Well, I don't think YHVH is as A-sexual as He's depicted, frankly.
And I think what God wants for us to do is to DEVELOP LAW so it makes COMMUNITY and CIVIL sense, in terms of its outcomes.
Outcomes of Holy Law ought to be good, doncha think?
if the gb are so obsessed with personal and interpersonal behavior, why aren't they looking to holy law, to set their priorities?.
the torah?
Well, I don't think YHVH is as A-sexual as He's depicted, frankly.
And I think what God wants for us to do is to DEVELOP LAW so it makes COMMUNITY and CIVIL sense, in terms of its outcomes.
Outcomes of Holy Law ought to be good, doncha think?
if the gb are so obsessed with personal and interpersonal behavior, why aren't they looking to holy law, to set their priorities?.
the torah?
Nope, not at all.
Moses was simply willing to listen to Commonsense Laws against Harm and undue Costs.
Jesus stood up for Commonsense Laws against Harm and undue Costs; but He also included the MATTER OF INTENTION.
The WTBTS has no such inspiration. They want to CONTROL YOU AND ME in our very thoughts. And it's not going to happen.
Exodus 19:8: The people CONSENTED to Moses; the people CONSENTED to Jesus directing BEHAVIOR IN RELATIONSHIPS.
You and I do NOT CONSENT to the WTBTS telling us WHAT TO THINK. We never even GET to behavior.
They want to control us IN OUR MINDS, as if they had Dominion over our minds.
This is contrary to Free Will.
this was some of the most blatant , aggressive , controlling information i've seen in awhile in the " witness only " version of the wt.
of course, it's always blatant, but the manner that was used in this article was so authoritative and demanding - it's apparent the wt society is losing members and they are amping up the control tactics to keep members trapped.
the article in discussion is on pg.
I am beginning to feel comfortable here; and the Body here seems to be tolerating my strangeness.
This is a good sign.
Thank you. :)
if god is almighty, would he not have preserve the true church that jesus and the apostles build today?
instead of letting satan and apostates infiltrated the true church,so that its true teaching and the true church perished or was rejected by both jehovah and christ because of apostacy!if the true church survived and is with us today, where do the jehovah s witness organisation stand?.
Based on my experience in a multitude of churches, I think there are true AND false "Christians" in every Church,
and I think the doctrines and dogma of each Church has absolutely nothing to do with how they are to be judged (by God and His Angels),
because we are judged "by our fruit," not by "what we are thinking about fruit."
and may you all have peace!
this is another general question for the board and i ask your indulgence because i am trying to understand how others think.
if there truly is no god/god... what is wrong with the existence of religion?
We all die anyway, right?
Nobody gets out of this meat-suit intact, IN ANY CASE.
Alright, I accept that.
and may you all have peace!
this is another general question for the board and i ask your indulgence because i am trying to understand how others think.
if there truly is no god/god... what is wrong with the existence of religion?
I don't know about "if there is no God."
I know God personally; He has always responded to me, like a Father.
So, you do what is comfortable for you; and I'll do what is comfortable for me.
this was some of the most blatant , aggressive , controlling information i've seen in awhile in the " witness only " version of the wt.
of course, it's always blatant, but the manner that was used in this article was so authoritative and demanding - it's apparent the wt society is losing members and they are amping up the control tactics to keep members trapped.
the article in discussion is on pg.
Well, what shall we do about that?
I want to find somewhere with other people who can "groove" with me.
Is that okay with everybody here?
i thought the topic of religion would be a great one for facebook.. wow, was i wrong about that.. http://www.facebook.com/pages/god-is-not-divided/112694992130588.
the only people are show any interest at all are catholics.. witnesses seem to avoid every venue where somebody else might show up.. zionists do likewise; but they have a different reason.. but, god yhvh is god of the whole earth, is my point.. anybody got any idea what i can do to stimulate godly conversation on my page?.
i'm tryin' to minister to the merely-confused as witnesses do out in service.. .
Who is?
I have no agenda. What is yours?
if the gb are so obsessed with personal and interpersonal behavior, why aren't they looking to holy law, to set their priorities?.
the torah?
Oh, my birth mother, whom I met when I was 28, was a Stuart-clan psychic-shaman personality who was deep into Astrology. Yikes.
I spent some years with the Episcopaleans, but they took off on gender issues about 20 years ago and never could "graduate" from that topic.
I spent three years in the Quaker Meeting (Unitarian Universalist), some time with the Sikhs, a little with the Jewish (Orthodox, Conservative, Reformed & Reconstructionist) when I was in Florida.
I visited with the communities TwelveTribes and Padanaram, on the East Coast. They were into thought-controls totally.
I attended with the Mennonites and spent a vacation with the Old Order Mennonites in Harrisonburg, VA. Nice people; but very inclusive & exclusive.
Along the way I've gone to retreats with Trappist monks and Quaker Unitarians, and I spent three years in a Catholic parish in West Virginia because there was no other place to go.
So, I've been around. That experience and $1.50 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
Nobody does the Assemblies like the Witnesses; nobody talks to everybody and anybody as they do. But nobody is as morabund into dogma, either.
So, setting up my own "reflection group" seems to be my only option at this point.
and may you all have peace!
this is another general question for the board and i ask your indulgence because i am trying to understand how others think.
if there truly is no god/god... what is wrong with the existence of religion?
Let's remember, it's ALL JUST EXPERIENCE.
All the deceit and all the controls, the manipulations, the fables & myths ... it's a play of interweaving GAME-theories.
Our job is to find a straight path through it all--so that we are wise, so that we understand Causes-and-Effects-in-Time.
We are here to learn how to NOT BE DECEIVED, especially by our own egos.
In that light, all the Games and Players can become rather silly, who buy into it, doncha think?