Fundamentalist groups in general are suspicious of new technology. My grandfather was a country preacher back in the day. He and his fundie buddies were against radio, against TV, not to mention jewelry, sports, movies and a plethora of other things that cost money. Gradually, they came to accept all of those things. Now when I see televangelists and their minions on TV, I can't recognize that they adhere to a similar belief system.
Like most issues, the WT has flip-flopped on this one. The internet used to be Saan's tool. I was warned by my mom that there could be "anybody on that internet," that you couldn't know who you were really talking to. (In real life, apparently, everyone I spoke to had been throroughly checked out and approved by somebody for appropriate social interaction).
Now that the WT has made the internet their own, I assume all danger one might encounter has been removed. More realistically, the WTS might hire somebody to come up with some sort of filter to block any information they don't want their drones to have access to. They're probably planning it as I write.
Information is their enemy. It's out there now, whether they like it or not, and they haven't been able to hide it. So they're building a compound of "safety" because everybody might come to know that they protect pedophiles and make up "doctrine" on the fly.