I am in Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia....
Any neighbors?
I am in Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia....
Any neighbors?
ok so pardon me for the take off on richard scarry--he really is one of my favorite all time children's authors.. but i had to share this field service story with you--it's the gospel truth!
hopefully, you can add some of yours.. while pioneering in upstate ny, my sister and i had frequent occasions to work in service with a married pioneer couple.
yes, they were window washers, but that's not the real story here.. they had a return visit on an elderly gentleman who was kind enough to take the magazines every once in a while.
I really got a kick out of the almonds story. I'll have to forward that one to some friends...
I don't have anything that good. There was, though, the time I was going door to door with one of my uptight friends, I think we were both about 17 at the time. Well, this guy I was with was a die hard JW, aspiring to pioneer, be a MS...all that. Also you have to know that he was kinda nerdy and not exactly the most graceful in the presence of the ladies. Well, it was his turn at the door, and this girl who was our age, and totally good looking comes to the door in her bikini. Now, ordinarily it would be no big deal, but the JW's I knew rarley got see this in real life; I can't think of a single sister that I knew that didn't wear a one piece swimsuit (the indecency!!...anyway, if you could have seen him completley choke on his presentation. He couldn't get the words out. But then the girl noticed his discomfort with thee situation and totally started to make fun of him. I felt for the guy, but it was totally funny...
I'm sure everybody has a story like that where someone comes to the door naked/half dressed. Never happened to me personally, but it seems that would be pretty funny...
Anyway...I'm rambling
here it is folks, a jw coloring book for kids.
your kids can color cain killing abel, too:.
as found at http://www.geocities.com/heartland/prairie/8773/cb7.html.
That has to be about the most horrible thing I have ever seen. I don't see anything wrong with kids coloring some pictures from the rosier scenes of the bible... but a blatant murder scene...Good lord, what was the person thinking?!? I mean, it's just so strange being all nice and cozy Christian-like...and then coloring pictures of someone getting killed...it's just bizarre....Gives me the creeps...
in some respects i should be flattered that you used my animations (sorry the animations i have personally chosen) for your post.
come on there are loads of animation sites, please use something different as your permanent animation.. i feel that once we've found a pic or animation and no doubt other will agree, that they become personal to us, plus other posters recognize us by them.. .
A Guest...
When was the last time you had sex?!? I'm sorry, but you are WAY too uptight. Let it go...
need a break from the project (and just plain missing you all!).
so who's up for a little light relief in the form of a good old game of 'word association'?.
i'll kick us off with a word and you simply post your reply highlighting the first word you thought of - and so on and so on and so on ........ nic'.
worldy girls
i am just going to play devil's advocate here for a second since i need help reasoning something out again.
i think i have the answer, but i just need to do this outloud and hear some responses to make sure i am clear on this particular issue.. i remember once, when i first came across a lengthy write-up on the faulty reasoning the wts used to come up with the whole 1914 thing, i was having dinner with an older bro who, at the time, was a very close friend of mine.
i asked him directly just how valid the date was and if what i was reading on the internet had any credibility.
I know the evidence is there...I've read it, not all, of course, but enough to know that the proof is there. What I don't understand is the motivation behind mainting the stand that they do...it just seems kinda dumb...
i am just going to play devil's advocate here for a second since i need help reasoning something out again.
i think i have the answer, but i just need to do this outloud and hear some responses to make sure i am clear on this particular issue.. i remember once, when i first came across a lengthy write-up on the faulty reasoning the wts used to come up with the whole 1914 thing, i was having dinner with an older bro who, at the time, was a very close friend of mine.
i asked him directly just how valid the date was and if what i was reading on the internet had any credibility.
I am just going to play devil's advocate here for a second since I need help reasoning something out again. I think I have the answer, but I just need to do this outloud and hear some responses to make sure I am clear on this particular issue.
I remember once, when I first came across a lengthy write-up on the faulty reasoning the WTS used to come up with the whole 1914 thing, I was having dinner with an older bro who, at the time, was a very close friend of mine. I asked him directly just how valid the date was and if what I was reading on the internet had any credibility. His answer in short was basically that what all these "apostates" are trying to do is prove that the kingdom of God is not here; that if they can disprove the date then they can prove that Jesus presence is not really here on earth, that Jehovah's work is not really being done; basically that all efforts of the JW's are futile...
Here is where I think I am stuck. What's the big deal in that? Isn't it the point that if the WTS is holding on for some silly reason such as pride, control, or whatever, to some broken thought, it goes to reason that there must be something else that is being hidden, other doctrine that is being purposefully contaminated or distorted for some unknown purpose(s); that this is an organization, not by the people itself, but by it's very system and structure that cannot be trusted?
But here's what I don't get. Why DOESN'T the WTS just come out and use the very information that has been presented to disprove 1914, say to the JWs "Hey look guys....FORGET 1914...forget dates all together from now on...that was wrong of us...from now on let's focus on the point of the matter (from their veiwpoint anyway) and just be doing the door to door work..." and so on and so forth. They would still have the donations...the service....all their petty little rules... They can still have their kingdom and make lots of dry magazines to talk about it as they think it is. It just seems to me, that something to that effect would be the smart thing to do...if nothing else, just for the sake of politics...I just don't see what the whole big fight is about. If it's obvious it's wrong, just change it. People are pretty reasonable, I think most of us could understand an honest mistake. But to be a blowhard and hold on to this false premise for this long...I just don't get it. What could possibly motivate someone to be that STUPID!??! It just doesn't make sense to me....
I dunno...I know this is just one of many issues, but this is just one that is standing out in my mind at the moment...
i have been lurking here for a few weeks and just registered.
i was briefly a jw - df'd 6 years ago.
my story is posted under personal experiences.
Welcome Chris...what part of Canada? I am in Victoria on Vancouver Island...Are we neighbors?
the first survey i asked how you were brought into the non-truth.
my next survey is along the same line, however what i would like to find out is on the average how many hours you spent in the field service and were you ever able to bring anyone into the non-truth via field service or via incidental witnessing.. and how long you were associated with the borg?.
thank you in advance for your input.
From the time I was about 10 until the time I moved out at 18, I was obligated by my family to go out every Saturday and would put in about 10 hours a month. But once I moved out unitil I was DF'd at 26, I think I went out in service mabe thirty times total. I HATED going door to door, bothing people at their private homes. I couldn't stand the thought of being a source of nuisance to people when most just don't want anything to do with us. But I wanted to maintain a good "image" (isn't that how you can tell a "spiritual person" in the WTS, by looking at their documented records and their appearance?) So I always just lied and said about 20 hrs/month. Too bad I was df'd I almost made it to MS...bummer...what a disappointment...NOT!!! Certainly never brought anyone into the WTS.
need a break from the project (and just plain missing you all!).
so who's up for a little light relief in the form of a good old game of 'word association'?.
i'll kick us off with a word and you simply post your reply highlighting the first word you thought of - and so on and so on and so on ........ nic'.
AH CRIPES....Always the social dunce in the group I am...I was supposed to do it off of the last person posting not the first...
If so....then off waiting I would say....energy...