JoinedPosts by wearewatchingyouman
Morris Homosexual Talk
by lambsbottom injust watch morris' tight pants rant.
i truly pity that man!
Why Is Alcoholism Deeply Embeded In JW Culture?
by RottenRiley inwe get plenty of company men passing through our circuit, often filled with misinformation and lugging around a suitcase of guilt, they bring more guilt to the weak while praising the braggart pioneers and slapping the "righteous over much" elders.
why are the wrong people getting praise in this distorted community?
i know for a fact many of the elders i served with have issues with alcoholism, when "brother guilt" brought his emotional hurricane through our circuit, i had the chance to eat and help pay for his "seven shots of tequila", both him and his wife were not immune to over-indulgences.
If marijuana was discovered and used in biblical before wine, Jesus would have turned olive trees into
marijuana for the people to enjoy. ..... just a thought
There's actually an alternative theory that the ingredient "kaneh bosm" in the Holy Oil was cannabis. Jesus used the holy oil for healing. A practice that was forbidden by the Temple as only priests were allowed to administer the holy oil. There are also some ancient scrolls which some interpret to show Jesus puffing on a pipe. So you could say one of the reasons Jesus was given so much hell was he was a drug dealer. lol
What other religious groups are ...
by EdenOne inb) teach conditional salvation based primarily on faith in christ?.
c) refuse eternal torment in a literal fiery hell?.
d) refuse the immortality of the soul?.
Eden One - Notice right above the quote you quoted on the wiki:
"Unitarian Christology can be divided according to whether Jesus is believed to have had a pre-human existence. Both forms maintain that God is one being and one "person"and that Jesus is the (or a) Son of God, but generally not God himself. [ 24 ]"
There is a split between Socinian and Arian Christology within the Church. The pastor at the one here in town teaches that Jesus existed before his birth(Arian). Some of the members hold the belief that he didn't. Both viewpoints are accepted within the church. It just depends on the pastor as to what's preached from the pulpit.
JW university?
by wearewatchingyouman inwhy don't the witnesses have an accredited university?
almost all other xtian denominations do.
why not dubs?
I wonder if you get elective college credits for Gilead???
by ldrnomo ini have to go with seattle..
I'm rooting for Denver. Only because I hope Manning wins and retires on top. That way he'll be the hell out of the AFC west... lol
JW university?
by wearewatchingyouman inwhy don't the witnesses have an accredited university?
almost all other xtian denominations do.
why not dubs?
Snare & Racket - there are conservative Xtian denominations who pull it off. I don't think their beliefs and JW beliefs vary in those subjects all that much.
JW university?
by wearewatchingyouman inwhy don't the witnesses have an accredited university?
almost all other xtian denominations do.
why not dubs?
DOC - That very well could be. It all comes down to money for them afterall. I think in the long run it would be a net positive though as graduates could afford to donate more.
SkinnedSheep - I know that's not the case. There are man highly educated Witnesses. I personally know two College professors who are Witnesses.
JW university?
by wearewatchingyouman inwhy don't the witnesses have an accredited university?
almost all other xtian denominations do.
why not dubs?
whathappened- I know. I'm trying to apply logic to something that just isn't logical. I just would like to think somebody up there would have the smarts to realize that something needs to happen to sustain the little ride they're on. Having uneducated drones might work for them in the short term. In the long term it's no bueno.
JW university?
by wearewatchingyouman inwhy don't the witnesses have an accredited university?
almost all other xtian denominations do.
why not dubs?
They don't like young people not being closely monitored by the older people. If you put a bunch of young JWs all in the same local without extremely close supervision they will all start know that!
They seem to work with it at Bethel. What's the difference? You'd obviously have seperate dorms. Everyone would live on campus. I don't think monitoring would be a problem.
JW university?
by wearewatchingyouman inwhy don't the witnesses have an accredited university?
almost all other xtian denominations do.
why not dubs?
Why don't the Witnesses have an accredited University? Almost all other Xtian denominations do. Why not Dubs? It would solve their problem of the worldly dangers of higher education. They would have well educated believers. They'd get more money from donations, cause witnesses could find good jobs. I don't know, just something that popped into my mind while watching one of Cedars YT videos. Why do you guys think there is no JW university?