Lapruce, We have somewhat similiar stories. I am 36 years old. Was raised as a witness. I am married. 1 boy, 4 and one girl,6. I started doubting when i was about 22. I was diagnosed with major depression awhile ago. It seems to have gotten much better now. My wife also still believes its the truth. Neither one of us goes to meetings now. We just don't do anything. I am not satisfied with that. Maybe someday our circumstances will change. I don't blame the depression on the witnesses. It was a combination of things , including inherited characteristics. Being a witness didn't help though. Look forward to your posting musky
Posts by musky
Hello I'm new here...
by Lapuce ini really love this web site and yes i'm a jw still, have been for 8 years now, i'm 35 and am married to a jw and have two boys one is 1-1/2 and the other 5. for about 2 to 3 years now i'm starting to see that its not really the truth.
the brothers, sisters and elders dont really care about anyone, the watchtower is ruining my life, i have been depressed for awhile now and i'm on anti depressants as i started feeling suicidal as i'll never be good enough as i hate meetings, i hate going door to door, and it doesn't make any sense that jehovah will destroy good people just because they don't follow its doctrins.
its like saving to your son if you don't do what i tell you i will kill you.
Hello I'm new here...
by Lapuce ini really love this web site and yes i'm a jw still, have been for 8 years now, i'm 35 and am married to a jw and have two boys one is 1-1/2 and the other 5. for about 2 to 3 years now i'm starting to see that its not really the truth.
the brothers, sisters and elders dont really care about anyone, the watchtower is ruining my life, i have been depressed for awhile now and i'm on anti depressants as i started feeling suicidal as i'll never be good enough as i hate meetings, i hate going door to door, and it doesn't make any sense that jehovah will destroy good people just because they don't follow its doctrins.
its like saving to your son if you don't do what i tell you i will kill you.
Welcome lapuce. musky
English elder logs in.
by caspian inhi everyone.. my name is caspian, i am an elder in a congregation in england.. i have been reading this forum for about 12 months, never having the confidence to log in.. however after all the information that has come to light in the recent weeks, i feel that i need to start coming to terms with the crisis that i now feel.. i am a third gen jw, and been an elder for 15 years, my family whom i love dearly are all naive fully committed jw's.. please if any current or ex elders in a similar situation care to make any good advice.
please help.. sincere regards.
Welcome caspian. I was never an elder. I am 36. Was raised a witness. Started doubting at 21. Have not attended meetings in a long time. It takes a lot of courage to stand out from the rest of your family. Hopefully, your family will understand when you decide to tell them of your concerns about the watchtower. Maybe they too have doubts and are just not saying anything. Once again, welcome. musky
Where are you ?
by sunshineToo in.
in which part of the planet are you?
i'm in the sf bay area, ca, u.s.a. i have been there for 17 years.. how about you?
PLEASE be nice to the newbies!
by Mulan inon thursday evening, i received a phone call from a young woman, i have been helping by talking and emailing.
i have never met her.
bill bowen put her in touch with me nearly a year ago.
mulan, as long as this thread is about being kind to newbies, might i add that this site is for BOTH witnesses and non witnesses. This is not a apostate site exclusively. I think of this more as a truth searching / healing site. I am not new here anymore, but I can understand how a few harsh words can turn people away from this site.
I hope that the young woman will continue to read and post here. I hope that she is able to let a few stupid comments not turn her away from here. I almost left once because of what one poster said. I am glad I stayed. I have benefitted more by staying. musky
Theres hope for you. Its called on and on anon
Can owning/reading apostate material get me DF'ed?
by PandaJ inhello, first time poster, long time reader.. i was wondering just what my title asks.
if i own/read/admit to apostate material, can that get me df'ed?.
i know better then to admit that i believe the apostate material to the elders, or that i disagree with the society's teachings, but will simply admitting to owning and reading them get me df'ed?.
Hello Panda, Welcome. Simply having and reading anti-witness literature should not get you disfellowed. Probably , your reading will cause you to either throw the books away, or you will believe there is a problem with the watchtower and make changes in your life that the elders will find out about. I have already had elders come to my house and they knew i was reading this stuff. disfellowshipping was not discussed . I think they don't like wishy washy people. Either they want total commitment or they want to see you completely gone from their sight. This is one major reason I have a problem with the watchtower. They tell us never to read apostate material. Give me a break!!! If that is not a problem right there , i don't know what is!! They are telling us we cannot examine our own religeon. Just blindly follow and Jehovah will take care of everything. musky
by Deli King inwhat results when a lie is let go unchallenged?
does not silence help the lie to pass as truth, to have freer sway to influence many, perhaps to their serious harm?
what happens when misconduct and immorality are allowed to go unexposed and uncondemned?
this quote is from the truth book , isn't it?
WTS on DFing
by Amazing inthe watchtower publishing corporation loves the df rule because it isolates jws from hearing critical information of their business cult, a cult that is disguised as a religion.
in the excellent thread yesterday about the 'hardline' on dfing ... this point was made in the aug. 2002 km:5. indeed, it is just as page 31 of the same issue of the watchtower states: "the fact is that when a christian gives himself over to sin and has to be disfellowshiped, he forfeits much: his approved standing with god; ... sweet fellowship with the brothers, including much of the association he had with christian relatives.".
the watchtower presumption is that a shunned former jw has always given themselves over to sin, and somehow deserve total shunning.
amazing, Great post! I do think that people who simply are no longer associating with the witnesses are probably not disfellowshipped. However , I think that others in the congregation look at these ones as " spiritually week" and just stop communicating with them. That sound pretty stupid huh? I mean if someone is spiritually week, wouldn't we want to speak more to this one and try to help this one? I had witnesses say to me that if someone wasn't a witness then why be friends with such a person. brainwashing at its finest. musky
Dont worry, being wrong is normal.
by sleepy in.
a lot of us here are probably a bit gutted that we got things so wrong, with believing all that witness may have humbled us somewhat and made us think more deeply about things before jumping in the deepend.. but you are not alone in being fact having wrong beliefs and ideas on the world and life etc is an entierly normal feature of humanity.through out history most people have lived their lives in complete or partial ignorance as to the workings of this world, but due to the brains nead to have a structure and pattern to think by, have believed wrong things.the earth is flat, mice grow from rags, a shock can to a mother causes deformities in babies, amongst countless others.. even today in our "enligthened "world there is no concensus among all humanity regarding what is right.there are millions of catholics, hindus and people of other relgions.there are many theories as to say the workings of the mind or the origin of one knows the answer to every thing.all we can do is try to learn as much as we can , and to be balanced and reasonable about what we believe , chosing maybe to not be so dogmatic on issues that we cant really know the answer to.. all humans believe wrong thing , sometimes in quite a major way, but we have had the oppurtunity to learn that no matter how strongly we believe something to be true, it may not be.
dakota, It seems to me that if your daughter has no bad feelings toward you about what happened, then you must have been , are, a darn good father to her. So many children try to blame there parents for anything bad that happens to them. But yours seem to understand that you did the best you could. don't kick yourself anymore. musky