I never posted at H20 logical. Sorry to disappoint your prejedice. If I post in a slightly askew manner why does that offend you? You know...there is surgery now that can fix being born without a sense of humour. You might want to look into it. Very affordable.
JoinedPosts by Naeblis
Falling asleep at meetings
by Naeblis inonce i fell asleep at the meeting.
the melodic drone of the worker bee on the platform filled my head with z's.
i fought it's clever machinations, with figurative tooth and nail i clawed at it's relentless apathy.
Re: Is Good Association To Be Found Here, Broth...
by ChuckD independs on what you mean by "good"?.
what you are likely to find is a wide spectrum of different personalities, with the common thread of having some interest in the wbts.
what you will not find is the kind of structured, controlled environment of the kingdom hall, where many of the subjects that could be discussed here would never be raised.
Hemming and hawing when someone expresses interest IS leading them on...hey...it's the way the male mind workds. Be firm. Be direct. And if that fails...a swift kick to the nether regions usually works wonders. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do what you need to do.
Falling asleep at meetings
by Naeblis inonce i fell asleep at the meeting.
the melodic drone of the worker bee on the platform filled my head with z's.
i fought it's clever machinations, with figurative tooth and nail i clawed at it's relentless apathy.
Once I fell asleep at the meeting. The melodic drone of the worker bee on the platform filled my head with z's. I fought it's clever machinations, with figurative tooth and nail I clawed at it's relentless apathy. I succumbed. The flesh....is weak. I do not know to this day what cause me to emerge from my tranquil sin, but it was loud...and startling. I heaved myself off the seat to crash into the person directly in front of me. "Jesus creeping god," yelled a voice that sounded like mine and I fell backwards with a heavy thump. The necks turned and the heads followed, and I withered in their angry gaze. My sin was their sin...who among them could throw the first stone??? I have seen the bobbing heads...the drooping eyes...but in my sin theirs was redeemed..for I, unlike them, had been caught. I picked myself up proudly and sat in my seat with no regrets. I had fallen asleep. And god damn it...I would fall asleep again. It is a sad story of anguish and regret. BUt it is mine.
Re: Is Good Association To Be Found Here, Broth...
by ChuckD independs on what you mean by "good"?.
what you are likely to find is a wide spectrum of different personalities, with the common thread of having some interest in the wbts.
what you will not find is the kind of structured, controlled environment of the kingdom hall, where many of the subjects that could be discussed here would never be raised.
Jesus said, anywhere where one or two Naeblis's can be found amongst you....I am there... here I am.
there, their and they're
by LDH inok, quick posting tips.... there= a location.
"the contribution box is over there.
a quantity.
I thank you for you're post. It shows a humble spirit and I am touched at youre wanting to help. They're will be those who may not appreciate what your doing. You know what I say? A pox on them and they're household. You will always have a special place in my heart.
silentlambs among us
by silentlambs ini am silentlambs the elder who resigned in ky to protest wt policy with regard to child molestation.
i wish to request assistance in finding victims who would be willing to come forward and tell their experience with wt justice.
is every case handled wrong?
I salute you my friend. A big sloppy kiss for your troubles. I salute your bravery, your moxy and your stylish wardrobe. I am in love with what you represent. I am also in love with Angelina Jolie. that is all.
ChuckD...welcome. There are many of us "Newbies" here. It is good to see fresh faces. But riddle me this. Are you running mixes? Are you?
Greetings Buffy Fox! I see you are new here as I am. I look forward to posting with you in the future. Remember, it's not what goes into a man that makes him unclean, but the puke you throw up when you find out you shouldn't have eaten it in the first place. CHeers!
Is Napster Home For Demons?
by Englishman ini remember that in my days as a jw, re-recording a cassette or record was regarded as fraudulent conduct.
the idea was that the original artist was being deprived of royalties, so the practise was verboten.. if you were going to make recordings, then record talks at assemblies!.
it seems that the downloading of napster has re-awakened many jw consciences, not only because of its stated purpose of sharing music files, but because of napsters logo.. so what exactly is that little white face?
Funny that you should bring up this topic. Just the other day, as I was gleefully downloading a song by the local band Who ate my Fish, something happened that will change my life forever. I was reading the bible as I commonly do when I am need of a good chuckle, when it accidentally slipped from my claw like fingers and fell on top of my computer. Napster.....IMMEDIATELY crashed. I think the answer is clear my friends......
Wasted away !!
by GeneBean inwhy do people waste there time on this web site,jehovahs witness,discussion, if they cant stand jws, anymore ??
maybe just to bring the strong down to there level.
I don't think that spelling or grammar is an accurate prerequisite for intelligence. I know many geniuses who will routinely incorrectly spell even the most mundane of words. However it is his actual message in this case that is of concern. For it shows a lack of thought, imagination and any semblance of rational thought. I salute him however for his clever handle. Genebean rhymes. It is stunning. I wet myself with my joy and amusement.