the same color, but the brain was fooled (by use of shadow?) into seeing contrasting colors.
Their conclusion was that we all believe what we WANT to believe, bottom line. We can find "data" or "proof" of anything we wish to think is true.
I might say one sentence to give the dub something to think about, but I don't want to listen to their drivel as they try to justify their wacko beliefs.
jwfacts or jwinterpretations?
by slimboyfat injwfacts is a great website, but in view of the fact that "there are no facts, only interpretations", as nietzsche said, should the website be renamed jwinterpretations instead?
I am just a simple country girl from east Tennessee, but I have the temerity to disagree with the esteemed Mr. Nietsche on this point.
It is a fact that food grows right out of the ground if you plant seeds. It is a fact that everyone must eat to survive. How can these FACTS be construed as interpretation?
Timing of the "new light" study and the upcoming annual meeting
by stuckinamovement ini find it interesting that the 7/15 watchtower will be studied from september 2-29th and then the annual meeting will be exactly one week after.
it strikes me as an effort to emphasize the fds and their role before a big announcement.. siam .
You're so right! They now have assumed the power of a dictatorship. As they are all dictators now, I think we should all refer to them as "the little 'taters."
Last night the one cool elder calls me
by confusedandalone ini figured he was going to arrange the committee and try to get me kicked out after the whole "big pile of books" labelled "take this shit".. well his call made me realize that more and more people ... elders included no longer take this religion seriously.
after he told me he heard what happened he actually laughed and said i would never expect that.
he then told me that it is apparent that i no longer want to be connected to the organization.
I was going to recommend that you choose to be left alone, but you make a good point about the WT being a Hate Group. Sooner or later, they're going to be called out for some of the things they do - protecdting pedophiles, spewing hate speech about "apostates," multiple false predictions, etc. It is totally understandable that you would not want your name associated with them in any way.
When I got out, I moved far, far away, where I didn't know any JW's and was never bothered. Do what you need to do to reduce the hassle.
Best wishes for a happy future in freedom!
My August Update
by OnTheWayOut ini don't really have a purpose in this thread, but wanted to share my thoughts and updates.. fading has, at least for now, totally stabilized.
my jw wife doesn't discuss jw things and, as difficult for me as it is, i haven't been discussing anything directly against jw policy.
oh, i slip in comments when she tries to judge people or groups based on her jw training- things like gay marriage, medical marijuana, pedophile news stories.
OTWO: I'm glad she's getting some experience mixing with "worldly" people. She is, I hope, perceptive enough to realize that they are all individuals and not as scary as they have been painted by the WT. Congratulations on your progress with her.
It's a cross you have to bear, not bare:
Bear (noiun): an animal
Bear (verb): to carry
Bare (adjective): naked
Bare (verb): to unclothe, make naked