JoinedTopics Started by Naeblis
Found this in an old folder. :)
by Naeblis ingave me a chuckle.
asbestos eradicated from town: fires up 632 million %.
Nation panics as Alzheimers ravages Dear Abby
by Naeblis inchaos spread across much of north america last week at news that pauline phillips, author of the dear abby advice column was suffering from alzheimers disease.
pauline phillips began writing the column in 1955, after her sister who wrote as ann landers began writing for the chicago sun.
while spokesmen for the aging advice columnist insisted that mrs phillips was in fine physical condition and in good spirits, the growing buzz in newspaper circles is that all is not well in the advice empire.
Mere Christianity
by Naeblis ini'm reading this book right now just out of interest.
does anyone know of any counter argumetns eitehr as books or in essay format?
i think lewis is fairly reasonable on most points.
Increased use of acronyms worries online boyfriend
by Naeblis inincreased use of acronyms worries online boyfriend.
"we used to have great conversations," phillip mudley reflects, " we'd talk about .
deathkilla: what's up??.
Tragically Hip concert on radio
by Naeblis inif anyone wants to hear a live tragically hip concert (ok it was taped last night) tune in to 103.3 the edge tonight.
it's a buffalo station.
you can hear it online here..
Toronto People (and whoever else)
by Naeblis inwhat do you guys think of a wonderland trip this year??
could be fun.
Song for Witnesses
by Naeblis innin - no you don't.
smiling in their faces.
while filling up the hole.
What's the one thing you miss about the WTS?
by Naeblis inthere are times when ilook back fondly on my days in the witnesses, especially when i think on the congregation get togethers we would have every once in awhile (not too often) people from our hall and sometimes others would show up (not too many) and good times were had by all.
this is how the schedule usually went.. 8pm: arrive at the community centre.
8:05pm: scope the room.
Comparison Witnesses/Catholics in literature
by Naeblis inin betwen my infantile bickering with farkel, and my crude shameless attempts to deshirt the lovely ladies of this board, a thought crossed my mind.
we all know that the wts loves to attack the catholics.
is it the pope's little hat that infuriates them so?