It takes 3 months of training before a Trainee Fireman is even allowed to get on a Fire Engine. I agree 40% is a massive pay rise but when you consider what they have to do for it I think they deserve more than 21k. I've noticed Government Ministers and MPs have no problem in voting themselves nice pay rises every time they get the chance. Bunch of grubby self serving ex lawyers. :)
Posts by Mutz
827 Green Goddesses? Why?
by Englishman inif the uk firemen go on strike, the army is standing by with it's 827 green goddesses.
so why can't the army simply use the modern fire engines that we have already?
it seems nuts to me that they are pulling all these old bangers out of mothballs (most were built in 1956!
How The British Maximize Crime
by Nathan Natas indiscuss?
from the nra magazine, america's 1st freedom, october 2002 issue.
how the british maximize crime by paul craig roberts .
I think the problem with the Tony Martin case (the farmer who shot the little shit burglar) was that he shot the guy as he was trying to crawl away.
Edited by - Mutz on 12 October 2002 4:31:18
How The British Maximize Crime
by Nathan Natas indiscuss?
from the nra magazine, america's 1st freedom, october 2002 issue.
how the british maximize crime by paul craig roberts .
Actually the nearest town is Kings Lynn...... we still shoot burglars in Norwich though :)
KIngdom Melodies
by freedom96 injust wondering if there were any good funny stories out there with the songs.. there always were the loud ones, the ones who thought they could sing.. i remember wrong songs being played on the record, then later tape, (are they on c/d yet?
) and people singing to it, but the wrong music, but they keep going anyways, especially when the "new song book" came out.. how about when the record would skip.. of course there were the brothers back there who so loved their "repsonsibility" in the hall, and took the "privledge" of doing the music so serious.. i remember back when they allowed someone to actually play the piano, she sometimes would jazz it up a little, and the congregation loved it, made it more lively, until they were chastised for it.. and then of course, no one could play live anymore, didn't want to make the musician too proud.
do you think that was really the reason?
We were once given a singing lesson (major brow beating guilt trip) by a C\O. First the brothers had to stand and sing and were then bollocked for not singing loud enough, then it was the turn of the sisters to go through the same embarassing ordeal. It makes my skin crawl to think how I put up with that shite.
DID YOU EVER LEARN anything because you were a JW?
by minimus inwas there ever anything positive from being a witness?
could you say that because you were a witness at least......or was it all negative?
Not exactly stuff from the WT but I learned some interesting things on trips to the British Museum organised by the cong. They were fun until we were told we would have to wear the full garb, suit and tie etc. Then I stopped going and went on my own instead. I often wonder now if the witnesses who acted as guides realised they were completely wrong concerning the 607 date.
"It bit me in the bum"
by Mimilly inposted at 3:06 am edt friday, september 6. .
you reap what you sow.
canadian press.
In the UK if an owner has displayed Beware of the Dog signs it is taken as an admission that the dog is dangerous. Subsequently if it bites anybody the owner can be held responsible for not controlling a dangerous animal.......still I bet she thought Jehovah would protect her like Daniel in the Lions Den or some such sh*te. :-)
Is it 607 or 586 ?
by happy man in>i have seen comercial fore a bok from a swedish man who say jw are wrong on 607 issu, here on this site.</p>.
<p>now i find this issu on the jw site thuchstone.</p>.
<p> </p>.
Like most things the WTBTS has to say it's just more intellectual tripe. Fitting history around what they say is the truth.
August KM Scans -Now Available!
by Stephanus inwe'll be putting up the august scans of the kingdom ministry later today.
to do so, i'll be taking down the september scans to make room.
if you haven't saved them already, here they are (this will also be the url for the august scans): .
I have seen no change in my family's attitude toward me since this farticle was studied. I expected at least some kind of outburst from my Mum who was so quick to label me as the antichrist not so long back.
Maybe this is just a little too inconvenient as it would cause no end of problems within the family. I pre-warned my non jw brother that there might be some kind of shunning happening and his reaction was rather explosive. As you say dmouse, when the old farts in Brooklyn say jump some ppl are starting to suffer from selective deafness. -
Sorry kids, forget Harry Potter.
by dmouse in.
with many children waiting expectedly for the new harry potter film the society have issued a pre-emptive strike.. i feel so sorry for the poor jw kids who won't now be able to go and see the film.. from watchtower, october 15th 2002, page 11..
Damn, you think maybe I can 'unread' those Harry Potter books I have read? I'd hate to get in trouble with the elders.
by minimus ini was raised with a bookbag in my hand.
every saturday and sunday our family was out in service.i vacation, temporary and auxillary and regular pioneered.
i never enjoyed it but did it because i was supposed to do it.
I loathed every minute of field service, when they started the push for street witnessing I made sure I always had to work or found some other 'important' task that needed doing. Trudging through the city like a knobber offering ppl magazines was not my idea of fun.