Fists of Fury - Chemical lyrics
JoinedPosts by muslima
Powerful Lyrics - What are you listening to at the moment [Fluff]
by diamondblue1974 init's only when i lose myself in someone else.
it's only when i lose myself in someone else.
it's only when i lose myself in someone else.
Does the society keep records of all JW's past and present?
by hambeak ini was a very active jw pionered ms etc.
i voluntarily left the org.
and was never df'd to my knowledge.
Maybe that is why dear brother secretary did not return my phone call when I asked for a copy of my disassociation letter....hmmm
The WBT is a cult. Why can't dubs see?
by KW13 inwe watch the news, we read newspapers and stuff and we hear about nutters who are up to weird stuff.
sometimes we read about/hear about cults.
the society is obviously one.
It is usually hard to 'see' something when you are right in the middle of it. The Society does such a good job of providing the perscription of contact lens they want you to wear also, that it is just real hard to see.
When I tried a half hearted reinstatement attempt after the fiasco at my son's in May - here is the short version as I related it to Cog:
Ah the reinstatement -- well after talking to my uncle a few more times - I decided to give it a try. Met with the local PO and SEC - had a 20 minute meeting - cried my eyes out (involuntarily) and was basically told that despite my husband's objections - 'the meetings is where there is life." I said, "So you are telling me then that I gave up one husband for JW's and now to make it right I should give up another?" "We can't tell you what to do, but with Jehovah and at the meetings is where you get life."
I left and as I walked out the door - all I could say under my breath is Bismillah - (in the name of God) in arabic.
Somehow I felt relieved in a way - because when I walked into that KH - and was waiting - the merry little music was playing - and the people were milling around, looking at me without looking - smiling when they saw that I noticed them...I felt so sick to my stomach and claustrophic. You could just FEEL the fake. ( I went early before the school and service meeting)
I wrote my uncle an email about what happened and figured it would drop. No so. My Uncle was very keen on me getting reinstated...he called me a couple more times and on the second to the last call - encouraged me to try to ask my husband if we/I could just go do 6 months worth of Sunday meetings so I could get reinstated. ok He diligently called back in a week and I said I would call him back - I was in the middle of LA traffic. I didn't call till the next day - and couldn't get ahold of him. So I sent him an email saying that I had decided to abandon the reinstatement process and throw myself on God's mercy. I thanked him for his love and concern...that was basically it. That was August 3rd...I have not heard a word since.This experience really impressed upon me the cult aspect...and it has been 11 years since I left.
What Kinds of Weird Things were you banned from or not allowed as a child?
by mama1119 ini could not have a big new kids on the block pin, or wear any new kids on the block pins in puplic becuase it was considered idolatry.
i also could not wear my shoes without laces (it was cool back then) because it looked wordly.
what other strange theings besides the usual holiday/birthday stuff weren't you allowed to do?
oops sorry forgot to answer the question:
the only book I had at home other than Awake and Watchtower was an old book of Heidi and one of Little Women...that is all I was allowed to read....oh wait -- there were zillions of bound volumes to fill my little mind...
I wasn't allowed to go to my best friends house (across the street - 'worldly') even when there was a tornado warning...her mom used to come and get me and MAKE me come over - but I always got in trouble for not sticking to my guns and minding my parents. They were always out 'pioneering' time it was really bad and I hid in the dog cage with the dogs in the basement with a copy of Huckleberry Finn that I snuck home from the school library.
I know there are many others - but these are the 2 that popped into mind.
What Kinds of Weird Things were you banned from or not allowed as a child?
by mama1119 ini could not have a big new kids on the block pin, or wear any new kids on the block pins in puplic becuase it was considered idolatry.
i also could not wear my shoes without laces (it was cool back then) because it looked wordly.
what other strange theings besides the usual holiday/birthday stuff weren't you allowed to do?
Mulan, what is wrong with milk? I drink organic milk only but I drink probably at least 1.5 gallons a itself, in coffee, in tea...
Do You Like Your Given Name?
by Outaservice inthe bible attaches importance to your name.
if not, what would you like to change it to?.
i always hated mine!
I hated it as a small child - but as a teenager, I had 3 other friend named Denise - so we used to get a kick out of all shopping together - but of course if one called to the other - everybody went "whhaat?"
I think the worse thing is people trying to be funny and say Da-nephew - or Da- elbows -- instead of (mispronounced of course) Da-knees.
or as a few of my foreign spoken friends pronounce it -- Da-NeeZ....but the proper French was is Don' eez - so actually they are not far off !!!
But I suppose if I had the nerve - I would try to get people to pronounce my name as Don' ess say.....but you know after this long - you KNOW I would forget myself how I wanted it pronounced!!! ROFL
Scripturally Free to Remarry?
by limbogirl inhad a discussion with a friend of mine yesterday -- she's still semi in the borg.
anyway, she says she's free to remarry as defined by dub rules.
she's divorced, however, there was no cheating by either party in the marriage.
I thought that the rules were as long as one or the other slept with someone else - they were both free to remarry...otherwise some would be kept in limbo forever....
Not that it is ANYONE'S business who sleeps with who, when or how - after divorce -- but I thought that is how the rules went...
[b]You Are 34% Evil[/b]
A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.[b]How Evil Are You?[/b]
Operation Tomorrow
by Sunspot injust to let you all know why i won't be able to post for some time...i am finally getting in to the hospital for a much-needed operation that kept being postponed.
i have been back and forth to three different hospitals and various doctor's offices for tests, x-rays, consults and then more pre-op tests and x-rays.
(i have never heard of "nuclear testing before now...i wondered if they were going to send me to nasa!
I would like to add my best wishes and prayers with the rest of the family...our board family that is. :) Lots of hugs!
My Whole Life Seems Like A Fabrication
by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit ini'm brand new here but have been reading for months.
my sincere thanks to those who have come before me, shown me that i'm not alone, that i'm not nuts and not a loser.
i was raised a hoho, pioneered my best years away, i married a nice brother, my dad was an elder, one or of both my parents have been pioneers for 30 years+, we hosted bethel speakers and gb members in our home, my parents have had numerous circuit ass.
Wellcome Catfish! As other friends have mentioned, you will find much comfort and solace on this board. I know I have. You have a recipe for sucess with your husband by your side - so get to it! Would you consider adopting a 47 year young daughter? <joking> lots of hugs :) Denise