I agree with Es, this is sickening. I literally felt nauseated reading this kind of attitude. And what was the offending relative's big offense? No, she wasn't an axe murderer. No, she wasn't a pedophile, rapist, or thief. She (gasp!) smoked! The horrors! This poor person was groveling, crawling back to the same people who had and continue to emotionally abuse her and they continue to kick her while she's down.
C'mon, she's alledgedly a beloved relative who probably has no intention of lighting up at the KH or the reception. Once again the crowd over there is all for putting an organization before family. Is it any wonder that the word cult is used in reference to the WTS?
Here's hoping she or the studying husband wises up fast and steers clear of such an abusive organization.
Edited by - myMichelle on 22 March 2001 15:57:8