We need a petition them, asking them to reconsider their status as a charity
We tried that last year but couldn't get enough signatures.
That said, anyone would be welcome to try again!
i stumbled upon this on a hungarian ex-jw blog.
does anyone in the uk know anything about this?
of course jws will just see this at "proof" that "the is near!
We need a petition them, asking them to reconsider their status as a charity
We tried that last year but couldn't get enough signatures.
That said, anyone would be welcome to try again!
i stumbled upon this on a hungarian ex-jw blog.
does anyone in the uk know anything about this?
of course jws will just see this at "proof" that "the is near!
100,000 signatures is a hard enough goal to hit without using words like "ban," "cult" and "brainwashing."
It's a shame a bit more thought couldn't have gone into the wording.
whatever your thoughts on the shouting, displaying a simple web address is an extremely effective and non-confrontational way of getting the message across - and in this case it looks like hundreds if not thousands of witnesses saw it.. .
I just received this information from the guy who uploaded the video and arranged the protest.
In particular, I asked him whether he experienced any increase in visits to his website. This was his response...
We got 250-300 new visitors in the next few days from the 8,500 who attended the convention. As you can see, more than half of those who passed us didn't appear to represent the demographic that would use the internet. So approximately 5% of our main target group visited our website. We awaited them with a special blog post, a collection of our best articles:
Reactions: Some were friendly, some confrontational. Some approached us, mainly interested ones, some said they are reading our website. One brother (we think an organizer) tried to damage the posters, but we stopped him.
Here is what I shouted at them:
'Don't listen to the false prophets, they're changing their doctrines all the time, they just need you money!'
'What was true yesterday will be false tomorrow! Read the Biblie only, it doesn't change!'
'My parents were JWs, I was raised as a JW for 17 years, but they have escaped after 22 years!'
'They exploit you. They only want your free labor and money!'
Some responded: "You can be proud of yourself!" "Nooo, noo, noo liars!" "Thank you for your service!" "Oh gooood! What is your truth?" "Your beard?" (to which I answered: "Russell and Jesus also had beards!"]
He is also offering to add English subtitles to the video if there is sufficient interest.
i found this letter on dave reekie's blog and asked him if i could write a piece about it.
i am glad that he accepted.. it's so rare to find a real, authentic handwritten letter from a jehovah's witness parent to their disfellowshipped child, so we hope you can read it and show it to any apologists that claim the watchtower society doesn't condone shunning.. you can read the article here.. .
warm regards,.
This letter is now the subject of a YouTube video by a non-Witness.
Beware, there is some strong language.
whatever your thoughts on the shouting, displaying a simple web address is an extremely effective and non-confrontational way of getting the message across - and in this case it looks like hundreds if not thousands of witnesses saw it.. .
Yes, I agree that it's a shame we can't know what was said, and what the response was.
If I were doing that sort of thing, I would have stayed silent. Just showing the web address so prominently is effective enough in my opinion. Adding any kind of vocal backdrop merely adds further antagonism to an already tense stand-off, but I can understand those who see things differently and want to respectfully voice their feelings.
whatever your thoughts on the shouting, displaying a simple web address is an extremely effective and non-confrontational way of getting the message across - and in this case it looks like hundreds if not thousands of witnesses saw it.. .
Whatever your thoughts on the shouting, displaying a simple web address is an extremely effective and non-confrontational way of getting the message across - and in this case it looks like hundreds if not thousands of Witnesses saw it.
so you found out it is all bs but due to family and friends you don't want to be disfellowshipped and shunned.
you have to go to these rediculous meetings maybe even engage in corporation sponsored magazine drives to get the propaganda into the homes of your neighbor in hopes of making another corporation zombie mystified by childish magical thinking, of a jealous deity that wants you to work for the corporation finacial interest or else die for your lack of corporation loyalty.. it is a stressful sitiuation with all kinds of trip wires one has to beware of in order not to be heading into some back room kangaroo court where obediance to the almighty corporation is the bottom line, and a fair hearing of the facts is last on the list of importance.. one consolation is that one may eventually get friends and family out of this demanding and destructive cult with patients and passage of time.. so what ideas would you like to pass on to readers?
what are some of subversive activities one can engage in while stuck in this nasty bit of mandatory corporation exercises of preaching, selling, and building?.
Garner as much trust as you can from those higher up in the organization, thus increasing the likelihood that they will confide in you if there are any changes or, better still, show you documents that can subsequently be leaked (such as the "new light" Watchtower article).
For those trapped inside, that's the most productive strategy I can think of.
hi folks.
i'm aware that there is already a thread on the newly-announced elizabeth mcfarland lawsuit, but i thought i would start a new thread for the benefit of lurkers showing the newly released news videos more prominently.. here they are....
Cedars, are you in a position to contact the legal team for Elizibeth McFarland? They need the Bethel procedural manual. Why? Because it proves that all JW's are considered "ordained ministers."
I wouldn't worry. Irwin Zalkin is EXTREMELY experienced in going toe to toe with Watchtower in court. I have a feeling the "ordained ministers" argument has been raised in other lawsuits that he was involved in. I'm sure he knows what he's doing. Thanks, though!
and two weeks ago i highlighted another video where sparlock helped an ex-mormon..
though it still depresses me to think of all the young ones (including my own relatives) falling under the influence of this dangerous piece of propaganda, it's at least some small comfort that the sparlock video is backfiring so dramatically among thinking non-jws.. .
wannaexit - try this link...
posted: 12:11 am, july 31, 2013. exclusive.
billionaire investor wilbur ross is raising $75 million for invesco advisers' deal to buy the brooklyn headquarters of jehovah's witnesses, the post has learned.. invesco has emerged as the third - and dominant - investor in the $240 million real-estate transaction, which has been heralded as the borough's largest real-estate deal this year.. invesco has teamed with jared kushner's kushner cos. and aby rosen's rfr holdings.
If this deal is done then it means Watchtower has sailed comfortably past the 1 billion mark for its Brooklyn properties.