I seriously doubt it. Dude would have to be a serious robot to read through everything that's posted on here, and not recognize TTATT. I don't see them risking that just to see what ex-JW's are saying about them.
JoinedPosts by wearewatchingyouman
Do the WTBTS monitor this site?
by quellycatface inbeen reading some back posts.
just wondered if the borg monitor this or any other sites.wouldn't that make them apostate as well?
?typical double standard through and through.the scumbags.hope you all have a crap week.
So I get a knock on the door...
by wearewatchingyouman ina few minutes ago.
it's a buddy of mine from my old hall.
i occassionally study with him when i can tell he's feeling guilty about hanging out with me, but it's been months since i've seen him.
a few minutes ago. It's a buddy of mine from my old hall. I occassionally study with him when I can tell he's feeling guilty about hanging out with me, but it's been months since I've seen him. He just stopped by to see if I wanted to go to the meeting with him. I told him I was headed out to play golf, and in fact we needed a fourth. I told him it was a miracle he showed up on my door step. He came in laughing and said he had to go to meeting, but maybe next time. Then I stuck the bloody mary(made with the recipe I got from here yesterday) in his hand, and said, "C'mon man! I'll even let you brainwash me in the car on the way there. Jehovah will be very pleased, and besides didn't Jesus say something about 'where two are gathered in my name'"
I'm now in my bedroom getting him a golf shirt while he sorts through my extra clubs to make himself a set. I love being such a 'good influence' on Jehovah's people
I'm off to play 18 now. Happy Sunday!
Worst Ever Field Service Experiences
by dozy ingenerally i found most people were pretty apathetic and often surprisingly tolerant , but we've all had some bad ones.
looking back , here were my worst couple of experiences - there probably were others but i've probably long forgotten them or blanked them off.. i was a kid of maybe 13 & it was bitterly cold & pouring with rain.
i was working alone in a middle class street near my school where i knew a lot of my school teachers lived & was scared stiff at every door half the time pretending to press bells , doing the fake knock etc.
I was 17. I walked up the door of a doublewide trailer in the middle of bum fuck nowhere with a Hitler quote on a plaque above the doorbell that read something to the effect of, "It's fortunate for governments that their people don't think." I thought, "Well this should be interesting.", and reached foor the door to knock. The dude proceeded to throw the door open before I could make the first knock. His head was bald, unless you count the tattoos that went from the tip of his head to his sandal covered feet. Apparently he was upset because I had visited his black neighbors before him.
He proceeded to back me off his front porch while calling me every profanity he could conjur up two inches from my nose. His favorite being nigger lover. I just smiled and nodded, which I think just pissed him off even more. I calmly opened my car door, got in, closed it and rolled down the window to ask, "So I guess you don't want this then." He looked down at my hand, and then yanked the Watchtower from my fingers. He then muttered, "Fuck off."
I threw it into reverse, and sprayed gravel all the way down the driveway while waiting for bullets to come through the windshield. Needless to say, I didn't mark it down for a return visit. I sure as shit placed that Watchtower though. Good times.
Duck Watchtowercy
by Defianttruth inwith phil robertson getting the boot within a day of his comments by a&e, what would happen if the lbg community started calling all of the venue managers of their convention arenas and exposing them for the hate group they are today?
just a thought.
You don't think this has been done before? you guys didn't ever experience those scary "apostates"with signs standing outside every DC? It seems to me they were a mainstay at every DC I ever attended. My parents used to maker us close our eyes everytime we drove past them headed out the gate.
Thoughts on going back, am I the only one that feels this way?
by excaliber inhello everyone, i know you have heard this topic before and your probably thinking.
...not again lol.. but i was wondering if anyone has thought of going back for the same reasons as myself, i don't think its the truth but i searched and my conclusion is that other religions don't have the truth, they are all wrong in my opinion.
if there is no other religion to go too, why leave were i was born and raised.
I've often thought about going back. It's a different situation for me though. I was born and raised in, but never got baptised as one of JW's. I'd never vow myself to a man made organization. I'm fairly straight forward about that, and I don't keep it a secret to my friends and family who are JW's. I just frame it as a matter of concience and say that i don't find it biblical. Surprisingly most people accept this very well. Of course i'd never be given priveledges or any of that BS, which I wouldn't want anyway, but I do miss giving talks and some of the folks. I don't think I could in good concience go out in service these days, as it seems service has become a tract placement race rather than teachinmg people about the good news that the bible holds.(still not even sure if that "good news" is a bunch of BS too)
however, if I was able to go back on my own terms, without being treated like a leper, I'd entertain it.
Duck Watchtowercy
by Defianttruth inwith phil robertson getting the boot within a day of his comments by a&e, what would happen if the lbg community started calling all of the venue managers of their convention arenas and exposing them for the hate group they are today?
just a thought.
Maybe you're not understanding that the robertson's don't need A&E. Their duck call business raked in over 44 million dollars last year. That's just the duck commander calls. Not the millions they make in merchandising or the few million the "buck commander" side makes. Sure, they each make about a million bucks a piece per year for being on the show, but that's chump change. Somebody else will surely pick them up if A&E royaly screws up and pisses them off. These guys had built a multi, multi million dollar empire long before A&E came along and offered them a reality series. Don't get it twisted, A&E aren't their bosses. They gave A&E a cash cow, the highest rated sho on TV, that they'll happily take somewhere else I'm sure. I'm of the opinion that this whole thing is just a publicity stunt anyway.
Duck Watchtowercy
by Defianttruth inwith phil robertson getting the boot within a day of his comments by a&e, what would happen if the lbg community started calling all of the venue managers of their convention arenas and exposing them for the hate group they are today?
just a thought.
That "dumbass" is a college educated multi million dollar businessman with multiple degrees. I'm not really a christian, but I'm not really lovin' this new trend where anyone who holds religious convictions is just doing it 'cause they're dumb.
What are you doing on Christmas day?
by Jen1 inany one out there doing field service?
i have not gone out on that day in years.
and have no intention of ever doing that again.
Drinking moonshine, smoking Xmas trees, eating copious amounts of food and laughing at the kids opening their giant piles of presents under the two trees we have because one is not enough room for all the presents. Yep, in my house Xmas is everything the Witnesses warned you about. And that's the way I like it. Afterall, it's a "family tradition" ;)
Do You Give A Sh*t About "Duck Dynasty"?
by minimus inwhen i see them on chia pets, i'm thinking--- has the world gone mad?.
So Duck Dynasty is a show about a bible thumpin' preacher(phil Robertson) who invented a duck call and made millions for himself and his family. I repeat A SOUTHERN BIBLE THUMPING FIRE AND BRIMSTONE PREACHER! And A&E is somehow surpised at these remarks in the GQ piece? He's been saying these things from the pulpit for years. I don't buy it. This is a publicity stunt. Nothing more, nothing less. The new season starts in a couple weeks. It's brilliant really. I mean we're talking about DD on JW.net for Christ's sake.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDHr8GR-e-4
How to get through an Assembly?
by kaxozula inme just learning the truth about the truth has just made it hard to even get through a two hour meeting at the the kingdom hall.
i get so sleepy during them and i almost cannot contain it!
the last time i went to a convention, i was still an avid believer but as you can see, that has changed.
I've always wanted to recreate Fear and Loathing at a convention -
“We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls....Not that we needed all that for the trip(convention)...No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket(get the badge), take the ride...and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well...maybe chalk it off to forced conscious expansion: Tune in, freak out, get beaten.”